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Core Daily discussion - clans, pvp and stuff

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Gilby, Apr 1, 2012.

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  1. khaot

    khaot User

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    o really? so why u hide everytime, or ur clan doesnt exist? oooooooo ... o sorry i forgot u havent number to pvp :). better go find tank somewhere :)
    RedWind likes this.
  2. AwakenedArrow

    AwakenedArrow User

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    dear enemy that i have never seen before,
    1rst i would like to say that you cant see us cause you log only for siege,raids etc and dont deny that, (for example sepsa seen us many times, but you never why???.....), the difference between us is that we dont need t go 99 like you to start pvp with the tops. cause even at 99 pvp ****s if you dont have gear, you cant deny that. ofc we will die against that strong pts that farm since day 1 of server, but we have the balls to stand against the many and not hide under the cloak of top clans to feel strong like most of server. we do it because we like it we are purebreeed pvprs and not occasionaly pvprs, thats our difference.
    2nd you accuse our clan, but why?? we have not numbers to pvp clan vs clan cause we are hardcore and most of ppl are not so they chose easy way like you it seems, but i dont blame them or you. just accept the facts.
    3rd when we hide exactly?

    p.s. alarion call your doggies back plz, cause i can accept critizism from some ppl from bs but from ppl i have never seen i dont... (i assume khaot is in your clan since most on your side tell things like that more often, if he is not i apologize)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2013
    Empristis likes this.
  3. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    i have no idea if he is in clan or not, it is kinda problematic when ppl got different nicknames ig and on forum. i dont control anyone anyway everyone is free to speak on himself and take responsibility for his words. thats why i trash some piece of **** from this server quite regualry : )


    u are wrong again. rules about boa points (baium, aq, orfen) were introduced by us few weeks ago before livindor came. everyone started from 0 and everyone knew what he can get for his activity. there was not like top cps from our clan started with some extra points advantage or top cps in our clan get points faster than other cps. ofc some details were change after some time when we had enough time to realize some mistakes were done and we needed to fix it, however we never did when before speaking with all clan eariler and putting some time before new rules came into life. also right now we did some changes in rules, but they gonna be changed in valiance time, so ppl still got few weeks to think how they wanna prepare for it and they are already aware what is waiting for them.

    so as u see u are totaly wrong again.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
    Shanique likes this.
  4. AwakenedArrow

    AwakenedArrow User

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    thanks for the quick answer
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  5. Shanique

    Shanique User

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    yyyyyyyyy... you never seen him before, but you already know that he logs only for siege or raids, you already know that he needs 99 to start pvp, you already know that he is occasionaly pvper, you already know that he chooses easy way by joining some better clan than your... isnt it kinda to much knowlege about someone that you never seen before?

    to clarify situation... i have no idea who is khaot in game
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2013
  6. AwakenedArrow

    AwakenedArrow User

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    its common logic to make assumptions for somebody when he make assumptions for you, i have encountered ppl with that type of thinking and what i wrote is in general their real behavior.
    what i say is wrong? because when this guy doesnt see me, who i go everywhere on map almost everyday, except dragons and aq, orfen etc then what else to say...
    cant make the obvious more obvious, i am crystal clear i think :)

    the problem here as on every other server is that the majority of players that follow the masses (as ppl in real life follow trends etc) are not open minded, i dont say that follow some trends or masses is bad, but when for example they enter a clan they see only the good things and decide to not see the bad things, so my advice is to try to see for example me as dabih with their pov and try to understand why i do what i do so they understand my pov.
    when a player claims he doesnt see me anywhere he must be blind, cause i am everywhere when i see bs rg ba lt all day long in different areas. the only thing left to think its that a) is about propaganda, i dont say it is, but its a logic assumption or b) the guy who told that is playing 1-2 hours max per day or per 2-3 days so its logical he cant see me or whoever else from my clan.
    i hope you understand me and what i try to tell you, i am studying philology and philosophy so i think a bit too much some times :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2013
  7. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    i can confirm that dabih and his cp are really active since we had lots of "not so friendly" meetings in the past. anyway mindless people will exist in every side this is a fact and who denies it he should rethink of it. aaaaaand please philosophy isn't the best way to express yourself to the rest of the people, it is a more "self" way of thinking although i think i get what you wanna say. excuse me for being a dump physics student :(
    AwakenedArrow likes this.
  8. AwakenedArrow

    AwakenedArrow User

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    i had actually starting to thinking i should go to a more "practical" univercity :p, but philosophy its not bad, it helped me be more open minded :)
  9. Sperminatorka

    Sperminatorka User

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    i cannot flame dolan for his dkp as i never had a glance at it.
    and i can be wrong here but core cps did have advantage at start duo to dkp given for crp and some core cps had castle instance on constant farm.

    i can blame dolan and his clan only for 1 thing and that is how they treat their allys. i do understand alliances dont work in this chronicles, but that is no excuse.
    i am sure you still think we broke alliance because of grave, but me and cursed broke it because of you guys prefering (acting ******ed) over some non epic rb (had nothing to do with grave as grave didnt even once complain to me, but we did have disscusions when other cps were there and fenris and 1 more guy (cant really remember) had full boxed pt and wanted shares and **** and vice versa).
    later on you had enclave like 2 or 3 times, i know for sure that atleast at 1 point in your alliance they got compensated for helping you on epics adena as a clan.
    and error504 if they didnt lie, for help they had a deal that they can buy stuff including epics at 20% off from what it would cost on market.
    not updated about deals with ltunited, but it doesnt rly mather. dontcrys is like nickmgs, give him hero and he is the happiest clan member you will have.
    not to mention the deal about antharas: i turned you down and went with gavinski just because it was offending, not so much to me than to the clan.

    anyway thats all the past.

    awakenedarrow: its not about beeing open-minded, its just the easier way out and people are lazy + people got older they dont care so much about fame or ideals anymore.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2013
  10. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    the point is gruzz knew excatly what he is doing and he was even directly saying on general chat "sorry guys i know u dont like it but i dont care about u". the truth is, gruzz destroyed this ally, and 1 of important factor to destroy hi and ooc as well. ooc was damaged by him, and finished by kingsize grp.
  11. Hax

    Hax User

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    hax ooc destroyer
    iExpliCity likes this.
  12. melcz

    melcz User

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    such comments turned me mad. i met only 1 pt of hb (fredrik pt) which didnt do pr after first dead man. maybe you have some -hbpoints for every lost crp, dunno. but instead of fun you have empty place. we are not top bs cp but we play for our clan and for our fun. when you pr after first dead man you destroy the fun, is this clear?

    is this the same sperminatorka who offered my previous clan that we could kindly conquer the fortress but we had to be loyal to the castle, aka we couldnt do fortress dungeon. also we couldnt appear in cs zone of their castle unless they called us for help (we had to reg, but no fame if cs was all ok for them). if we did all we could have ally with them. maybe just coincidence of same nick in game and at forum.
    ofc we refused, even as a small clan we had some pride.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2013
  13. Sperminatorka

    Sperminatorka User

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    true and probably you took it before i did that pm if you refused i showed up with clan and took it back to a bot clan, later got maddogs clan to take fort, they didnt care for fort instance but for its ports and functions
    in exchange if they pmed any 1 in leadership of horde about fort beeing under attack th would show up and defend it
    your bs mates could tell you about it since they tried to take fort while owned by maddogs and th came to help
    so in exchange for contract they had peace from all the randoms clans trying to have a fort and i had an active clan alarming me every time fort was under attack
    compared to having fort by a bot clan it was a win-win situation

    that part however is not true, maybe you missunderstood
    i never asked any small clans for help, i had in whole history of server just like 4 small clans registered for defense and all of those did it out of free will
    and only clan that ever came to help without beeing allied (and i didnt even ask them) were shadows and it was amal way of saying thanks for helping him in the past
    and i wouldnt care if you were lying dead there, but having contract where you can port in front of castle whole siege, which castle lord would want that from an not so friendly clan
    and never offered alliance if that were true i would have a bounch of small clans in alliance throught time.
  14. Relic

    Relic User

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    lmao l2 stopped being pvp game in il.
  15. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    i wonder how ppl can believe so easy in this sixsense and lord gruzz propaganda. they came like several times and couldnt kill amethyst and leiry alone and they need to spread some **** lies around. we all know sixsense and gruz are quite bad dds and they dont know how to play, but i just wonder why normal logic thinking ppl in ba (seems like even maximo?) start believing this **** : )

    and ofc as always naia w/o nobles, but some things remain constans xdd
  16. blogiete

    blogiete User

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    where bs find people like that one w/o armors in screenshot? :d
    bs declared war for no reason (probably calypto used all dkp points for that )))) ) and that kid appeared in kamael village right after that...


    pm chat translation:
    calypto: hi
    dziungle: hi
    calypto: can u help me delevel plz? i won't hurt you
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2014


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    i loaed at that part where they mentioned "programs" ;dddddddddddddd
  18. sixsense

    sixsense User

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    what lies? what bad players?propaganda? , you always lie about gravedigger that all items goes to him in ba . alarion sad news he only got bottle of orfen in ba and how much your cp got in bs? 10 times more epics?just check his dkp history how much epics he got also next bless antcharas is going to alarion cp plz tell some **** more^^ . today also kebab boy (troy) was trying to say something . just wanted to say that he is total searching friends because he don't have any ,all people that fallow him is because of items because he is total donar and best example that player fallow troy because of gifts and items was sindeya. so plz troy keep telling to me that you make 26k dmg when people get items in 8 months and you donate in 2 days how strong you are. what you are saying you are cool? you are pathetic people just check his last donations this just proofs that without epic items he is handless now top cp's in bs got epics so they don't give a *** to help other members in low raids like orfen or aq because they already have those items and instead of helping they go oly or gainak or afk or coc. and how much pathetic you can be calling shadows to help you , what you are scare of us? clan with big activity need more help to do something? now you will cry in oly ,because we got cloaks. and yeah small clan got today bottle of baium ,castle and aq. good to share on 70 people then on 170 bs players. i think you don't have enough paper to clean your tears so you say some nonsense you trying to say something to back up the drama in bs but you fail alarion because the only think you care is to eat burgers lol. you can fool players , but not the whole server.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  19. A1S2D3

    A1S2D3 User

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    sixsense putting alarion and troy at their place , lol

    soon alarion will call out blackswan moderators to delete anything related to that poor fat kid ;(
  20. Troy

    Troy User

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    only thing i have to say is that i'm shocked that people still read that old kid's (sixsense) wall of texts, or that someone can still stand his 2-3h+ talks nonstop in ts, crying about random things no1 cares about. i'm actually so glad he emoquit cp, only reason he stayed was that i needed 8th member to get some free days from time to time.

    ps: sixsense, i would preffer having no friends at all than having as friend someone like you, no1 ever bored me as much as your one-sided talks (qqing mostly) in ts/pm, not even uni professors and i'm not the only one thinking like that :/

    ps2: http://i.imgur.com/hfgzhyo.jpg (and this is just one small part of what he spammed that day)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2013
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