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Core Daily discussion - clans, pvp and stuff

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Gilby, Apr 1, 2012.

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  1. KSERW

    KSERW User

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    man relax. you losing years of your life like this! we never said we are pro and we are the best. its not nice for a moderator to lieing and spreading rumors and that why i w8 for a sorry about this. we said that a big % of this server dont know to play pvp. its the truth and you know it also. we know our place. we never said that we are the number1 cp so what you say it came our of your mind. the fact is we try. and we will keep trying to have fun.

    before you enter bs you were in s3 and bsoeing 100 times per week. so your were not strong. you had good equips but you were missing pvp experience ( maybe the fact that you were in pve clan). now maybe you are better. i dont care.

    we are here vs almost all server. we kill and we die. easy. we know that and we accept that. and yes we are skilled ppl.

    with regards ^^
  2. AwakenedArrow

    AwakenedArrow User

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    so parnassus that we were always going is 95- area right? soh that we pvp lately most than before is 95 area and not 97+, gf is 95- area and go on... ok i see your points, but who the hell i am to argue with a moderator, i am just a simple botter from naia, a trash and i dont deserve to play l2...
    i will start being melodramatic like you
  3. Tell me how do you feel

    Tell me how do you feel User

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    arcadya please stop talking about pvp or mocking other people who actually are capable of doing it. you as a player never were a 'pvp' player , you never was anything in this server from the beggining as long as i recon you only appeared suddently now after joining some cp , before that noone ever heard of you noone had ever seen you and noone ever known who are you. could you please stop this circus where your the main clown acting ? priceless...
  4. Arcadya

    Arcadya User

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    and, sorry, who said that they are capable? you? them? their "vids"? lol
    you really believe what u write? i've never been anything on this server and i will not be, i neither want to change it, but someone is acting like demigods here and are nothing such as me, and this will not change, even if they try... before all they should stop barkling and acting in forum and play.
    dude, beside this, u know that making multiple accounts to avoid previous suspensions is not allowed?
  5. Arcadya

    Arcadya User

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    now u are the one who is lieing and arguing bcs my ex clan was no pve, we were few, but never retreated from pvp... i've never seen that much bsoes since i begun to play l2 about 9 yrs ago and... i've always made pvp, even alone and even if i knew i would certain lose... but u have to judge everyone from ur stage and that's bad.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2014
  6. Tell me how do you feel

    Tell me how do you feel User

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    we know that , we know that you will never change it was proven. but you know one thing - if you want to improve you have to try but if we use your logic people would remain so handless like yourself so stop embarrasing yourself and speak about someone 'pvp' or their vids your just a slowpoke archer without any future no point to argue more with delusional people you should've remain hiding under your rock...
  7. Neural

    Neural User

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    if u dont want 7 vs 7 with our party take second 7 vs 14 :)
    PuppyRaWr likes this.
  8. Arcadya

    Arcadya User

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    this can be ur opinion, so just improve and make 7 vs 7 vs us... or as neural suggested... 7 vs 14, you have to improve and u want to improve, so... improve! xd

    you told it, i'm such low, so why to be afraid of a party with me in? it would be at least a 6 vs 7: more cpr for u! ^^
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2013
  9. NemesysX

    NemesysX User

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    hax get in game i need healer naou!

    and the only cooment i can make for the last 10 pages + is :
    mine is bigger foh shur and i do it better, plus! , you could be less boring if you d be dead foh realz!

    p.s i play too much with nyweris i need to stay away from his engrish :/
    Robby likes this.
  10. tikoo

    tikoo User

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    where were you before bs? just curious cause i have no idea.
  11. KSERW

    KSERW User

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    leader of wolfpack. pve clan. in our between war he closed it after 2-3 days. so he can pve moar.
  12. AwakenedArrow

    AwakenedArrow User

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    lol how come and you think we afraid you so much that we need 14 of us to attack 7 on you??
    with that thinking we should close war cause no point to have war against your godlike clan... i might go close it now, wait, i am in hurry to close it...
    and who said we dont 7vs7 with you?
    the point is you feel buthharted about what happened yesterday between my pt and defro's pt and you want to justify your superiority, dont have complexes plz, as we stated before we are not claimimg to be the top pvp pt, we never did, the thing is you try to make us look like some randoms nobodys, when we are a clan a small clan compare to you that we have a stand on server and we have wars almost from the very beggining with the tops, and i meant he top clans.
    we fight every day we win we lose thast l2, cause according to you we are a nothing, a fly, at least we are a fly that bites (not very succesfull similarity :) ) and we dont change clan every week like many i saw from the start of server, we want to be something different than what masses do, its that bad?
  13. Arcadya

    Arcadya User

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    i had a clan called wolfpack, random clan as many, but always making pvp... for a while we also had war with ooc (i think u were cl there in that period), enclave, etc...

    wrong: i closed war with u right after u made it start with a spy... we knew our numbers and we were choosing wars to have... since also enclaves were used to open it with spy more times we kept that and closed your... we already had too many... you can ask my ex clanmates that now are in clan with u ^^
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2013
  14. AwakenedArrow

    AwakenedArrow User

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    when whatever clan no matter its power, (except at some strange situations as for example same ally) if its small or big, kills my clan members i will make them war and if they dont accept it cause of whatever reason i will try open it with every way i can. all the clans we war them, all of them 100%, made something bad to my clan and my clan members, my family ingame and i must do everything i can to protect them
  15. Arcadya

    Arcadya User

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    even if we didn't anything against u for sure... i remember something like you wanted some fortress we held with box clan... i'm not telling u anything about war sending or the way u started it... never qqed about that, ooc did the same 2 times, enclave 3-4, so that was not a problem... if u are dabih u should remember that i told u that u could just ask...
    but telling that we were a pve clan it's not the truth... we were a smaller clan than u, ok, less ppl, ok, but the mentality we had was same as yours: every war we could afford had to be opened... and even with less ppl, inferior gear and numbers go and fight.
    in fact go and find where i wrote u are a bad clan, u are bad ppl and i hate u or something similar... you'll find nothing bcs that isn't my idea.. when we disbanded clan i told some of my friends to try to come there, someone came, other not, actually u got b1op (but probably he quitted), bic and dunno who else.
    what i don't like is the behaviour that some of u got here in forum, mostly like telling everybody "you are nobody" "you are slowpoke" "we come from ncwest and are pro, you here are all handless players" etc... it's not necessary to tell "i am pro and u are noob" u still can subtend that in other ways.
    atm, what i see, is really more forum fights than pvp fights and believe me, i play l2 since 8 yrs, i always played for pvp and if i came bs it's bcs here i can have it more than everywhere else... but u (your troll friends) always have to generalize and try to insult somebody for something... this way u don't demonstrate anything... u tell others are clowns, don't be sure that's what ppl sees... ppl sees that there is a group of ppl that likes more flaming in forum than fighting in game and they insult everybody tries to tell them something.

    p.s. last video was much better than other 2, ofc in my opinion.
  16. blogiete

    blogiete User

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    omg so str0gn and mighty warrior ))) and what if your clan whiny ******* provoke situation when they was killed? and qq omg he killed me for no reason bla bla bla ))) you also make war no matter what? :) this shows only one thing how stupid you are. yes this game is pvp based. but don't forget there is some peoples who don't like pvp. want pvp? flag and fight. why all clan should be involved into this ****?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2014
  17. KSERW

    KSERW User

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    ppl who dont want pvp can enter pve clan and kill mobs, easy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2014
    Empristis likes this.
  18. AwakenedArrow

    AwakenedArrow User

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    from just 1 phrase you actually lost your argument cause you make it personal, try avoid that, ofc as clan we dont war if some1 by chance hit or kill one of us 1 time more than 1 time seems he had reasons to do it, we always discuss what wars to make and for what reason, you dont know me you havent read my posts till now according from what you say to me, i am 90% objective at my comments... so be informed better next time
    ppl that dont like pvp, have the option to not hit us, i dont think we want to to go burn karma all the time no1 wants that

    p.s.some ppl that might provoke wars without reason are already out of clan so your argument need revising...

    about what you said arcadya before, that attitude that some of clan members seems to have in forum, have you thought that might be cause of many ppl of core??real hostility...
    in the first 2 months we came from nc, countless times ppl here accused us for botting, rmt, and programms like xxxxxxxx, they didnt knew us and just accuse us like that, cause we came from nc, they never thought we came here cause maybe there the situation there is terrible and if you are legit you can possibly fight with the top clans there even their worst pts, so we wanted a good clean server. some of the most ourageous accuses were cause we use warrior quick healing potions in pvp (for god's sake). so in my opinion when ppl accusing you when they not know you and despite the fact you talk to them and try to explain to them they dont understand that simply provokes hostility from us too (at least that is how i see things)

    p.s. btw kserw explained why he in personal is "forum troll" read his interview here https://4gameforum.com/showthread.php?t=14534&p=133453#post133453
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2014
    Empristis likes this.
  19. larry_

    larry_ User

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    our pleasure, was fun as well, gf.
    see you in battlefield.

    pd: our cp looking for last member, must talk spanish, we dont really care about profession, all can fit in. pm fredrik ingame for details.
    Empristis and KSERW like this.
  20. Arcadya

    Arcadya User

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    i know questions... we wrote those today :p

    btw as you hate ppl who is generalizing you should be different from them and not to generalize yourselves... i can understand hostility you received but you shouldn't turn it to ppl that is simply and politely discussing with u, or am i wrong?
    for example all this flame vs me was born where? i just wrote "for 7 vs 7 just pm defro and decide where to meet" it happened apocalypse and u can read back who was insulting... i've never told anything about ur skills, clan, etc, always talked about behaviours... you talked about preemptive hatred about criticism on your vids and achievements, ok, u got preemptive hatred against bs, forum moderators, etc... (for "you" i mean who trolls, not you as single person, as group).
    you should remember who is discussing politely and always did it and make a diversification of reactions (without falling into insults and trashing ppl or you'll go to their level)... you generalize arguing that "all bs are handless ppl that grew up in pve clans, made lvl 99 and then went there to make pvpand feel strong"... ok, in bs such as in all clans of server there can be such similar ppl and nobody is saying that this is a server of pros, there is who plays better and who plays worse, but in my case, for nothing u arrived to take in my ex clan, you defined it "pve" and you put me in trash just bcs i wrote "pm defro to organize..." without knowing that probably i play l2 as longer as you (8-9 years), i've always made pvp, my ex clan wars, statuses, numbers, etc... and this what? bcs some ppl that's not me generalized on your provenience... imho that's exagerate and can't hide behind that finger, then... act as u wish.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2014
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