Hello, I wanna start play on Core and I have question I want choose siegel or iss, which one is more wanted in clans and party's? If siegel, which siegel is best for pvp, pve? If iss, which iss best for pvp, pve? Thank u for answers
iss - go hierophant. tank - go HK or SK. iss is wanted and needed everywhere, tank is mainly needed for 97/99+ content, but to get there is quite easy. up to you, really.
don't play tank nobody wants them ... THEY GOT FORGOTTEN FROM THIS GAME!!! play iss and u shall can earn xp/sp/adena fast
Seems youre not up to date. I advise to look around about the awakening system( lvl 85+). Every buffer has almost the same buffs, save for 1 party buff at level 101 which is diferent for every iss (except dominator who gets no new buff).
Iss swm is nice, but just for defense. Iss Hierophant is good bcuz of low reuse delay and high hp, and the best 101 skill there is, among the isses. About tanker, don't go other than HK. Hold old skills(physicall mirror, reflect attack and magic shield something), and it will make the best tanker base there is. U can make main tanker(to play oly) and dual iss.
Oly wise and PVP wise now that isses got the new broken skill at level 99,i'd rather pick an iss. Go for hierophant or SWM (HP got the best 101 skill and it's the faster with delays,SWM is the best defensive iss,and since i'd play iss on the hp/p.def side,i'd pick an SWM...and ofc,play'em with sword+shield ) IMHO : Iss hierophant (less delay,best 101 skill) or swordmuse (best defensive iss,shield mastery) Sigel hell knight (keep old reflects/selfs) or shillen templar (spam paralize which land 100% ftw!) INB4 : the new iss' skill is totaly broken,at level 99 it trigger 100% asap you got damaged (also from reflect) and it last for 10 seconds,after that it prolly took it 5 or 10 seconds of delay to trigger again. It absorb 20k damages (which means that for 10 seconds you wont get damaged if the hit doesn't surpass 20k damage) and make you immune to debuffs (wont remove the ones already on,so if a dagger use 'dark paralysis0 which slow for 10 seconds and paralyze for 5,even if that skill is up the paralyze effect will be applied)