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Best Clan At Core - Let The Rage Begins

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Fenris, May 11, 2012.

  1. NoName2415

    NoName2415 User

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    im saw how lotus grp lose in 7vs7 vs koev cp in parnassus , and how sproot spasm brezz when are 5+deads , so /confirmed
  2. Luzi4

    Luzi4 User

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    orzelbiały is dead
  3. Patri

    Patri User

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    shadows best clam eu, wining thons (?) of wars vs big (dead) clans camping 1 person in soa with 95+ full parties and pring when any full pt coming even if its 84 party :d
  4. KONRA

    KONRA User

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    all core cps left l2 to tera time ago in vv, only dimvision cp still playing in holyexploiters and this happened after we left the game. and this "kontra" if u are talking about me, i never lead vv, now go back to ur cave with ur other lt trolls.

    l2 is dead. true story.
  5. Vaeaelen

    Vaeaelen User

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    u mad cause u loose war?
  6. Skizzik

    Skizzik User

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    buthurt? :d
  7. LostOne

    LostOne User

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    go back to toi, kill 65 levels with your main. guess thats the only thing you can kill, otherwise its just pr.
  8. Skizzik

    Skizzik User

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    more buthurt?:d
  9. tikoo

    tikoo User

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    patri any problem? we killed you sooo many times cause we laughed a lot and you were ressing with your husband, that is our clan leader so if you don't wanna get killed less qq and more party cp to kill us. seems you are very mad with us :d.

    we're not one of the best clans of the server, that's obvious for everyone, but we at least try to fight with every party we meet. we have our limits, we're only 3 lvl 95+ partys facing with every clan war we have, and of course we need to do pr when it's over for us and we're owned so many times too. we will die a lot but we will have fun too.

    pd: good luck searching for pro cp to conquest the world, clan jumpers always spreading bad things, so sad.

    for the main topic i can't say much about this, but in my opinion at the moment ooc is suffering a huge change with at least 3 partys moving to heartbreakers, but still some very good partys around there. hb with new cp's are getting stronger and will be a pain in the *** as for now. maybe now the aden siege will be funnier.
  10. Alarielle

    Alarielle User

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    so... you joined our team speak, we took you to the istina raid when you had no cp to do it, we partied,.... and since you wanted to be with the top clans as soon as you could you left. after that you didn't care about obli not getting a fair chance to get the octavis raid drop since you were getting your retributer with that money.

    learn that joining a clan does not make you good, you are as non factor as always, however at least here you had friends that didn't care about you not being able to do not even a decent pvp, so don't try to win in the forum what you can't in game.

    shadows is not the best clan, but we are doing good even pvping the top clans. and please quit the bull****t since i prefer not to continue this for respect to your husband (our clan leader btw).
  11. Patri

    Patri User

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    shadows clam too mad since one of their members didnt got any drop from octavis, it was my cp but that doesnt mean i know what happened, is not ma fault i wasnt even there i was in the kitchen :))))
    tikoo u too stronk cuz camp me on soa, random party while i was doing soa daily lvl 85 pt, u killed me how many times 12? then we finished went out and cuz one member of pt hits u, u just made pr, gz full pt 95 making pr from 6 85-87 lvl + patri, vv didnt loose war cuz u wanted or cuz u re omaimag big zerg, vv lost cuz clam is dead, 2-3 ppl lvl 87 wont kill your awsome 95+ groups camping toi subclass, tikoo mb y i wont conquest the world with a cp, have never been my goal, i see u mad cuz im not in shadows clam, gl laming ooc, mby i would get some shine from them, gl with aden also, watch out aweikendimon shadows clam wants your castle madly!

    elewen cool story bro, if i join shadows ts, is cuz i was playing from your leader computer, and i joined one week to help in seige but since u had only 3 partys and your awsome spanish zerg quit in the half of seige u just failed.--, i didnt beg u to inv for istina,u invited me cuz u wanted it, u called me nonfactor but who are u elewen??? does anybody know him??? i dont think so, stop with that stories about "u re not pro in game, then u pro in forum", thats too old, get something fresh plz....
    so how can u unrespect me?? going to camp me in soa again? nice try u can go whenever u want i got free healer to ress maself :) u dont need to care about if amal ma husband is your leader, say watever u want i dont scare u and i dont scare him, i have told him already gz nice clan :)) and i dont need he come to defend me, for such a thing we dont play same clam/room at home, just dont come here creating cool spanish drama clan stories, i dont have time for such a things, thats why i dont play on spanish clans, ppl have no idea about the game and make a drama for everything (sup lucyy) i keep ma random life and i dont pretend be best clam eu killing subclass in toi and making pr from full enemigos cps. gl shadows clam and keep being too stronk and making thons of damage!

    ps: skizzik mate go take some english lessons, is kinda bored say the same word "butthurt" that everybody use, just cuz u dont know english, makes u be a troller wanna be, i could recomend u google translate or go trash spanish comunity.
  12. Skizzik

    Skizzik User

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    i just dont want drama with u patri ^^ i know ur enrage.... its np for me , u try flame me cuz my english its bad , who cares ? its just ur chance to flame me.
    u are very bad player patri and cant change it , u can continue flame us ... who cares... u still worst player at this game ;d
    remember patri ;) i kill u alone and u dont hit me cause u are very bad... 2 times... later elewen and me gank ur pt again .... and gain... we make pr only cuz 1 full pt enemys at soa spawn + ur pt hit us and we are 2!!!!!!! sorry for pwn u all the time i know its not fair... u so bad...
    we **** u one day for 2 hours at epic spezion, still angered?sorry:) but its patri hour! (sorry to other members of patri party this day)
    finally u comes forums to cry , not surprise me ... u only can this ... so sad but true , ingame u cant do nothing.

    ps: patri my love go take some spanish lessons , remember spain its ur country, its sad u try flame me cuz i dont know english and ur spanish sux , i dont need english for my live but u need learn some spanish cuz u live at spain now (another parasit..) 1year here and still dont know ur town....dont know take a bus...dont know buy at shops....

    ps2: sorry for my bad english guys i dont use any translate no want it.
  13. Sproot

    Sproot User

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    write more :ddd
  14. Crystalsaferr

    Crystalsaferr User

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    yep im sorry scubba the leader or some1, l2 not dead :d dead just people who give up after fail
  15. tikoo

    tikoo User

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    am i telling something about me? seems this is a personal attack and since i don't care what you say i think i can avoid to say anything else, and if we killed you so many times it was because we wanted to enrage you and that's all, and not only in soa remember your pro 95-97 party in epic spezion that we killed you hundreds of times with our cw (blacktower, holy inquisition and you in vv) party and you died like a random dummy, seems you don't remember that cause could show how bad player you really are.
    i don't care the clan war won vs vv because we know we couln't do any decent pvp against any party due the clan was dead already but it was not our fault soy keep qqing more, we can make a nice swimming pool with your tears.
    who is laming ooc?? seems you don't understand anything, let me explain the situation for a ******ed and adhd syndrom person ok?. the fact that ooc and us do not attack each others while attacking hb in cw does not seems we are laming ooc or we have anything under the shadows, but if you say so it can be as you are the super "well known forum heroine" in here, in the forum . outside here you are nothing as we are so don't pretend to be someone important in this game, that only shows the kind of person you are, and personally i'm so sad that you need to get response from other people in this topic to feel better with yourself.

    and honestly, being such an arrogant girl you are, the only thing that really pisses me off is the fact that you have been in our clan for more than one day, we should say no to the ****y and super pro player patri and keep searching your pro cp.

    for the spanish clan topic, i only can agree with you that they are not the best for these kind of games and stuff, but i think no one want to have a dramma maker like you in any clan, as i can see you still don't have a cp and i beg that the one who adopts you will be ready for the ****storm.
    as following your theme, can any of the clan war members as hb, hi, vv, enclave, noway and stuff we have been disrespectful or anything like that during any pvp, or we insta pr 99% of the times as you say patri? if that's so my apologies but we are nothing in the server, that's something we know but seems you need to remark in every post to feel better, maybe the mad one in here it's you and not us. and the funny thing is that you have never been involved in any pvp against us cause you're a carebear that do not want pvp so the pvp stuff let the people who really like it the rights to say something against our clan, thanks.

    pd: if you really want to teach skizzik some english you should start trying to write a correct english in your posts cause i almost cried blood tears babe, proh english as i'm dah best ya know bro?

    pd2: if you have something against lucyy just come to our ts and say anything as i have more thing to say to you directly not on forums, maybe you are too scared to do that in the end.

    signed: no one in the forum - tikoo tank 96 clan shadows in the game
  16. Hax

    Hax User

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    we war'd you guys and then we saw like 2-3 parties, fought them, after that they started pring instantly and started killing solo chars somewhere to win war. we never seen them in orbis or w.e. though
    so yes, patri is right saying you instant pr to not lose wars.
  17. tikoo

    tikoo User

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    you do not see us in orbis because basically we don't go there so often than any other clans and we only have 3 lvl 95 partys so will be hard to get one of our full parties there. we always fight in altar and soa and sometime we go orbis only for pvp. and it's funny that the one that talks about pvp is the only one that never joins any pvp. and ofc we kill any cw if we have the opportunity, if you don't like then don't go alone and go always with cp. clans kills us in random partys too and we don't cry for it.
  18. Patri

    Patri User

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    i was afk dumb, and you and your bunch of dogs were obssesed, u were watching all day in all pt rooms i joined to go hunt me :) (elewen and u means: tikoo the bull, lucyyqq, torete aka nonfactor, jereika and who more? ahh you the one that need to camp me all night long, its nice, i dont have any problem u cam camp me how many times u want i dont get mad, this is l2 and at least i have education and i dont take things to personal like u, sup aitor or watever, u call me parasit, but im an inmigrant here is true and your super star clam leader gives more time to lead shadows until the victory of aden than shows me basicall things, but u from your own country and u dont have job i think u have never worked or study in your life and ma dear wherever u take it, i already finished ma university and at least i know where to put "v" insteast of "b"... and about and stop being a parasit, who knows maybe i get drunk tonight, i know one bar near, i could go and take a drunk guy and ask him to show me the town and language, and u could save the house keys to give it to your clam leader :) , u come here giving usefull info that everybody already knows about me and hunting me like a desesperated thinking that your sexual organ will grow up cause of that??? im a woman skizzik, but i have enough courage to defend ma self, at least here because the gift of speech is not something that any person have.

    u can keep flaming me full party in forum also, i see how important im for u and the rest, keep calling members im here till night :)
  19. Hax

    Hax User

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    wat i never join any pvp oo
    pvping in soa with lvl95 chars isnt an achievement, im not often in altar, but when i am i dont see any1 from shadows either.
  20. tikoo

    tikoo User

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    i can only add 2 things:

    first one i request the moderators if you can "moderate" last post from patri as i think it's crossing the line and i don't wanna see a person writting those kind of things of a clan mate and it's not adding anything new to the main topic

    second one, be a woman and come to ts and stop spamming the forums as i can see is the only thing you can do.