Hi everyone, Another video with some daily pvp / a bit of siege footages, mostly from the begining of the month and sieges 2 weeks ago. As usual, advices are welcome. Special thanks to Niea for the intro.
Try to bind your debuffs to some key so you don't click them. Also it's better to spam lumi/devour than backfire. Sometimes you are forgetting to cleanse yourself, maybe it will fit you better to move your hp above or below your party window. Other than that you have really good gameplay, i can't really know though what kind of opponents you are facing and how geared they are. Looking forward for more.
Yeah, my debuffs are bound but i'm not really confortable yet to use devour/backfire on keyboard, i'm trying to work on that. Thx for your input.
Fix your party HP with your HP and your dbuffs. I need to have 2 heads to keep up with your HP with pt HP with your dbuffs with your pt dbuffs with the movement and with your targeting. http://prntscr.com/9kn6p8
Please don't play a healer. Just reroll tyrr or something, if your reaction and concentration are that terrible. I don't have anything against how your bars are setup, many healers use similar setups, it's just that if you're that slow/non-reactive, you shouldn't play a class that has to PvP.