I've always played a dagger, I'm really good at it, and honestly pretty noob to an archer, however I'm curious since I've noticed since coming back to the game archers seem broken strong. What do you guys suggest as a pure pvp toon? My Main is a Dreadnaught and I love it for PvE but 1 on 1 PvP its poo. I have like 400 EXP Scrolls from farming on my main and was gonna Dual a Dagger but what do you guys think?
Play the character you'll enjoy playing with. You can be good at something , if you don't enjoy , you won't like to play the game. After all you're on a game to get fun , so my advice will be : play what ever you want , enjoyed class > broken class. I hope it helped you !
I prefer dagger over archer for Olympiad and Small scale PVP. In Sieges I always played my dual class archer though.
Playing dual pvp class looks like "balls to the walls" for me. Really selfish choice, like any other, who choose 2dd over smth else.
Lol , there is no links between being selfish and having 2 dd classes. You don't need dual class support if the people you play with enjoying playing support. You're talking like noone enjoying playing support.
I am tank with ISS dual class, so then how it sounds? And only DDs I would play would be Wynn/Tyrr/Eviscerator.. but sill my tank/iss combo is just fine...
My point is that noone respects random supports and they are just a junk for the most of the server. You wank, You use them, You throw them out.
There are almost as many kind of randoms as there are randoms in fact : - The "what the hell am I doing here ?" you just want to high-five... with a chair... in the face. - The "I've no idea what I'm doing, but I try !" you want to help, even if you know you're just gonna lose 3 hours of your life. - The "I know my ****, let me do it. Oh, didn't happen as expected, must be computer/lag/server/a plane crashed in my house" you just want to high five even harder than the first kind - The "I know my ****, let me do it. See, it worked" you see too rarely... I respect players, regardless of their class, but as supports, more is asked from them, as an iss forgetting a buff will have a greater impact on my gameplay than another dd making a /socialdance in the middle of a fight. And I think that trashing people can have no positive impact, be them really bad or not. Shout at your screen, it calms you and cannot hurt them... Just be careful if you're on TS.
I used to socialdance, stop playing, take some popcorns in the middle of the siege as iss or healer, everyone in m1k cp or Indians cp can confirm since i was almost everytime a little bit behind on sieges or tauti or whatever we were doing cuz either i was making popcorns or eating them. So you forgot the popcorn random.
As I said : As many kind as there are randoms. Popcorn random is one I guess... EDIT : On topic : between Yul and Dagger, as stated above, it's often the scale of the PvP that defines which one is the most useful. Otherwise, play the class you like, best way not to quit after few months bored to play a class you don't enjoy.