Hi. Excuse my ignorance Russian colleagues . I would like to learn as much as possible to overclock the CP and HP Tyrr Duelist? Sorry my English. Thank you.
CON + CHA dyes. CON Hat. All +++ CON(shirt, longing, bracelet, bless antharas, exalted cloak, +1 all agathion, +3 from exalted passive, venir talisman) 8 AP into hp. 4 dual points into hp. 2SA for body+hp something(mostly speed body). Defensive heavy set. I may have forgotten something.
And CP? Sep 7, 2016 Yes. Defense. Live and skill power PVP attack, but this is my game. I have not information to CP boosts... It's my problem. Sep 7, 2016 I'd like help and more information.
omg why so rude? i just gave an advertisement that i thought was useful mr questions. Sorry if idk about YOUR class...
No. I understood you. No problem. Sep 7, 2016 I'd like 150k hp and cp. How i can do it's? Sep 7, 2016 It's possible?
i mean, what snowy said probably is enough to get 150k HP. CP idk how many u can get... i just think is more than enough, so just watchout to not waste the improvement in other direction. IF not enough, try get stage 7 soul crystals.
U request a screenshot? Thats basicly asking someone 'who has all that' would wanna change his dye's,SA's,... and what else more, just so u can have a screenshot and then decide for yourself wether it would be usefull or not togo FULL hp/cp because it isnt! Probably it would be possible to get 150k hp, being it usefull; thats another question. Best bet is get on a private server with 100000x rates and try yourself.
So Duelist it's Olymp warrior and he have not block/defence buff, self. When there is nothing to run and difficult to have to take damage and at the same time you need to survive, to survive. Boost hp/cp it's boost skill too.
Having a ****oad of HP/CP as a Tyrr is nice, because of skill %based, like Second Wind, Revival and the "idontrememberthenameofthestancethatgivesHP". LS also can give 1800 hp (or cp) CP, afaik (quoting all sources I know, even the ones you'll probably never put your hands on ^^) : -Belt : BiS = Ruler's (1k) -Seed Talisman : BiS = Insanity (800cp) -Abundance Talisman : BiS = Abundance lvl 4 (lv 1 give already really nice bonuses) (591cp for lvl 4; 510 for lvl 1) -Hero's Cloak (10% (or 15% don't remember)) -Life Stone weapon augment : 1,8k -CoC jewels (+10% CP from earring) -All sources of CON stats (Emerald / Venir talisman / ++CON on accessories / Dyes / Antharas Earring) The Hair Accessory Life stone and Aria Life Stone can also gives some CON and/or CP.