and our both healers (me and traskis) were out of clan, so -20% mp from total mana pool + lacking of other clan skills (hp, cp, m def, m atack bla bla) so? ye, until it was 7 vs 7 we were fighting, when queem party came we made pr cause low chance to win vs party with hero nuker + second party. that's why we made 7 vs 7 outside, right? even hax told me on pm he said queem not to port but he did it anyway... /summon hax to admit i wouldnt speak about it unless dobo tryed to say amber cp hadn't won single pvp since long time. @hax the same kind of discussion when: kardi: you are using programs! me: well check my fraps kardi: there is no fraps vs my grp (doesnt matter kardi had 0 fraps since lvl 85-98) ) me: so in 95% time i play legit but vs your party i'm starting to use programs? kardi: da!! fraps on never happen cool story :8 so please stop playing in ****** games and using same logic like them...
i'm just pointing out you are doing the same thing lol unless proven it doesnt matter what is being said, it can be even more obvious for any case. +1 on the pvp outside orbis, but i gotta say we werent rly in the losing position in that orbis pvp. queem didnt port, they were farming in the room ahead and came to watch he said, then he got attacked and they attacked idk but y i told him not to come that outside orbis pvp u won yes
20% are you serious? you better reread clan skill description, i know queem party came and that's why u pred but we where obviously winning :/ but it's a joke that u didn't let us rematch so u could brag to be the best.
well you are right, not 20% but even 30%! so we had 2 healers w/o clan skills (including holy squad) = each healer -30% mana pool. so shouldnt be mad that 1 healer had 50% mana at the begining (anyway you could just say to w8 cause we didnt start w/o counting, right?) well i won't agree but nvm cause 2 summoners who were from alliance said they go afk. yea, pity at all.
clan soul increases clan members' max mp by 5%. it only affects those who are of a elder rank or higher. and i don't think we even have this skill...
squads are only for the clan sections which it has been learnt for. so not sure if all outside main clan had them (mrshaon and azusena aint in main clan i think qq)
alarion you lie when you need it. and you're lying now. when we decided to come to a place a second time, you have already pr away. i think you did a screen at the time when the mostly number of hb members have already pr.
i usualy wouldnt answear this but.... u r still missing my point. not like with ur broken party u r wining all on server and only kardi pt making u problems to be best pt on core so u can come and cry nonstop about them using programs. grow some selfrespect and stop crying in every 2nd post that kardi grp is using soft. noone care anyway meanwhile on other side of the moon normal conversation in mak0 br party with cp leaders sagara and mr.healersgotonlymasshealskillfckothersuselessicons wining pvps and dont cry for programs. normaly they just writing jajjajaa or huehuehue and thats all. take some lessons alarion
you are the one missing my point. not to mention that i am not playin anymore from like already one month. next thing is i said "when i was playin with my full grp" only "the " could beat us which is what we proved many times. what's happening now ? i don't know plus i don't really care. and if you wouldn't care you wouldn't fall for my provocations. it was always that way i was throwing bones and lil barkling loud-like doggies where bringin it back to me so i could throw again. so spare me your mere existance and get the bone ...
man stop trolling with this noone could beat us, i can tell u atleast 5 party that were killing ur party under 1 min ,not counting the fact that i droped all ur pt with 1 sumoner at soa whyle going istina with 2 boxed char in pt. noone ever was counting ur party as strong one. moir pt was strong, alarion party was strong, sun40 patry was strong, screamforme party was strong , but not your. go hide somewhere in cave and stop being zairakqq #2 - quit server being non factor and now telling that noone could beat hes party. it's just pathetic.
davai 17k qqueem blyat. and stop crying about me ,i mean,seriously,after 2 months i quitted you're still raging? drink some pills,close your eyes and throw yourself out the window,plz.
"random pt without hero skills" - hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahah u made my day :d
you quit game 2 month ago but still come here and try do some pointles flames, go hide somewhere, don't show ur stupidity to people, everyone already know who are you, don't need prove nothing.