Did you frap it? I was having some cold beers and i couldnt! Dodge, very nice video, and very very nice music... You should teach some lessons about good music to some guys that only know use garbage tecno in their videos. (Not all electronic music is bad, there is very good one).
well according to Kengaa all your cp members always fraps each single pvp ,so it's a lie - ore it's just choosing to not show that you are loosing time to time ? Boring fraps from tank on mas pvp , 7v7 it's alright (ofc it's only my opinion so don't get offended ) .
well idk what answer to give you except i did not fraps the lindvior pvp. if i have time i will render today 5 rounds of 7v7 we did 2 days ago. all cool, no offence taken
You can do it better with more ppl and when you have the most geared ppl in server you cant lose the mass pvp like that , if you check it again is only red wall untill the spam of hero silence/fear so you are doing something bad