Which class do you think is the best oly farmer nowadays? And for the next update? I mean, who can do the best performance with the less gear?
this update is pbb something like ertheia wiz -> yul GS -> yul trick/othell WR/othell GH -> ISS WC -> summoner -> tyrr titan/duelist/ertheia warrrior/othell adv/other yuls/feoh necro -> healer -> tank -> other feohs next update archers will get a good nerf on hide, 101 skill from GS, robe users will get a boost.. dunno how much the order will change, maybe yul and dagger go down a bit in this order.. also I put feoh last (with arcane barrier) 'cause at least that's how it is on this server, but russians have a lot of strong feohs with arcane barrier (even necros are keepin barrier there)..
Here i found some time ago nice movie about yuls Testing dmg of GS/MS/Tric/Sagi on full stacked healer (healer with 23k pdef and 104k hp lol) Enjoy
Yeah , barrier is op and they are keeping it cause of oly nothing more. Thats why they are papers on open pvp. iss/dagger/archers/ertheias indeed.
Thanks for answer guys! I always wanted to try Iss in oly, looks fun! But is it that fun in mass/small scale pvp? Although seems like robe gonna get a bit boost about p.def indeed.
As iss ure a 100% supporter at pvp,either helpin healing ,or keepin buffed.pt,or keepin ur healer out of enemies debufs. Its rly hard and need to coordinate actions healers-iss. As iss uve hands full of work. My 5cents. Peace
Everyclass but tank put in good hands with decent gear can defeat anyother class no idea why u say mages are weak in oly like really
Only tanks right now are not viable as olympiad farmers, rest classes all need some stuff, some need more some need a bit less to be able to put up a fight at least.
Well, tbh even a tank with top gear can kill daggers/archers/etc. sometimes, but I'm guessing op's question was about best oly farmer.. And if you get a yul GS, ertheia wizard, iss WC, dagger spoiler, dagger WR, tyrr duelist, healer cardinal, healer dark elf, wynn, yul MS, etc., all with same gear and played by ppl with similar skills (or even by the same ppl), some of these classes will make 800 pts in the end of the month, others will make 500, 300 and some will stay around 200, if they don't avoid anyone. So that's pbb what it means about best oly farmers (the ones that can win most fights - if both sides have same gear and played by ppl with similar skills).
Well, ertheia wiz still strong (pbb top), yul GS got the biggest nerf, so now it's about same as trickster (pbb for oly, trick is a bit better for the 100% bullseye), but Idk.. Besides ertheia wiz, summoner, tyrr, healer, archer, dagger, ISS all seems to be around same chance of winning (pbb Yul GS and Trick has a bit more chance than others, same for ISS WC, but not much..) Tank still looks weak (not as bad as last update, but it's pbb still a weak class for oly), feohs it's hard to tell, since almost no1 mains stacked feoh besides Jik, and he has pet, so kinda ****. For sure this update made a lot of good balance for oly..
The update would balance it perfectly, if they wouldn't screw it up with eva runes couple of weeks before the update, sayha wouldn't be nearly unbeatable, othells wouldn't go 4 times a match in hide, archers wouldn't have flash everytime you get close to them, they wouldn't shot like with machine gun and so on