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NakedForce or Ecarlate?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Rnika, Aug 24, 2016.

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  1. Rnika

    Rnika User

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    Hi. Me and my friend looking for clan. And we dont want to participate in top top clans like BA and EN.
    We are looking for (do not get that too offence) a MID pvp clan like RG ECA or NF
    Well since we was watching last period of time at parnas (1 month) RG are too inactive. But Ecarlate and NakedForce are pretty nice in MID Tier PVP.

    So i asking what clan is better to stay in? Ecarlate or maybe NakedForce?
    What are thoes wars active now, who getting more MID epics like aq ? who is winning more pvp and sieges from watching inside of clan. We was watching only parnasus so we dont know everything and we would join one of this clan.

    fast edit, basic information we would to know
    - actual wars.
    - avrage activity in days 20-23
    - amount of dailys pvp much red/blue message?
    - clan activity (epics pve/pvp)

    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
  2. Hater

    Hater User

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    Hi, I'm in Ecarlate for about 2-3 weeks, so my opinion might be biased, but from what i've seen, Ecarlate is doing better in pvp and sieges.

    About clan activities, better talk in pm with clan leader (Henerik) :)
  3. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    This server is not 4-5 chronicles ago when all the pvp was in parnassus, now only small clans are pvepeing there, real pvp is on the new zones (like GC) and if there was anyone in this server doing gos / atelia there should be pvp there also, no one cares about parnassus pvp to be honest.

    The ones getting mid epics like you said like AQ / Baium are TheHorde for the moment.

    What I also can tell you is that the amount of red / blue messages are not an indicative of how good / bad some clan is at pvp
  4. Seivlas

    Seivlas User

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    It's been like 6-7 years that I'm Ecarlate, so as Hater said, my opnion may be a "little bit biased" ^^

    I'll try to answer in an ojective manner.

    First, I cannot say anything about NakedForce, as I never was into the clan, so what I'll say about them will be from an external point of view.

    Wars of Ecarlate :
    (maybe 1-2 I forget, at work atm)

    Average activity :
    We were ~7 parties for last siege (didn't check if all were complete)
    For the daily activity, as I have a lack of motivation due to numerous reasons, I cannot speak about it.
    As most of us work, during the day the activity will be probably low (no idea of numbers, I'm one of the "most of us")

    Daily PvP :
    There is daily pvp for sure (as you probably noticed from your stays in parnassus)

    About sieges, we win NakedForce against Ecarlate. But it's been a while last time it was really NF VS E. At the moment, NakedForce are allied with SkyHunters, and often other small clans (I don't know if they're allied tho', maybe some clans like DDZ just wanted to take a look inside our castle :D). We took NF castle with a box clan, but we only kept it because of RG help (cannot explain this part, don't know what happened) , otherwise we would have ended sieges with both our castles. For this siege too we were fighting both SH and NF.

    One of our most important rules in Ecarlate is to avoid flaming your opponents. Respect is key. But I rarely saw NakedForce flame too (some of their clan members are exceptions, but still ^^). I think that in pure numbers, NakedForce have more members than Ecarlate. There are stacked players in both clans, even if I think that JulioKr (and his wife) have more gear than the sum of all our stacked players :D

    EDIT :
    About what MrOurk said, yeah, blue/red lines have no meaning. When you get wiped, you have multiple possibilities :
    -> You get completely obliterated and have no chance to even have fun (more ppl, more gear, or simply better)
    -> You were wiped but you still have fun, you get back, even if it means more red lines, because a PvP clan doesn't mean that you won't go back because you lost 7 CRP (give some fame, boom, +1k crp, go get more fun !)
  5. iRuthless

    iRuthless User

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    So im on NF since a while now, our wars are Ecarlate and RG.
    Activity on EU top time is like 40-50 ppl, we dont do AQ thats for big clans :p
    In pvp we are almost the same(we are less geared too) before Siege we did some 7vs14 pvps (we did more ++ on war but lost), some 7vs7 sometimes.
    Sieges is the same, with ally SK we compensate the lack of gear of some members and is pretty even (you can check the lasts Sieges on my Youtube Channel if you want)
    Biborka likes this.
  6. walkingcat

    walkingcat User

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    Ecarlate here,

    Ecarlate on sieges stands vs SkyHunter + NakedForce alone, we have 1k+ on war vs NF and -200~ vs SH or so.
    Activities mostly based in CP here, however if you are two-three players you can assist CP's missing members or create parties from solo players and do things.

    In my opinion Ecarlate more pvp based, NF more pve based there are many ex-TEAM members who are hardcore pve players, also nakedforce itself since the very begining was PVE clan so old members have PVE mentality in there.

    Ecarlates makes PvP parties almost every evening as I've noticed.
  7. iRuthless

    iRuthless User

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    Actually now that you recruited some CPs you have more ppl :p, we make 5 pts for Sieges with luck and not all with 2 healers, is sad yea, and in PVP i have to say that Ecarlate make more partys for pvp than us, we have maybe 3 CPs + some members that actually go to pvp besides Sieges
  8. Preslav

    Preslav User

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    SH got usually 2-3 full parties (possible 4th not full) on sieges. Both clans are separated most of the time, so you kinda always go vs few parties not all of them at the same time. Even then SH eviscerate you pretty bad. Last I played on Saturday before siege, war was +360 for SH. My personal belief is that most people in both clans are useless, not doing any pvp, you can't see them doing any pve either besides instances. As for Ecarlate, I find them cowards, having the numbers and decent gear but still no balls to fight clan like TH (more or less same numbers, and far too many useless people there too), but pvp vs mostly pve clan like NF, small number clan like SH or a dead clan like RG. There are few people from Ecarlate who are going only on advantageous setup and camp people doing parnasus instances (read most probably 2 healers iss 2+ archers, some dagger, possibly tank). When pvp actually happens their groups get stomped (that might sound far-fetched but well that's from my pov, rarely been beaten there, been stomping their pvp groups even w/o healer and active iss numerous times)
  9. Padj1l

    Padj1l User

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    War went down to ~-180 for Ecarlate from your +350, damn we are getting eviscerated. Who are you btw, at least we know who is this mighty flamer ?
  10. Preslav

    Preslav User

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    One of those making you another -100 for 1-1.5hr pvp in blackbird last I was online. I don't consider any of this flame but a reality. Eviscerating stuff was a chaff. Although I see you skipped commenting the rest.
  11. Padj1l

    Padj1l User

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    Well what do you want me to answer about ? Why we don't fight against clan like TH ? Probably our top groups could beat their weakers ones, yet the rest of the clan would get smashed and we stand 0 chance against their active/top players. I'm guessing you are Eshonai, well in that blackbird pvp you 1shoted a lot of people gz, same thing happened to your party members, in the end the CRP balance was kinda equal. SH has low number but average gear is far above anyone else, you achieved nothing special. I'm not gonna keep going here, feel free to pm if you want, w/e.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
  12. Seivlas

    Seivlas User

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    If there is something I learnt from this game, is that they is no point to brag out for killing people because you have more gear.

    I've more gear than a lot of people, still, have you seen me telling that I'm "eviscerating" people ? I don't remember writing it. Eshonai has enough gear to compete with top clans, and you've some really tanky healers (iLonnieLin is hard to take down), so I really don't get your point.

    Being a forum warrior hiding his name is really sooooo 2014.

    You know, I don't really like the forum warriors of EN/TH (because they mainly trashtalk each others), but at least they try not to say the opposite in 2 posts. You spit your venom without even thinking about what you say. So we're avoiding all possible PvP, but the "last time you were online" we did pvp for 1-1.5h straight. Wow, such pvp avoidance.

    Anyway, if you think that Ecarlate can compete against TH/EN, you're clearly saying that SH can do the same, as you're wrecking us. Still, I didn't see you taking TH castle.
    walkingcat likes this.
  13. DefNotMits

    DefNotMits User

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    Cresting TheHorde castle is easier than shooting fish in a barrel.
    Kym Willer likes this.
  14. Preslav

    Preslav User

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    Where did you see me hiding my name? If anything, this is my rl name on my account i dont feel like renaming. My venom? Eat your chill-pills. I said you have the numbers to compete and yet you dont. Maybe try to read what u quoted. Saying that most dont pvp - i did, but didnt say all. And about SH clearly, if we had your online numbers we would.
  15. Padj1l

    Padj1l User

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    If we tried to compete with TH/EN with our "numbers" and our current gear as you say, we would get smahed in 3 rounds of aoe as soon as tank uds are down. Last time thedeathangel ported in hide and decided to kill us, 4 ppl of my cp died in a single multiple arrow, I personally took 200k damage I believe. Much competition.
    I think you are very wrong about our gear.
  16. Seivlas

    Seivlas User

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    Numbers had a meaning before goddess and its aoe festivals. I think you can still find the video of 21st bragging how he destroyed RGs alone some months ago. Take one guy, put everything possible on him, all buffs possible etc etc, he'll be able to eradicate everything not on UD/cele, and to wipe them as soon as the UD disappear.

    About the chill pill, people who know me know that it's really hard to make me mad/angry/whatever, and you're really far from succeeding ^^
  17. Yslock

    Yslock User

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    Am kinda in the same situation. Am a tank 101 on main, i know several people on both E and NF and also kinda looking for a PVP minded group.
    Ofcourse i stay realistic and know that my gear aint good enough to be a part of TH/EN pvp's but am sure its more then ok for mid pvp clans!
    So who to join...

    Whoever wants some more info about my playtime, gear, my pvp experience,.... feel free to contact (by mail) iYslock ingame :)
    By mail cause am usually afk fishing or leveling some alt
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
  18. Preslav

    Preslav User

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    I dont even try to, i prefer all to be civilized. And actually on helios i am not seeing this one aoe cc down. Archers arent doing it anymore, stacked or w/e.
  19. Padj1l

    Padj1l User

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    On equal gear they don't, if there is a massive gear difference they still do. Just like you hit people for 100k+ on your feoh because you have a massive gear (and lvl ? not sure if it has smth to do with damage) advantage.
  20. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    ecarlate reminds me lod from naia )) pvp only if you are 110% sure you win. otherwise avoid it. want example?... port to parna and watch what happens there. :)
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