you do not have so much to justify, i said do not blame you for it. you just should not get involved in this because no one will appreciate. only alarion.
heh i dont care if alarion like this or not - i just hate people who cheat - that was main reason why i moved here from naia (ncwest) ok i will w8 for fraps
yy my party cheater's, ebuyers, bug abuser and l2w 24/7, but sadly all the people telling this was baned atleast once for cheating. and more of this kardi pt did't done spezion bug after gm's forbiden it even once and only reason they were baned was emo crying of such kid's like you. you are crying about no fraps from kardi group, but if they will give frapses what u gonna do? ur word's cost nothing, you can't prove nothing. all you can do is write "all tell that so its true". stop acting like a sheep's.
there's also no fraps of my party pvping. by your (completely sound ) logic that makes me a cheater also. let's just ban all parties that didn't make a pvp movie yet. it's so easy to figure it out, don't even need frost or anything. either you post pvp movie or get banned i heard many accusations but still no proof. i even heard people had fraps of botting programs uses but cp leader decided not to publish them (this came from amethyst). and now based on these accusations kardis group has to prove their innocence? i thought its the other way around, innocent until proven guilty. edit: omitted 3rd party software names :d
only 1 :d i can see u only at orbis2 so no thanks between mobs and ur cp stronger i can tell it without any excuses :d i found 1 video but nothing special;x
random iss, 2 dds, main dd kingsize missing, gz! i wonder where the other pvps are where we stomped that grp even with randoms :dd
first of all i didnt attacked u - i even wrote that i kinda like u - but u are still attacking me - ok as u wish. other things - u cant post fraps with bots - gms will delete ur topic and u will get warning/or ban (made it / got it) - and they will write u need to report that to support. so stop bulsh1ting - soon or later they will fail
sorry to correct you but if a video is posted showing the use of 3rd party software then yes it would be removed as it violates the forum rules and the poster would be advised to report it via support. regards.
they will remove it if it shows you using bots. they wont remove it if its showing ur enemy using bots. why? cuz there already been various "bust" frapses posted and nothing else has been done except than "report via support aswell"
any video showing the usage of botting programs wether showing it being used by yourself, another player or your neighbours grandmother when seen by moderators or innova staff will be removed. previous "bust" frapses showing botting content have already been removed. if the team have missed any of these videos then please feel free to pm me with links and these also will be removed. regards.
found alrdy at least one, took me 20 seconds. wont report it so you feel bad. so next time i make a fraps and it shows even the smallest bot usage from enemys i hope you'll remove it aswell. edit: just checked that not even the innova staff gives a god damn bout a bust fraps being posted or not.
i wont feel bad :d its only a game not real life so it doesnt effect me in such a way @ everyone here - if you wont report bot usage then im not sure why you flame and accuse eachother for using such programs as you obviously dont care that they use them instead of trashing every thread thats opened with the same accusations, get proof and report it in the official way. regards.