Hi, I'm quite new player on the server, just hit 88 and feel a little confused. I used to play on L2dex on GoD and there were always random pts lvling in harnak and SoA, now the only pts u can find is k85. Dont even know if those zones are still efficient. There is brand new quest added in helios - ten day adventure, and I think 85-94 range is meant to be beaten in 10 days. I'm wondering how would it be possible, if 87-88 took me 3-4 days? I was doing Swampland daily and rbs from time to time, k85. Ofc kartia is nice spike of exp, ~14% for both solo and group, but grinding solo in open world seems to be non effective. There are many mobs in FS but every mob gives 0.01%, and that was just 87. Are there any grounds worth to grind in pt? I'm wynn using paulina's event set.
at 87 I think that Fairy Settlement should be an ok place to go. as you write the xp you get, you seem not to have a premium account. XP without a premium account is really slow, just to warn you.
That's just +50%, if I now get 1kk exp with PA I would get 1,5kk, do I get it right? That's not huge difference. I know FS is good place, but I was wondering if there are any pt grounds; l2 is team game over all.
ofc it is huge difference... think about (ofc not directly but aproximately) 50% faster... i mean, in a short term looks very low difference but in the long term is pretty good fosho
The game now is designed to focus on instances and daily activity. The 10-day, 30-day etc quests, Clan Login bonuses and the game mechanics are supporting it. Make sure you do all the possible instances on that level. Paulina set is great, double SA, set bonus, special jewels. 85+ 85 Kartia Solo + Group, Teredor instance for EXP. Swampland and SoA daily for daily quests, EXP and some income. Harnak solo. Later Fairy quests and southwestern area. Zaken and Freya for drops. If there is a chance, Frintezza and Epic Freya. Nursery for.. well, waste of time. 90+ 90 Kartia Solo + Group. Fairy daily quest and AoE EXP. Garden of Genesis still good EXP for single target or small group EXP. Also few quests there. Istina instance for drops and EXP. Magmeld quest chain, it gives nice rewards. Kimeran solo instances. Fortuna for drops, Spezion if you have plenty of time. 93+ Raid bosses! There are plenty of raids on the map, usually camped and killed soon. They drop Apo weapon craft packs, enchants, SA stones. I suggest 2 parties if you are in level range. Isle of Souls quests and dailies. The mobs are are good exp, easy to kill. Stronghold 3 with group. Nornil Garden / Spicula instance with a small group, quick and good EXP. Tiat in Seed of Destruction. 95+ 95+ Kartia Solo + Group. 30-day quest and Rift daily. Mobs inside give really good EXP. Seal of Shilien daily. You will hate it. Field of Silence, Whispers solo zone. Orbis Temple group EXPing zone. Altar of Darkness insta. Octavis insta. 97+ Moar Raid bosses! Now you will not have damage penalty on the lower ones, can do with 1 party. 95+ bosses are heavily camped. Never miss Kartia. Baylor every day, Crystal Caverns 3x with reset scroll. Epic Spezion every day. Guillotine Fortress, Orbis deep, group EXP zones. Also Seed of Hellfire. Pagan Temple solo. Balok insta. Istina Extreme mode. Tauti insta. Ekimus insta + reworked Seed of Infinity. 99+ Epics for income. eIstina, eOctavis, Ekimus, Tauti - they can be done with 1 average party assuming you have the basic PvE items (14 chars to enter) Epic Tauti with 2 coordinated groups. Tavern fun instance and Gludio for minor challenge, both twice a week. For daily EXP make sure you do at least 1x Kartia 95. DD + Iss duo is profitable. Kamaloka is the new insta in Aden, slightly better exp than Kartia. Atelia insta 100+, you need good gear. Hellbound, Giants Cave, Atelia exping zones and faction quest. 100 day quest available in Aden. Dec 12 note: stack up the event sets till March, they are a great boost and free