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Please in the name of balance put back apoc/tw drops

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Akayds, Oct 16, 2016.

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  1. Akayds

    Akayds User

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    Hi i am not that new to server i have few chars 90+ main is 99 almost 100. I have spent months trying to find ways to make some adena there is just no way i have spent countless hours spoiling with no profits i have done all instances at every reuse drops are super rare if you do not have a CP or you are not buying with real money to give you a boost in server people don't take you in 99+ instances because you have no items. I am tired of this i have tried every single method of farming only events are worth it and sometimes it's not really worth it. The only thing that i can think of was if twilight and apocalypse was still a full drop from GoG and 90ish zones so i could at least make some adena here and there. Why do people think it's normal to have 50 zaken chars to make adena in a server? This is proof that there is no sustainable way to make adena by actually playing the game other than doing instances but let's do the math: 1/7 chance of having the good drop, drop itself is like 0-5% from instances, daily reuse. Can you see that this is not a reliable way to make anything? There HAS to be an option for non-rich players/new players to at least go in low zones and farm something that is WORTH something. And by WORTH something i don't mean spending 7h in GoG for some crafting mats that noone buys. Step up the server please and put back full tw and apoc drops this is a non-bot server we need a way to make our time worth spending.
    Hatred likes this.
  2. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    doing pve only in 3 hours i did ~300kk+ adena. with 4 smoke breaks. so it was ~2h30min of pve.
    but for that you need prepare char ;) like bless tw set, 300atr 2sa apo pole etc. also sub/dual skills.
  3. Akayds

    Akayds User

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    how? did u buy drop runes etc etc etc

    P.S. its impossible to do without high equipments you see the problem? how is new player supposed to buy bless tw 120, 2sa 300 pole, epics.. ?? it's not possible and it doesnt make sense
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2016
  4. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    well.. if you can't invest 15-30€ (for tarots, and sell those in market) then you need farm and exp low lvl chars all day long, also do zaken/freya :)
    best to exp is ertheia, so you can easy pick dual class to farm zaken/freya, also sign for oly, for 5-10 fights each week/weekend/month. everything depends on you.
  5. Akayds

    Akayds User

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    can you mail me in game "Erzah so yo ucan tell me more? mail me ur name so i will pm u in game i am curious to know about this pole strategy
  6. Akayds

    Akayds User

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    Also, why is it that r99 has full drops in farmed zones yet lower than r99 is more and more rare from farmable zones? R2 being almsot non-existant
  7. Elegist

    Elegist User

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    Drop of items and adena were significantly decreased to prevent people from botting, but it's not bots who got ****** but living players.
    I invested 15$ to get about 1b adena, then began to buy low sell high EWR's. 800k-2kk profit on each scroll (depending on actual market situation, rather 800k than 2kk). I made it to 4b in about 1,5 month. Seriously, 3b in 1,5 months? While +8 tw blessed set costs about 8b, not to mention R99 PVE/PVP which are 70b, Apo Weapon+12 - 9-10b, Helios Weapon+10... 20b+? Bless Valakas, 7 signs, lvl 5 brooch jewels, abundance, soul baium/trasken are just terribly expensive, and they are ESSENTIAL to be in any way competetive. Sorry, but IMO plenty of lvl 100+ chars with +8 Apo Weapon, +6 tw set without jewels, not to mention talismans, are not the way the game should look like.

    I left the server because I just can't see any SERIOUS adena income and I don't know what I'm supposed to do there. Repeating instances forever to have a little chance of obtaining EWR/BEWR? That's not income for me. So I could finish them in 2 hours and there would be nothing left to do. Even if I wanted to spent the whole day grinding to get some adena, there is NOWHERE to grind.
    Farming GoG wouldn't be that bad, but monsters have really a lot of hp, strike quite hard and require to have destro/evi with at least tauti/apo fists+12 to kill them in any viable way.
    Getting back to my market playing method - it may be quite efficient, but sorry, that's not actually playing the game, it's leaving computer turned on for entire days and nights and doing anything else.
    Ofc, you may always play tarot and earn billions of adena.... GL

    Oh sorry... I forgot, I didn't donate 10000$ thus I'm ****. That's how it works today.

    1. No efficient ways to farm
    2. Very little adena income
    3. Decent equipment - 200b at least
    4. Donate ftw
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
  8. Eyon00

    Eyon00 User

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    elegist read my post on questions and info section.
  9. Elegist

    Elegist User

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    Thanks for your effort but still, making XX low level toons to farm zaken/freya (with probability of getting vorpal ring XD) or repeating stupid oly to get little stable income looks bad and doesn't make sense for me. What would? Making one, main toon, which you really enjoy playing on, leveling to 100+, and then grinding open world, as it used to be long ago. Mere farming items, not finding tricks.
    You also mentioned kartia... yes, getting several EWR's every day would be a huge income, but remember it's affordable only when you have boxed iss and you may do it in duo (which requires not only decent gear but PA as well, and if I had to spend real money on PA just to improve in-game farming, I would rather like to spend those money on adena from ebay. If you need more people to do kartia, chance of getting EWR/Elcyum powder is small.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
    zauliuz likes this.
  10. Akayds

    Akayds User

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    ^ this is my point there is no real way to get adena u have to find work-arounds and little pony tricks to make some adena. Why was it necessary to nerf the drops this way? this is a "apparently" non-bot server so why can Core change the dev files and make lower drops available? Even if i were to bot i would be able to bot in these ****ty drops and still make adena above others while real players can't go and spend 7h farming for 100-200mil while everyone top is sitting on 40+ bil in items because they made market moves. What is this lineage2 or wall street? I am asking Core staff to do something about the terrible overall drop/spoil for 85+ (mostly 85-99) to make the game playable for anyone not just donators and market geniuses. Some people want to go in open world and farm stuff and craft stuff themselves and grow adena i have tried this i had to farm days to craft 1 item at 60% chance and guess what it failed. So i stopped playing too i am just logging for instances and i barely get anything there too in fact i have never gotten anything worth more than 10mil in an instance. Other than that if i have to make 50 zaken freya chars just to be able to survive in the server i'd rather just quit.
  11. panini

    panini User

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    oh pls, so many crybabies.. just quit from this game, this game isnt for you guys.
    noone gonna miss any of u. gl
  12. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    If you don't wanna play with more chars than strictly your main toon, this game isn't for you, there is literally 0 chance you will be able to farm anything to stay competitive. About ways of making adena there are an insanely number of them, just 98% of this server are lazy af to farm anything and would rather cry that there is nothing to farm and nothing is worth it, guess what? only complaints. An small tip, this game isn't made to be played alone, get in a CP, and start working togheter in order to gear up all togheter, join a competent clan and start farming stuff

    As for the drop nerf it happened because of the bot situation on Korea, they don't care at all about situation in other servers, they just adjust what they need in the files to match up with the Korean situation and try to fix it, for the rest of servers they don't care at all, in example this server wasn't open before GoD, while in servers like Korean there were people swimming in adena from how many billions you could make back then in H5 from LoA by just farming Knoriks and selling the noble stones to make Vesper Noble, or farming MoS for the recipes, or even farming mahum quest for fire crystals, chimeras spot for elemental stones or naia tower for materials / recipes.
  13. Akayds

    Akayds User

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    Another tough internet guy with an IQ of 40 who can't logically draw a conclusion about how the drop rate was gutted in an attempt to discourage botting; that being the case, it greatly affects an anti-bot server by discouraging playing the actual game. Stop smoking/drinking it kills brain cells. Read a book or two as well it'll help your condition.
    golemka likes this.
  14. Akayds

    Akayds User

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    My point being Core staff can easily adjust a customized drop rate that makes sense for actual players (non-bots). Yes i have zaken and freya chars and other chars for other purposes. But why do i need to make 10 accounts and go through the headache of Core's poor login process to destroy my brain doing the same ****ty instance over and over again with the longest ***** cinematics just for pennies? This game was supposed to have a balance between instances and farming, rewarding people who put more time and effort into farming after instances etc. But farming is so unviable that it has become a norm to the whole server to find tricks and workarounds because otherwise they cant even buy anything. Farming is supposed to be rewarding for time and effort spent. By discouraging bots we actually discourage non-bots even more.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2016
  15. peking

    peking User

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    "My point being Core staff can easily adjust a customized drop"
    false, they cant do **** about it, like i said already, accept it. or ask the gm's if u want.

    "doing the same ****ty instance over and over again"
    its l2 now. do the same **** again and again. do the same instance always or kill the same mobs always... accept or gtfo.

    "This game was supposed to have a balance between instances and farming,"
    never was this balance in this game. u just started to play with l2 or u delusional.

    ye, im the one who cry "bruhu i cant make money, so give me top items now or i riot"
    gtfo dude, i mean really.
  16. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    The only thing Core or Innova in this case (dunno how many bots they have in ru server but here the amount of pve bots is rly low) could do is just ask koreans for an special overseas version with increased drop rates (if I'm not wrong NCWest was thinking to ask for one of those with more drops) because since lindvior the amount of nerfs to the adena farming areas has been insanely nerfed until the point that solo farming in some areas in example right now would result in adena sink for the current amount of adena spent / earned after killing a mob. Highly doubt they will ask for anything to be honest, they couldn't do proper dimensional sieges for 2 years nor implement something close to dimensional raids, doubt they will make that, but hope is the last thing to lose.

    About doing the same instances once and again and again and again, just check another MMO titles, it's almost the same not to say worse, it's just a ******ed feature in order to make adenas in this case to gear up, I would like to see a system like WoW here in example, where in order to get top tier pvp gear you need to actually pvp and get pvp points, that would make A LOT of sense actually. In this game since lindvior it's not really worth it to farm instances that much for adena, since in open field farming you're going to make always more adena than instances, you just need to research a bit and give competition to the ones farming those (in example GoG with drop rune is around 45kk adena/h which is not insane but better than nothing)

    For balances about instances or farming, I explained it in the upper point, but unless you have top gear to be able to farm in top spots being part of top clans, you either farm XP or adena, both at the same time is mostly impossible, you just need to set up priorities with your CP or in case you're solo player, you need to decide yourself what is more worthy
  17. Akayds

    Akayds User

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    Oct 18, 2016
    Yea I guess you are right, I am trying things since I started thread and I've been successful so far but it all ends up being gambling in the end. I was more interested in actual profit making by open world farming and I just couldn't find anything scrutenizing l2wiki for ideas. Anyways I guess events are savers untill I can figure out a way
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2016
  18. Preslav

    Preslav User

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    How many other games have you played where you actually have to create and play on literally dozens of characters to be able to accumulate some in-game money that would barely sustain your consumables let alone your gear progression. Which leads to the next idiocracy we see on farming events - there is zero point in farming with our main characters. All you have to do is go on a low level spot and farm with box. Really? Why not just make the higher level and harder mobs giving progressively more event items, and also erase this nonsensical mechanic that event items are dropped in bulks in server every X seconds? Do you really believe in this stupidity that Innova can't change or don't have a voice in changing things in the game service they are providing? The least they can do is making requests for content patches over the regions they are providing services.
  19. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    on WoW in example you need literally all professions ( up to 2 per char) to be able to be self-sufficient, it's not a must but highly desirable, same as here it's not needed to have more than 1 char but having more it helps.

    I totally agree on the dropticks system is totally ********, it should be chance based and as you said increasing with the levels of the mobs, it cannot be that people are avoiding killing mobs in atelia in example because you get 5 items in 1h for full party while being in low level areas you make easily around 100+
  20. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    they do not.. they have only right to rent server files thats it..

    p.s. why all cry.. they want money for their main chars and dont want to do alts.. and from the other side when main will be getting alot of money they will start macro botting with alts cause its more efficient(2>1 // 3>1 and etc..)
    deal with it.. game has changed alot in recent years/patches and there will be even more and more nerf concerning open world content because bots dont stop botting.. before was low locations now they are botting also in high locations and guess what they get drop not much but they get.. and koreans gona nerf that parameter also no matter what u gona say to them
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