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Core Daily discussion - clans, pvp and stuff

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Gilby, Apr 1, 2012.

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  1. SentencedToBlues

    SentencedToBlues User

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    whats up with rg/ba pushing any pve clan to take any side on this server? you guys are really "asking" our clan to go bs side? isnt that enough that you're losing almost every aq/orfen (with some exception sometimes) cause of the dps that you lack? .... where is the common sense?
  2. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    crossroad is top spot at this moment. your clan participate in fights for this spot ( merchants ). for me and rest of my clan and ally members u are someone who's trying to stop our farm. its kinda obvious, we will start war and keep fighting for that spot. lately we won blackswans, they are not farming in croosroads massively.

    if u think, u will make pressure with "pick side" thingy, feel free to join bs. they recruiting.
    yes, they have approximately 50 - 70 more toons at aq. strategy of blackswans is different, u can write this to them, and they will be your friends. we looking for players, which interesting for pvp and are competitive.

    as i said, feel free to join whatever side u want.
    SnoWyz, Melll and Hax like this.
  3. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    he is not speaking about crossoads. i barely think this is about digger being there 24/7 like it is something that is not happening months now...
    it is mostly a complain about the way his clan and party is being treated firstly by redguards putting spy in clan in order to force-start the war and after eventually losing this war doing undercover movements killing the spy during the night in order to turn the war to their favor...secondly it has to do for the way his party (ex-ba cp) is being treated by ba now no matter the fact his party left ba in friendly manners having in mind to rejoin in future after leveling.
    correct me if i am wrong somewhere.
    Yunalesca likes this.
  4. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    i was there pre last night. we were hunting fa from simply reason, they were in cr farming merchants. they fight vs our allies, rg so of course we helped them. its all about farming spots. there is no need for drama. as i said, we are competetive clan and pvp clan.

    about gravedigger, he already declared few times in hero chat. u can exp there, but without blackswans in party. quite easy. people know it, and they still taking bs clan to exp party. they must count with it, blackswans members in party can die, if u will heal them or help them in any way, u will die most likely. again, itâ´s definition of pvp clan.
    Hax likes this.
  5. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    i am much more interested to see a redguard answer to what i wrote. obviously your clan will help your "ally"...still this has to do more about redguards not ba.

    [​IMG] really? excuse please people for denying by lack of intelligence to obey to allmighty gruzzy's will...this sounds really so freaking dictator like...digger declared?[​IMG]
    oh rly? so what? i was exping in cross 2 months ago and if my party was willing i wouldn't have a problem to attack digger and kill him or make him use ue+hero ud to survive or run like a chicken to bring musa or naia with him. this is the most pathetic try of him to hurt bs (don't take bs to your party otherwise you will die) bring it on then!? i saw many people having the guts to fight back. digger wouldn't think twice destroying a party consisting of one bs and 3 ba +others in crossroads just to kill this bs. he obeys to nobody and he doesn't give a **** about anything. this is not definition of a pvp clan i am sorry...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2014
  6. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    well, i didnt said ppl cannot take bs to party or bs cannot exp there. its still up to them, what party they will make. im just still shocked, after that everything people still crying about gravedigger.
    atm mainly gravedigger kicked out bs parties to loa, cr is farmed mainly by bs/rg... of course for bs members is harder to exp there, but not impossible.

    about 2nd sentence
    of course everybody can make party and fight with gravedigger or some redguards. even your clan can come to cr and kill gravedigger or make him run. there is still possiblity, but from last few months we know there is no will to do it.

    i must admit, there were some attempts to beat gravedigger or some other parties, mainly from amber cp, but last few weeks they farming loa, because they dont have enough power and will to stop and fight gravedigger and others...
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2014
  7. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    you are getting this to wrong direction, i do not care anymore for digger...he is just not god...for me and many others he is a jester and that's it...the point of what has been written above was resistance's behaviour to other clans. let's say it is about crossroads. it is really competitive to bring 10 mobs to a party because they started killing a merchant even before you actually came and even if it was almost dead your desparate need for adena refill of your already heavy pockets would convert you to ingame bullies. okay good. do not though wonder if you are being called an a*****e in random parties and people being less willing to join your clan. do not take this personally, i never saw you in cross.
    also about loa it took you a bit long to kick bs parties from there don't you think? 3 days more and epeisodion will be here and loa will be a dead place. i 'm considering this a failure not a victory.

    edit after yours
    there is no will to do it simply because he will come again and again and again and bring whole clan with him if it is needed. also there are no actual cps up during the day at least not strong enough to confort his party. most people log at evening when they are done with their daily real life stuff.

    :d nice attempt to drag more drama around with the 2nd paragraph. respect homie...
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2014
  8. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    for me personally, i really dont care what clan who will join. its their decision. i will support my clan and my clan/ally members. they are there from simply reason. farm merchants.
    i will just ask u. what should nemesys tell to his mates?
    guys go afk, stop play, let " some clan " to farm,

    or guys, please dont kill blackswans. war is just for dragons. dont make pvp with them. wait for siege.

    this is mentality of bs. i know, i was there. dont kill that clan, that clan, because they are possible part of our zerg.

    i fully understand revent or some others players. itâ´s hard when someone is trying to kill u or dont let u farm easily. but its game, game is designed like this. maybe itâ´s not nice, but itâ´s still just game.

    about willing to join our clan.
    this is different category. ba are different clan. i will tell u reasons, why ppl joining our clan.

    everyone who was in bs and now is in ba will confirm that, in bs there exist just 1 command ( rush them ). everyone who was in ba under nemesysx leading cc enjoing pvp more. there is more tactic, more informations about pvp ( in blackswans are informations mainly in polish between leaders and for rest of clan just simply commands where to move ) in blackswans there are no information, what is going on on other castles, tactics and overell view of siege isnt so exiting.

    in ba , there exist some guarantees. if nemesys will tell u, u will get that jewel, u will get it. u must basically to stop play or leave clan to change his mind. in blackswans there are no guarantees. u farming points, u can take something. still its not guaranted, because someone else can be more active and take it. people are in big stress, they are trying to cheat, there are absolutly unnecessary dramas inside cps, because of activity... simply, no guaranttes. in ba if leader declare u will take 3rd jewell u will take it. u dont need to be in stress and log on, if u have lets say some real life stuff to do. u have guaranted it, and in our clan real life > game. for us is game for fun. leaders dont expect 7/7 every day...

    in our clan, casual drops from bosses are given to ppl for free. u need just prove u need that item for tune up your character. if item is free, and u need it, its yours. u will not loose your ranking or dkp points or whatever for it. its for free.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2014
    Hax likes this.
  9. AllEyesOnMyPony

    AllEyesOnMyPony User

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    teh wall of text at morning priceless
    mitsubishi and Elesmira like this.
  10. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    hell yes you care who will join what simply because your clan is recruiting. no comment about the "don't kill bs and bs mentality"...i wouldn't give a poop about a ba being in a party with people unknown and with neutral relationship with my clan. but if clan or ally member was in that party i wouln't attack unless provoked and not even for a joke i would destroy the party. it is called respect to your clanmates and allies. also if it is really a game as you say you can also think of pushing some people (always with a friendly touchy interest for them) admiring the sun outside. that bright light on sky you know.

    dah best.
    Yunalesca likes this.
  11. AllEyesOnMyPony

    AllEyesOnMyPony User

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    did you played in naia? try to write this post there and get the mass facepalm! dont kill war cuz its at party with our clan *lol* *lol* *facepalm* *lol*
    Empristis likes this.
  12. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    i know what is the situation on west. but i m not playing on west anymore. i speak about what is happening here on core by the majority. on west wars are more like vendettas and the game is business.

    anyway...have a nice day.
  13. AllEyesOnMyPony

    AllEyesOnMyPony User

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    and you think here the game is not business becouse? :d
  14. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    maybe logy could explain :
    i am busy.
  15. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    yes, we recruiting. we will offer u, basically what i wrote before and sorry, but its still your decision where u will join. not mine, so i dont really care. if revent wanna join bs, what can i or someone from our clan do? basically nothing. its not our business.

    i must repeat, but simply cr rule " no bs allowed " is still up. and i really feel sorry for fa or some other neutral clans, but bs will be most likely dead. its still war. yes, there can be some expections if our clan/ally mate is in party, but this decision is up to his opponent. he can kill his party members or not. i guess, this rule is same for both clans. even in your rules, there is a sentence about it, if u exp with wars, its exp on your own risk. so i dont know what are u talking, but ok :)
  16. Elesmira

    Elesmira User

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    yeah sure thing you do. everyone likes this blackangels utopia as you present it and everyone who is at bs has mental issues being there. and speaking about no lifing, what about going at valakas with 100 people at 3 am gmt+2. jesus...

    signed, blackangels clan, allmighty land lords of elmore-aden empire.

    i feel sorry for hunger and poverty in africa. sure they must feel so grateful for my feelings...they are going to live a life having a huge smile on their face because a random in europe is feeling sorry for them.

    i did not deny that. i exped with my own risk and digger was my last thought when i was going there. i had my countermeasures. so practically choose the way of being w/e you want (you are free as you say). do not try to soften a situation like this one with kind words to the victims:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2014
  17. Rudolf

    Rudolf User

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    war with fa started bce you was killing rg members flagged or attacking our guys when we was fighting vs bs/ltu or bs2.

    we declared was and you killed our member 5 times. if you wanna blame someone first blame your ppl.
  18. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    guys, keep it short and simple. or i won't read your stuff.
  19. SentencedToBlues

    SentencedToBlues User

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    yeah especially at the morning when there is almost none online , someone of our ppl killed 5 of urs, bro plz
  20. sh1ny

    sh1ny User

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    for the 5th week in a row i get asked in clan chat by 1/3 of the clan to declare war to fa, because they're killing flagged rg that are fighting bs. i tell them it's of no use and we don't need to declare to fa. there is drama, there's ppl yelling at each other and at the end i decide to declare the war as a defensive measure ( as in - with war declared , fa won't be attacking our people, unless they want to trigger the war ). i do that and go to bed. next day i log i see war is up ( surprisingly ) and i get pm's from fa about spy in their clan and blablablabla.

    1. i did not order ( or wanted for that matter ) anyone to log toon in fa and trigger the war. if someone did, then there's no way for me to find out who it is.
    2. after some trashing from both sides, i am very unsure if i will stop the war now. i have some ppl there that i considered friendly ( hi, irevent ), but most of fa is so butthurt that they need to constantly trash us/me.
    3. yes, nairoby, i loose to a summoner in oly on open arena. keep repeating that.

    so where we stand ? currently i couldn't care less which side fa chooses. but their attitude is making my toes itch. if you want to be a random, non-factor pve clan, you stick to pve and don't show your mega pvp skills. that's it. end of story.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2014
    Hax likes this.
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