"The amount of games played under the required conditions (50 cards at once) will equal the amount of times the nickname of the character is placed at the list for randomizer. E.g.: a character played twice 50 games at once - his nickname will be mentioned twice on the list. A character played 50 cards at once 10 times - his nickname will be listed 10 times. The more times you play 50 cards at once, the more chances to win you have." fair.
im always impressed how epic **** "events" you are able to make. i mean really... how many workhour you spend on this "event" to figure it out? instead of this ***** try to get rid of from the bots whos spamming every town selling adena etc. oh wait, you have to find proof that they are bots? or you have to wait fix from korea? or its just holiday and you just dont work? or just dont give a single **** about this server and for the few ppl who still playing at this server? gj failnova, gj.
gz innova for increasing the amount of insanity & lvl4 talismans on server by ~33% with just 1 event promotion
Thank you innova for the best event that could have been lunch in our great server, we are glad to play on it everydays Keep doing a great job :>
stop crying and complaining at any event they add farm/l2store/gmbuff if there was no any TAROT that you are crying . Forget Antharas , lets talk about smth more casual like Queen Ant Soul ring that cost now 2.5b . WITHOUT this events AQ price could be over 6b . Tauti ring ? about 20b . Antharas/Valakas/Lindvior ? maybe not even on trade chat wts so maybe u never see smth like this. also this prices was like 1 year and half ago. enjoy the game emos
Without tarots there would still be 2 big sides on server constantly fighting for main rbs.. Like before, 200v200 or smth like this
oh ya... thats would be awesome.. not like now 50 of en comes +50 boxed (or even 20 +80 boxed), 10ba shows up and rg already carpeting entrance from god knows who for 5days...