Top weapons : nope. Low weapons : yes. Not sure in Core but on Naia (NCWest server) they 'already' have Antharas buster & fighters lv 1. Here...well guess not yet,and we wont see it for a looong time. I hope.
21st already would donate for whole mats to make it lvl 2 and use it if there would exist, not only screens i guess.
Highest I saw was antharas dagger lv 2 on RU, but asian servers do have a lot of lv 1 weapons from what I've seen (saw even a guy with 2 dragon weapons lv 1 on inventory), but yea, never saw a lv 3 dragon weapon in any server yet.
This orc was one of the first lv 1 dragon weapons I saw, too bad he stop frapsin.. But I remember he traded a +15 or +16 pvp retribuer for this lv 1 lindv caster, so for sure is nice.
Didn't trade it. The lvl 1 lindv caster at the time belonged to his CP, they used it on seer and necro (as in video) for pvp and on SpH for PvE. Later on, the guy left for classic, caster went to the SpH. Funny enough there are at least 2 lvl 1 lindvi casters on that particular server, both were mostly used by seers. Saw valakas retri on another server, but only as a fragment. There's also as said lvl 2 antharas shaper in RU and Instincts clan has at least lvl 1 lindvior thrower at Cadmus. edit: Pretty sure DH has some antharas wep in west, but never cared to check on that, as it was what? half a year back they started using it? Or so I heard last time.
In Airin RU server, two othells from Tribunal clan got lv. 2 antharas and lv. 1 lindvior shaper. The one is from the video Takanodan posted, the other is LanseVanse. Haven't seen any other dragon weapon there in videos Edit: RouJons got Valakas Slasher lv.1
Hmm from what I saw, lanse has antharas lv 1 dagger.. But for sure gear difference from core servers and all other servers is ridiculous.. on RU there is like over 40 sets +10 or more (sets +12, +13), so many +14 +15 bows/mage weapons, insanity talismans, and that's not even talking about bless epics. My guess is that on RU and korea should happen what was happening on ncwest: most of the servers are dead (one-sided with 1 clan farming gainak + dragons + anakim + qa + baium + lilith + etc.), and not to mention few servers where ppl that get rly good gear from farming dead server just transfer to join a big clan in another server, so it's like there are 6 servers, but most of the big items from 3 low-rank server are going to the 2-3 top-rank server. So that's with dragon weapons, sets over-enchanted, bless epics, 7s talismans, everything.
that guy with the dagger should get rid of weap asap **** weapon.. he only does dmg when he pops his abudance lmao