y handless healer... bahhie is pretty bad! :d @mass pvps yday: was nice, expected a bit moar from bs though :< 2v4 parties at start for 10mins+ (you guys killed only patri lol all the time and we lacked dps to finish ur grps; it was kardi cp+random grp made with 3 healers vs alarion grp+3 moar grps including gravedigger and frends) then more bs ported it ended up 3v7++ ? idk exact numbers, but for sure 2-3x our numbers. we lost, regrouped with 5 (+1 redguard grp) grps and did some nice mass pvp which ended rather one-sided though nevertheless enjoyed it. nice dead server!
if you for real are same admiral from rpg, i can just cry while laughting. your game style from a oly beast that deserves respect even only for that to a clown equal to pafi. srsly - i cry!
@dobo come on i feel comfortable clicking -,- and i still killed alarion on that way =) btw alarion so smart move send your 124586478548 cougars to kill a lvl 96 nuker instead of kill queem or the healers, i think i will rerol on tank
back in the past he proved himself as a good player (mainly on olympiad, but still deserved respect). here he proved that he can race with zairaqq and cryzone for top clown played on core. kapish?
pr no1. pr no2. sadly but any farm group from hi/radoms can make u pr. please bring excuses for these prints, so i can render the frapses
indeed not fair! fight in port... not with 10 mobs on us on farm spot, and we have uds rapso rdy too... so lame.
i guess heartbreakers arent the same heartbreakers i knew if there on the list for a best clan considering the heartbreakers i knew were on franz and they were the biggest carebear clan ever.1 way war,party return when enemy flagged them and led by the biggest failure lineage 2 has ever known a.k.a true
true pr'ing? heartbreakers carebears :> did we played the same server d00d? :d funny that after quitting l2 almost 2/3 years ago i keep reading emoraging people about ryan. haz to be a weird complex,like qqueem talking about me.... @sindeya what happened w ma0,leiry,atom etc etc?
someone had to quit for rl reasons, and they didn't want to replace him, so they all stop playing, leaving me alone and heartbroken i still love them very much, i'm happy i was able to play with them, they were one of few real cps on this server.
yea,very nice ppl and good group,but was expected on the time line expecialy after redzerg was over. anyway gl sindeya,hf if u continue playing.
<1419> "patri": go post it -,- <1423> "patri": i always start the drama <1426> "patri": go you this time muheres!