Hello Core warriors, Had some frapses from February, therefore, decided to make short video. It was basically 1st time for me in Olympiad as Tyrr and the Tyrr itself was made for crafting/enchanting ( almost no skill OE, +15 LUC + Maphir shirt + lov lvl Dual/Sub classes, low AP and no Exalted, etc) so it lack a lot of combat abilities. But I guess it is fine, newbie with +15 LUC - sounds lucky! Hopefully you will enjoy. Playlist as always - in the end of the video.
Yeah u definatly are lack of combat abilities. Those items like pvp set+8 or ruby 5lvl ( i think other jewels also where high lvl 4+ maybe ) not make u a bit stronger vs other ;o
And it only proves that only gear matters in this game. PS jewels were lv3, except ruby. And I think at certain point I opened inventory in video.
I tried to play few times with maestro with a big lack of gear, and still i think is a very fun and challenging toon to play My props to you mate
nah , if u would like to talk about this pm me IG , btw u was the guy who put me on "enemy pretended COC list" lol so funny , afraid vs healer witchout hero skills and any support on back (for example cp )