How old is this server? 2-3 years old? And opened with the GoD update, the era of instance game play correct? If you take a walk to Aden, you will notice that 80% of players private shops are about L2 store items. If you check AH, you will see that the supply of in-game items is very tight. If you notice the world chat, you will notice that people buy and sell top gear/items worth of billions. My question is from where all these adena come from? L2 store don't sell adena, but items sold for hundred of millions or billions. Instances like Kartia/Spezion/Fortuna/Baylor/Istina/Octavis/Balok/Tauti don't drop adena. Players at the level range 1-85, don't pick the few adena dropped by mobs. Adena drop from mobs has been nerfed. The server don't exist for so long so that the total adena circulating in server to be so vast. So how every day people buy billions from L2 store, items worth of billions, top gear etc? How are all these Tauti rings from tarrot, Tauti weaps, Kelbim weapons are being traded everyday for billions? Someone enlighten me please.
is MAGIC. if u do solo kartia 95, everyday, u get around 100-150 KKs per player on server each week. There is more ways to make adena also, but ye, is more harder than in old times. and in old updates, all this instances were dropping items like candys.
you will get balls from tarot, ive got 1 baium soul ring with 600 tarots used, rest was ****. now adena, pull 1 train on gf, u get 600k adena, you kill it in 20 sec. make 1 kartia 95 solo, u get 30kk daily.
First of all, after u buy some item from players for Adena, adena isnt discarded, just relocated. So every day new bilions appearing at market, just traveling from player to player. And l2store actually flooding market with adenas. If there are no l2store events, lot of people will buy gemstone r from mammon, and than adena is lost. Every pve/pvp weapon should be like -15 billions of Adena. Now cause of l2store, 15bilions is just relocated to another character, and character can buy something etc etc
just 2 changes in l2store and server would be more healthy: items bought in l2store can be used only in your account (you can send them to other chars in your acc via dimensional merchant) no gift function. thats it. here will be few mad fat kids with unlimited titanium visa cards and thats it.
He still didnt took in mind that gear gap will be so ******* big that nobody would like to play at all lmao
The moment L2Store included some "L2Store only" items, your suggestion became bad. Poor brooches, or 300 times more expensive at mammon than they are from other players, no chance to win the tarot lottery, ...). At the moment, the fact you can grind your *** off (make 3 accounts full of 85 chars, you'll need to spend your whole week in zaken/freya, but you'll earn a ton of adenas) to buy items from L2Store is what allows people with time and little to no money to be able to buy the same items. Today, you'll have this... hem... """kind of balance""" (notice the number of " used) : Low play-time & Low money <<<<<<<< High play-time&No-Money // Low play-time&Money <<<<<<<<<<< High play-time & High money. Those are under limitations of course, someone playing 30m a day to put 250€ each day on L2Store will have a better gear than someone h24 in game. But the "balance" between time and money is made by the fact those items are tradeable. More over, a lot of players buy L2Store without liking gamble, so they sell items in market to other players. Remove this option, and they won't buy it anymore, meaning an actual loss of profits for Innova (meaning they'll still go to Bahamas for a whole month, but in 2nd class instead of 1st )
G ok us i notice but adena gap on server is limited lets we sey 100kkk( its just examp) in total this is all adena posable to be get it on all players im not sure in total how moch aden is but im 100% sure its get limit , well its limit incrase day by day for sure . Same like country economy bro . Why is this you will ask to be protected economy from bugs and others stuff its still have some unfixed bugs from C3 since ^^ any way. You brother can have gear but not and adena in quantity here. Castles are one good place where ppl made adena clan leaders use them to buy L2 store stuff for them players or supporting them some how . Clan hall taxes are increased all the time . Here materials recipecs are most sold in grocery there adena come from . PS: this is resono ppl to go to black market and geting crazy in this server bro be care WELCOME TO CORE
" please give rich people a monopoly on unlimited talisman abundance, epics, xp/sp runes, vitality and brooch jewels, don't let them sell to people who don't have real life money to spend." What could go wrong, lol.
I will tell you some ways that i know about how the game creates money, not only from mobs adena drop but for example, -you get drops of low grade ( s-s80 for example) which you sell in grocery, i know someone who is doing 16 zaken everyday possible, if his half toons get a ring and sell it in grocery he gets 8 toon x 3kk = 24kk average in every zaken reset. -you can get mats drops and q rewards and sell them in grocery also... -Also almost 2 years ago we were farming antharas lair with my cp, we had 85 lvl chars and made aoe deep in there, believe me THERE WHERE TONS OF MONEY with this way in the old days . -Back then i knew ppl that made the 7bones q more than 5 or 10 times, imagine to sell the weapon reward in grocery x5 or x10. -GF or Fairy farm was a good way also. -About a year ago, maybe more, in CR merchants were droping 10kk each. And i am sure that there is even now some places that works like this. So players here, even without pa or l2store could make money, ofc in some cases you need party in some others you dont. Finally of course l2store has destroyed the economy rly hard, but thats an innovas decision... in my opinion its a wrong business plan, but they did it anyway so we just accept it or quit P.S My examples is only for ways that game creates money, not how you can become rich
Want to know where all the adena came from? Launch of GoD, MoS is where the adena came from lol. When GoD first came out MoS was dropping like 10-20k adena per mob in MoS and a wynn could 2 hit the mobs, and the spawned really fast. They also dropped armor parts pretty high rate and fragments really high rate so you could just vendor those as well.
i think that most adena comming from illegal option, farming bot 's, devs fight with bot's but forgot about normal player.