hiya, people whats up with the prices of rune of xp / rune of crystal - is there any good reason (except for greedy dwarfs ) why the prices went up by 60%? regards
cool story and leave game if you dont have anything more to add or welcome more often in pvp instead of canceling war with us ; o
or more ppl just went above 90 and seraph is cheaper than tw so they wanna use seraph instead of wasting money for tw.
that still does not explain why rune of crystal, which used to cost 30kk is 55kk now (nearly 85% more than before) - while rune of xp that used to cost 50kk costs 70kk (40% increase). adena/euro "exchage rate" - should not differ depending on the item... its against all market rules oh sorry, didnt i see you in aden yesterday shouting wtb 7 * 7d xp rune?
supply and demand law kid the four basic laws of supply and demand are: if demand increases and supply remains unchanged, then it leads to higher equilibrium price and higher quantity. if demand decreases and supply remains unchanged, then it leads to lower equilibrium price and lower quantity. if supply increases and demand remains unchanged, then it leads to lower equilibrium price and higher quantity. if supply decreases and demand remains unchanged, then it leads to higher equilibrium price and lower quantity. we are now at 4 law. welcome to economic equilibrium :d
go to ncwest see donaters with power shirts +10 weapons +16 armors +6 come back here and say again pay2win i dare u :d
seems all was bought and someone added with higher price, and all others add same price to ah.. but anyway, you can find really normal players which sold for fair price, not overpriced, also no need forgot, that players gaining more and more adena at higher levels, so they can spend more
also there are always some ppl who manipulating the market. deal with it. just try find normal ppl not those greedy one.
it's not greedy ppl, just most of those l2 store item sellers got 1eu = 10kk ratio. so selling runes for the price they were is just pointless, when u can get more adena for same money by selling tea and nevit
and it depend when are u buing those runes. for example price is higher in wednesday because of vitality refilling and a lot cheaper let say in weekend.