This just showing how clueless u are. Stop someone from lvling is impossible. We didnt plvl u, and u still made 101 lvl at nights in warp and our clan had from it 0 adena. If plvl u, our clan will have xx billions. So first of all, was needed to select and part ways with clueless ppl, than we start improving. And u see progress slowly, those days that your donors cannot even play 30 matches in oly, bcs must avoid more and more ppl and sign from caves, all your pts are PR on sight expect kengaa etc
Mitsa so much talk for anthy. Is it first time you win a dragon or you are just too hurt 'cause you "lost" valakas (to "gain" 97 rbz in kamael) and you "lost" half of the pvp stones you give 1 every 3 days in all your clan members? /sarcasm off Btw you still don't see what matters. MENTALITY. We came to anthy with what we had at that time, just to come. So what. Your clan never goes anywhere except if they are sure for 100% win. PRO(paganda) players. And meanwhile your clan pts pr on sight and 911 the "all star pt", randoms farm your cp raids etc etc Quality players i aggree, low quality tho
Who was missing from your "top" people in antharas? All your top dds was there. Lost valakas? You ninja 1 dragon every 6 months when it's in time we can't gather enough to enter like last time it was antharas, next valakas i bet you won't even show up because stomp is incoming. You came and got stomped, you better camp clanhall if you gonna pr like this. Same with sieges, zero challenge. How did you manage to make tda and slifer lose buffs so many times in that antharas pvp? I will make same question to you like i did to logy, how did it feel when i stood over your dead bodies for over 10 minutes? Who called the pr when Karmen party was still fully alive?
It's izi answer. None of our "top" players was there, they were driven from others so we can come. We came even in that condition and without any hero We just trolling you sine you are so BAD mitsa. As about valakas, you could easily avoid that if you didn't pking randoms in kamael so you don't lose your rice. Understood son? Let me repeat myself since your negative IQ don't let you see simple things, we play for our FUN and you play to win a game with no winners As about "stomp" your #prfestival continues normally and now is updated! Your ppl pr even with 20 sec ud on them when i have no tank and i am with 1 dd. #let'stalkaboutstomp #prfestival2016 #townissafe Btw fyi when you go vacations and you come back, it's not "quitting and come back" but lieing is passive skill for you and your clan son, right? Keep up your propaganda now, go share the 1 pvp stone 'cause 3 days passed and 90% of your clan still needs it and c u around (if i have time before you pr)
You have no heroes because you guys are god damn aweful in olympiad. You don't know how to play it, you don't know how to organise it. I'm really bad and still i stomped you yesterday, i made your party emo tap to village and scream in global for others to pr. If i was getting items for free farmed from stolen credit cards i wouldn't care much about pve also. About 97 raids, valakas spawn and regroup was hours earlier than this and we had no people to port in. Lf 7v7 with your trash party any time any day.
That's why your best "farmers" got stomped last week. Are you mad bro? We came, we did our fun, we trolled you and we left when anthy was to spawn. gz You get items from botting and accusing ppl with lies. Stop failing in your propaganda imba player. Find at least something real for accusing us We hurt you, i know, but you ll get over it eventually. You still had ppl to come for pvp when we was regrouping, but since your top donors weren't there you decided it's better to do nothing and come cry for ninja ports in forum laterz. Are you serious now? I keep this statement for later use son. And as i said from day 1 you and your emo leader asked for it, you need to w8 to catch up in items and show some respect to your opponents. You play some years here but we getting close and that's why you cry :*
Stomped is getting from 100 pts difference on trickster hero down to 30? You came, you hit the ground as soon as you ported and pred like the sore losers you are. Just pray innova stuff don't find out like ncwest stuff did )) How can we not have people on regroup but have people later when people said we will try again in afternoon? Who are those top donors after all? Whenever you are ready you are welcome to get stomped like the other 100 times i've destroyed you.
Are you mad bro? Then stop lieing and try to face the truth for a change :O I don't need to pray for anything, tbh if the same situation would happen in innova instead of ncwest ztif wouldn't even been accused for anything As about ppl, logy named clearly what pts you had up and where they were If you don't know who are the top donors.... then try to open your screen and check those ppl on blue tag that are allowed to get out of ch i m sure you can count them easy
So we should expect to see you kicked? I never needed pwrlvl but you are trying to go around the fact that not only that ur clan "paid" other clan cp adena from cwh (WTF IS THIS?!) to lvl up own clan members but the same pt if i'm not mistaking were exping enemy toons....
why should i be mad? it wasn't me who spend 10 minutes inside antharas lair kissing the floor. So 21=49 needed to port? Yeah and you definately know EN activity better than me. I don't know, people were trashing seleniia for example for not leaving town, then seleniia dumbstered your clan in antharas so i'm getting a bit confused.
so 21 cannot log 1 box each and come for pvp OK BRO. for TH is common issue to come on boxes like this but still you feel you are the pro truth is that you AVOID all situations that can give you a lose. seems too many psychological problems from other servers you can keep claiming wins for everything... nobody listen LIERS anyway as about selenia or any other group you try to say is good, i have them ALL in #prfestival stop pretending mitsa, you also know that your clan is 2 pts max. the rest are just shields
21 According to logy's words, why in Kengaas party in teamspeak were 3 people? And i'm pretty sure the other parties logy claims that were arround they weren't 7. You ninjaed a dragon because we didn't have enough people to kill it on cooldown, period. Truth is i'm dumbstering your clan on every possible occasion as every normal thinking person can see by leaving town and watching GC/Atelia/Dragons/Sieges. If EN is 1-2 parties clan, what is thehorde? You have 0 pvp able cps at the moment. You have no groups that can compete in end game pvp, what are you even talking about.
Define the term box pls because based on what your fellow clan member Steven said : And in this case im not sure every1 has a toon with pvp gear at hand to "box", at least not in EN
Our clan document is like double-entry bookediting, well not like, its double-entry bookediting. So yeah, everything has price in adena. But in reality it was pve polearms what was made/bought. Same pve weapons ( depends what parties choose - retri or pole) was given to all cps and for "free" For free it didnt mean i asked from ppl to plvl slackers in our clan. I asked to do so only IronV and Assazhi and their CPs...but this dont fit to propaganda also as info that meanwhile kengaa was preparing mage clan for I/O update () we had with my bad decision under controll zerg of 200 allies with 90 ppl clan :-D
Really bro.... it's ok to be bad like you are but don't be so mad. And yes we know the same old cassette... you are the best, you won everything etc. I guess not even doctors can help with your situation atm We have 0 pvp able cps atm and you have? 2 pts clan with useless ppl and donors that when they play in equal situations get STOMPED, REKT and start crying from town. That's what you are, known botters, bigmouthers and lamers that only know to lie, accuse other ppl and PRETEND. Hf mitsa, you don't deserve even my time PS: Btw mama's flames are the best you clan gave us lately keep it up!