After last maintenance lowered chance to catch those or i'm unlucky? few days ago from ~3k PA baits i got ~88 of those, now with only 400 baits only 1. before was every 100 baits i get 2-3 or even more..
today from 1k PA baits - 7 powerful fish. look what you quoting. yes i got profit. but not same as 1 week ago.
2days ago 4k normal 99 baits whole night fishing 976 powerfull fishes(732kk from elcyums to grocery).. when i checked my inventory my reaction was:
dude whats the point in lieing?.. i'm now doing faction on fishing.. sometimes ~100 baits gives 1 fish, sometimes 10+.. its korean random knowing how farm works here u can presume i was in a "item generating" loop for 1k baits or santa made a christmas in october for me and to be clear i sell fishes(elcyums) and buy baits for money they make so i dont go into " - "
4k baits 900+ PF impossible. Here are some mine stats from banana event and after it. Banana Event After banana event And i still going on, now i go with 26k baits and will see results after i finish but i expect from 28k baits like 610 power fish will be really nice.
dude i wrote what i got, and my jaw literally droped to the ground when i saw the amount of powerful fishes after just 4k baits
Yesterday i bought 200 baits, fished all night, got 1k powerful fishes ! No lie ! Oh wait, i forgot i was stockpiling them for months