I've been playing NC-West since 2004. The servers are garbage now and i figured i would give this a shot. Game is still downloading but i believe im going to roll an Elemental summoner and dual class a healer. Any clans out there recruiting low levels please let me know, i would love to join! See-ya in game.
u can join me clan its only me inside but its got ch skilss and et till u become big boy im pretty boring solo inside PS: also i got exp whit ppl pretending to be from NCwest and coming white old players nicks probable getted from some vidios its all about inviting in big clans and geting items whos been sold for real are u one of this PSS if your on of them pm Elronia he will be happy to help u
lol i am definitely from ncwest. im a nonfactor though, just the way i like it. somewhat casual. Oct 29, 2015 what are the server rates?
Hi, if you sexy, we can make a clan just for us two. But since you didn't get any normal offers, the best way is to probably check Clan Entry, you should find something that suits you there.
Hahahaha stani still going strong i see Lots of us NCWesters came over a year ago and seems many are coming over again, dont listen to the dont waste your time, and good luck here trolls they are noobs at L2 and life dont let em discourage you Dec 7, 2015 Same here, the rates are retail rates ;p but with PA its a little higher.