Hey, It's been a long time, here is a video of some long pvp we had at parnassus against SH/NF. We had a lot of long fights since new chronicle came out, and that's a lot of fun ! Bunch of mistakes along the video but in 25 min of fights you gotta do some, plus i'm coming back from vacation Gf to everyone.
What do you mean by dark screen ? That the image is not bright enough ? I just copied troy's setup from somewhere I think.
if you convert video to mp4 the video will get a little darker than original record. You need to add color sony vegas to each fraps / scene
Nice video, nice songs, you should ask your 2nd healer to work a bit on his/her solo cleanse, you get stunned from dagger for 6 seconds and it expires instead of it getting cleansed. Still would like you to see fight some stronger opponents.
Well I'd like it too but at some point it's hard to fight stronger opponents when you barely have any pvp parts, most our ppl are already getting 1 shot by SH/NF top dds, so it's kinda hard to fight. Thx for your comment.
Seems those guys are a bunch of author right nazis who won't even let their music be used for a 200 views video I'm in the process of removing the last two songs, then you can put your own instead and watch !