Hey everyone, I have few question about game. 1. How many maximum I can increase stats (for example int) 2. About enchant. Basic is 0,66. If I use scrol+10% i have 0,66+0,066=0,72, if I use also stone iIhave 0,72+0,072 or 0,72+0,066? 3. If I use two hair acesory with stats I will get only one or from both? 4. For this moment it is all . Ty for responds
Hello ! 1) No limit. You can have 3 set of +5 stat dyes AND +3 all stats with a lvl 24 venir AND +3 all stats with a hero cloak AND +3 stat with an aria bracelet AND +3 all stats with emerald 5 AND... 2) From my own enchant experience (I enchanted quite a lot of stuff ^^') : Enchant bonus is always applied on the base rate. Meaning that if you use, on a 50% success rate enchant, a +10% enchant scroll and a +30% stone, you'll have : 0.5+0.5*0.1+0.5*0.3=70% success rate. (This way can be used for example, with a +30% stone, a +10% ear, and a maphr +7 to bring enchant success rate to 100% from +3 to +4 (0.67+0.67*0.5)) 3) Dunno this one... 4) Np then.
so i good count with maphr+7, scrol+10, stone+20, i will get 0,66+(0,66*10%)+(0,66*10*)+(0,66*20)=0,66+0,066+0,066+0,132=0,924 with stone 20% and maphr 10%. Edit. And if I good remeber basic enchatn is 66%
for Fighters weapons +3 - +4 yes, something like 0.66% Higher OE enchants steps, or Mage weapons are differents % There was few experiments on the forum about that
enchants are far from 0.66 for a very very long time... for example mage wep from +9 to +10 is 1/15~ so its ~7% on that 1 step and thats it... enchant system was changed in GoD update i believe hair accesory with stat allways aplies into lower position(like 2 slot ones), so u cant even wear 2 with stats
If i good remeber long time ago that was explain like this to make +9 it count 0,66*0,66*0,66.. so at end u have 0,082% to make from +3 to +9.. And if enchant % is above 100% first it's succsesfull but second is so low % will broke your weapon
u remember it wrong or from preGoD chronicles... not each enchant step has diferent chance.. for exampple +3->+4 ~60%, +4->+5 ~55%, and +9->+10 ~10% https://4gameforum.com/threads/472034/ text in russian but to check numbers u dont need it if it would be 0.66 for each step all would run with +16 guns and wouldnt even swet to make it with all bonuses from stones/marph/lady luck/ewr 10% 0.66 on each step would result in 99% enchant chance (66+6.6(ear 10%)+6.6(marph)+19.8(30% armor stone) and even more if marph shirt+10.. and 92.xx for weps since stone gives 20
Yes, I forgot to mention "for armors". The 66% only exists for armors for +3-+4. Mage weapons success rate is low af, and for fighter weapons it's more or less 50% (little bit higher) until +6