hahahahah u cant stand that we know u cheat so u need to make those "low" attack hah i feel sorry for u ...
you cannot prove that his party bots (but everyone "knows" it) he cannot prove that you are a phaggot (but everyone "knows" it) so he is wrong but you are right? please make some sense ))
as a random l2 playstyle, i have done octavis with many clams that need dds and call me, and almost all of them, have tryed to "bug" octavis, the 70% failing.. i dont defend anyone just saying the if that is a bug, we got many "bugabusers" in server
hmmm i can prove that i have a girlfriend but why i need to do that ? to feed some troll ? nah i dont wana + i wont post my real life photo here - i dont wana make u sad that there is different life when u log off from l2. back to hi boting/cheating - how can i do that when u burn pr whenever somebody come near u late in night ? - how can i prove when i cant be in ur pt while u pvp ... i heard many things + i saw rly suspecious behaviour ... like sproot "fast nobless" - 0.1 s u dont have nobless ... sproot is comming to u and giving it ... - it is ncwest playstyle with 3rd programs but whatever guys sooon we will reach ur levels and u will scream like little girls
ok pls reach lvl97 (oh wait alarions grp is alrdy 97 if im not mistaken and all ur ******ed pve bosses )) ) and pvp then, gonna be sooo amazingly hard i blieve
me 97 russe (emielregis) 96 fenris 96 ancientone 96 rolans 97 isiss 97 vevelaboo 96 it doesnt sound like full 97 :s as far as i know kingsize 98, "huehuehue" 98, queem 98 etc. still not the same like full 99 so not bad to make pvp when rolans will back ; )
i understand you have recently joined the alarion's group , and you want to prove youself. but you should not be so hard to lick alarion's balls. you just might get used to doing it. although i think fagot like it.
i joined them some time ago - and even before that i was a bit trolling forums so in my opinion nothing changed - sorry 1 thing changed - crest above my head. u still wana insult me ? rly u are so low ? i just told that u and ur clan are cheaters/bug users which is true(for example spezion bug some time ago) - still not true? u wana insult me more no problem, go ahead - show people what low life scum u are ohhh w8 u showed it already...
you are insulting me as well, when you say kardis clan are cheaters and exploiters. please stop generalizing you views based on very specific knowledge you have on only some of the people from the clan. unless you have proof of whole clan exploiting some bug refrain from calling whole clan exploiters/cheaters. not to mention that there are many hb that were banned for spezion as well: full week cp, turnon cp, idealistas (full cp?),... and that doesn't make me say whole hb are cheaters and exploiters. although some of them most certainly are. based on the numbers posted in the spezion banned list just as many as in hi.
dimvision already told you, buging spezion was just lol (only ****** get some big money but nvm already about it). we are talking only about pvp programs.
dimvision i dont know if they sent u here - or u came here brought by ur own will but i got respect to u - rly - for some time we was together in vaevictis and many times u helped me - so no hard feelings towards u m8. but - by hi clan i consider 2 main( core) parties which started this clan - so kardi pt and queem party. so for me insulting hi i think about those parties expecialy - kardi/sproot party. i know now they recruted a lot people to increase their numbers but still those are core parties of hi. so i am trying to point my fingers and accusations towards them not some new cp there. believe me when i will get more time i will try to prove that i am right - because still no fraps made by them - come on guys it is so hard to push /videorecording in action menu? hm? or there are some reasons ? we all know what reasons ... dont we ?