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Core Daily discussion - clans, pvp and stuff

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Gilby, Apr 1, 2012.

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  1. FeeLSD

    FeeLSD User

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    tell me please how many ppl were you today at valakas pvp (ba + rg) if you want to keep propaganda for numbers.
  2. Hax

    Hax User

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    share your number, we share our :d
  3. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    who won pvp and who killed vavakas? o.o
  4. Shanique

    Shanique User

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    175 in our cc... -ppl that were near heart (2 pt from bs and all ltu) its mean we were about 120 in pvp

    we won pvp and we killed valakas. first pvp was almost won by rg, but rest pvp was clear we will win.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2013
  5. 0mGand3lol

    0mGand3lol User

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    you are worse than yourself and your lol demands.
  6. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    excatly, 175 was our total number with ltu which we commanded to stay close to heart, so on pvp were only our clan. i still keep wondering how it happens with 2 clans (rg + ba) who are close to being full (i think like 170-180 members in both clans) u cant get enough daily activity to finaly win us on pvp (i dont count pvps where we had terrible lags on server 1-2 weeks ago). specialy now hero numbers is much more close to 50:50 than it was let's say 2-3 months ago. xdd
  7. Exacutrix

    Exacutrix User

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    nice i love person to say the half story.
    the truth now with ally rg hb the rg belive is the clan to exp with enemy and assist them and for sure we kill all and the drama start.second the strong leader of rg in ts i say to him the leader of ba say me if you not go to speake to him the sunday you not have castle and the pro rg leader he go and slurp ba make friendly clan and he not lose the castle gz.
    third we close the rg war because ba told me is not good for siege and etc to have war and i say ok, rg after open war again the reazon (alt toon with karma and hb kill him and he lost 20% this toon playing from elronia) what he say exp my toon and i close the war :) (we not exp only we kill when you learn?)

    p.s. the reazon to hb go to bs is to destroy the second side.
    for sure we not go rg because is pet of ba and full pve.
    and for sure we not choose ba because i not slurp never for drops they not have point system(i not wait grave take all the bottle of antharas ) sorry.
    and last we not have problem with lt but with the oath people to go there and belive is something razzy for example.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2013
    Empristis likes this.
  8. behind enemy lines

    behind enemy lines User

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    ba has around 70 people on daily raid activity and maybe a bit more when such bosses like valakas/antharas are not on weekends while people are away considering the polish side which never leaves their computers its different story.

    so within help of the redguard which on daily activity raids has around 100 + people you get around same numbers but the hole in here is that ba + rg cannot cooperate fully due to no alliance and they cannot use any aoe in order to avoid killing each other.

    despite that ba + rg trying to fight so on considered stronger side without being allianced which is kinda still 1 sided due to not able to aoe their enemy.

    so we have 70 ba's fighting swan zerg , 100 rg's fighting swan zerg without using aoes and when starting they just kill eachother so it kinda makes 3 sides instead of '2' sides clan fight as long as they dont have alliance...

    even though some pvp's are lost by swans against the 70 ba's considering the situation and amount of players not sure where all the hatred comes from as i am pretty sure ba + rg allianced would fix this 1 sided pvp problem and whipe swans to the holes of their broken house floors.

    to the hb moving towards bs drama :

    hb players never were considered as a side nor the enemy which can harm as they slowly converted their side to fully ignorants and delusional people after trashing swans/ltu for a long time.

    they finally realised that they didnt achieve anything from the day they started on playing not to speak about average level pvp's nor castles about which noone cares and they did realize that without being a pets of someone they cannot get their desired epics as it seems.

    the current hb clan was just a few random guys who bought it and tried to make something while collecting trash to their garden , but by a long shot they were never close to succeding.

    now i find it funny then the clowns of bought clan hb kserw and awakenedarrow among with the other randoms after being for so long time ' we have balls fight against all clans ' while speaking about their broken lifes and theories about which noone cares about trying to justify a reason why they move to the other side while the truth is that they are just a non factors which not much care about their clan as much as they care about themselves.

    could go on but rather not give me ammo to shoot at you and i will do, pets.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2013
  9. sh1ny

    sh1ny User

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    1. you act like **** towards randoms. just surprise, it's me on that summoner. so what happens ? very strong pvpers against randoms ?
    2. where are you now ? hypocrite ?
    3. afaik rg is the only clan that has been in war with bs from the start of the server. you came, lasted 5 months, and you're gone. great job with your "pvp".
    4. you pvp ? where ? kamael ? i haven't seen you on any pvp that actually matters. gz with breaking rune's left front gate for 10 minutes. for info on how it looked from rg side - check hax's movie in fan art, then come again and talk about pvp.

    i am going back to my cave. cya in a few months.
  10. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    i love excuse "we have low activity because of real life", it sounds always so cool : )

    i would rather try find real reason of low ba activity. maybe your epics distribution? like exacutrix said: "what is the point to go on some raids when it is already decided all bottles from dragons go to gruzzi cp " which is such trash on any pvp and u all see it. so better use your "core detectives" to find real reason, and stop making your **** propaganda cause as u see it is not rly working xddd
  11. sh1ny

    sh1ny User

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    we had 168. 80-90 rg and around the same ba.
    first pvp i frapsed as it was good. the rest was all about your positioning and taking advantage of us being 2 clans, which is something that you should do anyway. don't rely on it tho, sooner or later we will adjust.
  12. Exacutrix

    Exacutrix User

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    for sure you not know where we pvp because you are in cave , the only pvp you make is for rbs and the 95% you are dead you not have pvp with bs only they farm you. in your side ba is the stonger clan in all this actions you are only arrogant.

    for example today aq / baium / valakas all in bs side gz again 3 loses
  13. Hax

    Hax User

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    i love how random bs talk about pvp.
    if there is pvp talk, pls let it be sepsa, troy, alarion or sepsa.
  14. FeeLSD

    FeeLSD User

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    apparently you prefer sepsa 2 times more ;)

    and don't use the random card ... it's too weak at this point.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2013
  15. Hax

    Hax User

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    oh, yes its late but me and sepsa are good friends.
  16. KSERW

    KSERW User

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    tell me one reason to enter ba.

    i will say the reasons that finally we didnt joined ba. ( me as cp leader in the first first vote i voted ba).

    1.we help ba side for 2 months with taking nothing. all ok.
    2.we close war with rg so we can help more in sieges ( help the ba side).
    3.then the pro mighty tyr ( not) elronia open war back because i killed his alt character ( without rg tag and with karma). ( he also didnt answer for at least 3-4 hours)
    4. exacutrix entered the ts to speak and fix the problem. elronia went emo/mad/rage and dare to say that. say to your cp ( my cp) to xp my alt for 20%. lolz lolen and more!!!
    5. we were siegeing lts castle only to keep them from assisting bs and we did great for 1 month. we were losing a lot fights but bs were alone for a lot times. we didnt take any small castle for only to help ba side. the thnx was war from rg ( for the lame reason) , war from ba, and 0 respect from the side that we helped for months.

    at least bs were enemies. so we trashed and got trashed by enemies. normal thing.

    but to get trashed and 0 respect from the side that you help is pathetic.

    so why to enter this side?

    oh i just remembered. more reasons.

    6. gravedigger 2 weeks now trying to wipe our dual xp pt in gainak. ( ofc he failed hard. we took the merchants and gravedigger was in the ground) ( btw i respect gravedigger cause he has same brain like me).
    7. ba members were trying to open the war with so much try and rage. we were killing lt bs etc and we were dieing from ba ( yes from ba). names kokal, reise, biza and more more more ba. nice respect to the dudes that you were trying 3 months to merge/recruit.

    ok now all ? thats the only truth.

    btw no need to trashtalk all the hb ppl. keep the trashtalking to my cp.

    elronia you need the 20% now ? pve moar pet.
    IamDan and AwakenedArrow like this.
  17. Hax

    Hax User

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    one good reason is to not bandwagon to the winning side so you can actually find more pvp and have fun?
    well idk what bs thinks anyways with recruiting even more ppl, but in the end you will be the dogs of bs, cuz you guys simply wont pvp at mass pvp, you'll be told to go to heart and stay there till bs cleaned up enemys.

    on top of that, once again @ everyone defending their clan pride of absolute pvp domination: pls just stop, you guys are not even worth 30 seconds pvp material. please for the sake of bs, let it be alarions or sepsa's party doing the pvp trashing :<
  18. KSERW

    KSERW User

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    yes we are 30 seconds of pvp. 36 mins in rune bridge in siege i forgot :/ and btw if we are so weak why the **** all this qq? your enemies taking one more weak cp (as you say) . this means more crp for you!!! you must be happy now!

    btw why rgs and bas trying to recruit us months now ? we are so weak!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
    IamDan likes this.
  19. FeeLSD

    FeeLSD User

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    imagine how much pvp material are ba and rg since even you are saying that bs don't need full numbers to "clear" them ;)
  20. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    well quantity > quality, wtb god back
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
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