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Core Daily discussion - clans, pvp and stuff

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Gilby, Apr 1, 2012.

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  1. Sun40

    Sun40 User

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    why i'm an idiot ? what part of what i said it's not true ?
    go ahead , give me your arguments , cuz just saying this and that doesn't make it right
    oh sorry , you was part of this terrible cp - yeah now i understand why you call me "idiot" to protect your friend lempertus also known as the hand that feeds your sorry jobless butt .
    what , just because you are female i will not tell you what i think about you ? i'm honest person , what is on my mind i say it - unlike the snakes in your clan with double faces .
    **** you either way , you lost .
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  2. FeeLSD

    FeeLSD User

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    go wash again and skip the part of informing us about it. ;)
  3. Shanique

    Shanique User

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    such idiots like you should be put to sleep for free at the vet
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  4. Sun40

    Sun40 User

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    and again , zero arguments . you are just bad at thinking . don't waste my time .
  5. KSERW

    KSERW User

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    i try to explain them this .noone listen ^^ their hatred for me and my cp made them blind. but anyway.
  6. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    sun40 if only 10% what u are writting was truth we wouldnt be powerhouse for such long time. lempartus at least care for clan, u kinda stopped long time ago and u even claimed: "lol i dont wanna be cl ". ok, maybe at the start of server u made your job, but during reactivation hb with already my cp u were slacking hard probably already started planning to sell clan in some future with ch for $$. also u forgot fact that not many cps could compare with your cause of lvl difference. however u forgot fact our cp was winning your cp equal and afetr some time ppl from your cp started loosing motivation to play more and more until your cp totally disbanned.

    time changed, having good clan requires good organisation and proper ppl treating. u are kinda same school as nemesys: "keep shouting and insulting ppl on global thinking it increasing ppl motivation to play". if someone could shouting on me and my cp we could simply leave after some time cause i have better things than listenning to some shouts on global ts / ventrilo. i prefer to speak w/o emotions and do some nice plan, than rushing with hot blood like most of u do and think u are great. well for some ppl maybe it is fun i will not argue about it. however it is different between u and lempartus. and from what time cl has to be in top cp? as i even pointed u, our cp was after some short tiem already better than u however arqq was still leading, not me. so as u see your arguments are kinda invalid.

    for some haters from ba: you can try spread your bul**** propaganda about lempartus (and u keep trying since more than half year) but as u see it failing bcs ppl who play with us know how system is working and know me, sepsa, lempartus.

    personaly i also wouldnt feel will to log to game on ba typical member position when it is already decided bottles go to such **** cp like gruzzi and rest epics also decided already (even not dropped yet xddd). u have seen in last year that spreading your **** and feeding them other ppl is not working. facts are like they are, better work on yourself like we did in past when ooc had domination after merge with hi. doesnt matter how many mad dogs with obsession like sixsense u will keep in clan, nothing is going to change as long as u will take your **** together and find reason of your defeats inside your clan, not in our.

    now haters come and bark meanwhile i will relax smashing your loudest dogs : )
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  7. Sun40

    Sun40 User

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    1)i never lost to you , even once . check old turnon's movies , we were always beating you . always . if u find even a single fight with my cp where u won , i will admit you are superior in any way shape or form than me in anything and i will not call u low life anymore . go ahead , i'm waiting .
    2)comparing lempertus to me is like comparing skoda to bugatti . i , unlike others including lempertus has dignity and i have a clear view of how i want to play the game . i came to core and i said clearly that i will not take any bull**** from anyone . go ahead and deny this . who was fighting the whole server ? exactly , heartbreakers . how many clans did we war ? exactly , all clans with more than 50 members obviously . cuz i didn't come to make deals or **** like this , i came to fight . and the results are clear : i had more than 2500 pvps in the first 4 months . go ahead and show me your best dd score . cuz i was in top 3 when i was active , and i was in top 10 6 months after i quitted . go ahead , give me your best pvp'er.
    you have a point about me slacking the cl and generally , cuz u see when u r cl ppl ask you stupid ****, so u r spending your time to acomplish there own goals , and u r loosing your killer instincts .
    cuz nobody had the ballz to step up as a cl in the beggining i was forced to be cl . i didn't want it . ofc not - i'm a soldier , not some kind of good politican in l2 who makes deals - no sir .
    my philosophy is simple : kill everyone . i don't care about anything else .
    yes i like adrenaline rush , and yes i don't follow any tactic as cl - i just rush ahead and i kill ppl . i don't care what happens .
    you see your definition of winning is messed up . i like to clash the powers of the clans , unlike lempertus who is second dobo in a row trying to recuit the zerk and win at any cost .
    you know why you are zerk right ? cuz ppl obviously don't have better alternative .

    and what 6 months ago u r talking about that i spread my words , i came back about 1 month ago to the game , after 3 months since i last logged in chronos .

    i'm not part of rg or ba . and i don't care how you distribute your epics . your dkp **** or whatsoever .
    i just told you whats up , but go ahead and try to prove me wrong , i'm flattered of your attention .
    cya arround .
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
    Empristis likes this.
  8. xMikuu

    xMikuu User

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    i dont even think that lempartus is 10% of good leader than nemesys is, so stop talking about neme as leader, please.
  9. Empristis

    Empristis User

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    and we continued well this hatred vs us!
    all against all! ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  10. Hax

    Hax User

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    since when lempartus is the leader of bs?
    i always thought it's sepsa/dolan/defro, just so there is no drama between those three and that the clan doesnt think woaaa cl takes all epics for himselfffffff, they put a random "neutral" person who barely speaks english as cl. no cl cloak drama, no drama bout cl taking epics and all cool.

    @sepsa: all i read is -> "win at all cost"
  11. Shanique

    Shanique User

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    lempartus is the leader of this clan from the beginning, with a short break when the leader was defro. and you know it ... stop doing with yourself stupider than you are.

    gooby plz!

    propaganda must go on!
  12. Hax

    Hax User

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    i think you know very well who leads the pvps and the clan itself. not to say who lempartus nearly always agrees with too.
    lempartus is only on paper for the reasons i mentioned above and on top of that i knew very well the tension between the top parties of bs too because it is pretty much everywhere the same.
  13. iExpliCity

    iExpliCity User

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    i brought my pop corn from another thread continue plz :)
    (scthe party going bs; so much hate become pure love xd)
  14. Shanique

    Shanique User

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    you are wrong my friend... lempartus is leading clan, sepsa and alarion are leading pvp... it's a huge difference. clan it is not only pvp... there is relationship between cps in clan as well... and i think all cls should learn how to lead clan from lempartus.
  15. TheDeathAngel

    TheDeathAngel User

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    i think that bs has the advantage that many players from the clan are from the some country, same language and they understand eachother better this way. if there was a big own national clan i'd choose that instead of an international also.
  16. Hax

    Hax User

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    obviously they have the advantage of being all polish but shanique you can try as much as you want. i got enough insider information from back then until now )
  17. AwakenedArrow

    AwakenedArrow User

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    big difference!! ok the most important we changed 2 clans in 8 months, ppl on core have the bad habit to change clans every month depending their period.
    about honor and so zairakh told about, when you play in a server like core you cant act like you say cause this server is pve server. on naia when you are rs you cant simply go to sh, same with dh and vice versa. here that happens a lot of times and the only punishment is some troll week on forum, when on naia your ex clan members make you feel like **** and i like that cause there the pvp has more meaning its like a bible, the wars of rs and sh for example you could called them as "holy war", so as you see we became core players at last, end of discussion
    haters qq more!!
    Empristis likes this.
  18. Shanique

    Shanique User

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    you still alive past. those days will never come back. deal with it hax.
  19. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    so mad sooo mad. your memory is indeed kinda short and it is pitty i got only this 1 fraps cause it wasnt single win. wont even mention your cp was always above my cp ~~1 lvl.

    tbh not even sure why i was looking for this fraps, cause afterall your cp was group of nolifers who quited kinda fast (similar like life's cp) while we were long term oriented cp and amber cp still rolling, doesnt matter how much time mad dogs and randoms on forum gonna cry. : )

    i remember all those qq from arimas (funreal) or arqq about issues in your cp, but for good old times i will not put it in public cause i believe u have at the end some respect to us.

    old issue of early god update: big clans were totaly unnecessary and ppl were staying usualy in clans with 20-50 ppl cause for what they were suppose to stay and make politic in some bigger clans like in old l2? dragons were too str0nk, trasken same (specialy with harmony update). for some lol castle which wasnt giving anything? for baium or aq which were doable in 1 organised pt? so yea, u kinda could ifght vs all with some small clan cause all clans were kinda small at these times.

    sorry, {amber} cp was always oriented for pt vs pt fights, not solo dd powah swampland ganking.

    u are excatly perfect example of our old inova ru lancer server situation. there was 1 guy, cl of very good clan assassins - hotler. same attitudes as u, just brainles rush, not give a **** about clan at all, just keep screaming on ppl on ventrilo and moreover 80% drunk as hell. why this clan had quite long time many successfuls? because behind him were staying some good organised person, who was leading clan from shadow called binga. binga was carrying literally about everything in clan. dkp, tactics, clan politic. hotler was too stupid and too often drunk for it but still from some reason for both of them was fine that hotler was cl, not binga. ppl with brain knew the truth and they knew very well to whom they should talk ig.
    before u ask, this guy from shadow was arqq in our case cause u simply after some time didnt give a single **** almost for situation in our clan. even arqq was claiming it several times : ) ofc dont understand me wrong, i dont say u have some alcohol problems or whatever, just wanted to compare overall situation.

    dont compare anyone to this ****. this guy all what he could do was screaming on ts: "u dont know directions u stupid *****s?".

    bul****. they have rg, they have ba. but i am not suprised they dont want join ba with so many mad dogs on board and with such epic distribution. well one day they will understand it, or otherwise clan will fall apart. rg on the other hand is clan with much better atmposphere, but not cp based so for many players it is also quite big issue.

    cause seems like u dont see the fact we are winning on server since more than half year so maybe there is some point of it. maybe ppl rly see diference between clans. cause come on, dont play another ba mad dog and dont say that ppl can be blind for 1 year : )

    i did enough. now go back to exp your toon, maybe we will meet again on battlefield one day, ofc if u wont quit again by this time ^^
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2015
  20. Hax

    Hax User

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    i said from back then until now. i dont live in the past, you just dont really seem to understand english, just like 50% of your clan, if not more.
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