Is Tyrr Titan the flavour of the month right now or something? Just came back to game was selling off some old stuff I had to accumulate adena to put towards a new character, thinking of Othel but haven't fully set on anything just amassing my adena fortune before buying gear. But have noticed that most Melee Boss Jewels, tauti weapons and slashers etc all skyrocketed in price, whats up?
inflation dude... inflation with recent fishing event market flooded with so much gear, so adena got less value.. and items that were not in event skyrocketed cause lacking of it besides more and more high lvl chars so basicly they all started needing gear when they are not accepted to partys
events where you can get dragon jewels, and even soul baiums is bad idea. they destroying "big" clans morale. now everything is based on wallet size. for example: wallet+luck check system log. 2 top rings in 2 hours Spoiler: screenshot
about what big clans morale are u talking about? wasnt it before wallet>all?.. same is now and allways was here just that event gave oportunity to random ppl to get those epics also.. and besides that all those with wallets still got more.. l2store 1:150+++? ^^.. srsly? u talking about clans morale?
naia. but keep in mind that server is few times older than core. now when l2store destroyed all fun you can't understand what i'm talking about. you always can buy something in black market. it's not a secret. but if you buy something what was droped from dragons/epics it's still same item. not like now. for example during this fishing event. how many bless valakas/antharas poped up? keep in mind in 1 year there is ~100 dragons. ~33 each kind. and to make 1 bless valakas/anthy you need kill about 10 of them. so max 3-4 earrings and same numbers for necklaces / year. this server is alive for how long? almost 5 years. also add some of them from item broker and you get ~15-20 overall. and how many of those there is on server?
So ,lets assume that everyone gonna have same gear? Is that turning off a fun,or making a fun,bcoz u got a real chance vs donors? In every game there r two type of plyers: casual/4fun and hardcore. Im sure u know a diffrences.
You missed the point of Zauliuz. What he was stating is that Donors have a chance against farmers BECAUSE of L2Store. With fishing event, if you didn't buy some fish pack, you're going to be even behind the other ones because of the inflation resulting for the biggest items (just sold a windy weap stone for almost 3b)
Nope,I understand a.point. I just pointed.out other possibility were everyone has equal gear thanks to events,l2store,farming ,or w/e. Imagine ,if there wont be any other updates and add ons to l2store,at some point we all would have same equip.
this post 100% makes me confused .. 1st its bad that events give free stuff and all can gear up to be equal.. and now u say its good when its equal? ^^ so decide which side u are on
read all words. not letters what you know. i said bad thing is when you get free epics from l2store events. 2 or 3 per server is acceptable. but not like now. after last fishing event how many soul anthy/valakas appeared? now valakas / antharas become currency like gold donator coins in l2j pvp servers ))