Hello can U tell me something about tyrant, is his zealot is same as destros its mean only + 33 crt dmg ? And What is better to farm destro or tyrant?
Tyrr Titan is the farm beast. U can easly find the answers on this forum. Topic created thousands of times. A game starts after 85lv,and even more after 99lv.
tyrant doesnt have his zealot after85.. it becomes berserk.. and thats less than titans frenzy/guts..
gk has better constant dps than titan coz of that bison totem 45% crt dmg 45% patk but has no op active skill
and the same bison totem takes off atk speed 15%, and i believe still titan>gk in terms of dps (short or long term doesnt matter), but in party where are 1 or more evis gk is like debuffer with his bison (10% more dmg with fists), either way no one wants kawatarys in pt
ofc.. maybe in 2-3 more updates it will be worth smth.. now good maybe against partys with 1heal.. 2 heals should disable db's stuns and about db's dmg - it had it but on t2->freya chronicles