Well!! Finally i decided to make some olympiad gameplay video, not a really really long video, and my first try at this video-editing stuff ^^ Enjoyed a lot preparing this video and hope you enjoy this one as i did.... P.D: Thanks to all the opponents i had this last friday on oly.
didnt like the intro :s but the music is nice and the fights were not boring to watch. lold at the last one. u almost had him. keep it up.
first 4 min idk that is totally random enemys on 1 hit you should delete those and let only 3 fights what are watchable ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Yatta ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
* He's from my cp so overgeared : -2 * Playing overpowered class : -5 * No skill reuse spam in system chat, meaning he ain't playing like reflect : -1 * Got beaten by GhostPower : -1 Total 1/10