to aoe ev(solo) properly u must have some mage with u for snare, otherwise even with +- stacked tyr u die there cause mobs lethal/take off brooches/gives poison which eats 5k+ hp every sec..
Watch other tyrs many playrs making train in ev, Try kill first guardian after make train 1.with frenzy second with guts ofc need good euqip...reflex And u can take a duo iss player for frenzy before wizard frenzy after warior some time mass debuff or heal or when u dead he can faster res u Sry for worst english lang
i didnt say i die all the time.. but in 1h xp 1 death for sure 101 pve light set+8 pve pole+7/2hsword+9 pve and as i told sometimes mobs lethal/take off brooches (i dont say guardian which takes 1/4 hp with this nymph fury) or get poison which takes 5k hp/s for 5seconds (and if 2 at same time 99% dead)