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Leader with not even balls to scam.

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Hindu, Oct 13, 2016.

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  1. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    What is funny is how useless clown you are Logy, nothing but that, he farmed himself every and single one of the items he has atm, wtf **** you talking about people that can't improve themselves? if you want I can post you what other CP's improved in matter of 2-3 months that we had to see who was improving what inside RG, until the point some other CP's were calling us donors by the fact we were farming faster than all of the rest (the only CP that was even with us in matter of farming was iVader CP). Anyways just read everything again, no one left because we didn't get items, we left because we thought some improvements had to be done clan-wise in order to stay competitive and being able to compete somehow vs EN / TH back then, and it could be done by changing a lot of things, simply after there was a deny from the other side we just left, but I can tell you for sure, our CP never asked for any kind of item to Elronia, I think he can even confirm it himself (the only things we got was AFTER he asked us what do we need or he himself decided to give it to us w/ anyone asking). Sometimes I just wonder why should I explain that many things to clueless people
  2. Leckter

    Leckter User

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  3. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    He said, Elronia decided to not support idea to feed Aleksandrina CP with all items and make them competitive. So u left clan.
    And im sorry, didnt know u farmed a lot alone. It dont seems like u have extra items since u are quite weak pt comparing to someone who wanted to carry some clan...

    But as i said, for me atm all RGs ( expect 10 ppl) are same pve material, dunno why u even think we not consider u as pve pt. Its imo not even ur mistake, just mistake of Elronia..
  4. iVoid

    iVoid User

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    Logy ,what are you even talking about ?You started defending the rats that you were flaming till few days ago (which your CP member is still flaming ).
    Improvement you say.. I left RG with pvp weapon +8 ,set +7 normal ,blessed valakas and 7s(not saying is low or something ,dont get me wrong) You can see everytime we pvp my gear difference. From DDZ and EN i did not take anythnig /didnt ask for anything/wont ask for anything. I wont go into details about our CP gear that got improved in the time frame of Leaving RG - present day.
    The brooches 5 ,the pvp set +8,the coc belt, the weapon +12, the abu,skills ++ ? Probably all from CP/Clan. Nothing done on my own /Logyfirmed.
    About your question ,what they did to me ? Nothing ,they did nothing to anyone :D. Can you please quote me where and when i said im good/better/best/whateva or that i want items. If you want PM them all and ask them how many times i have ever asked for item.

    As up to Slowlialia . Im really thankfull that you will stop talking to me,i really needed that . You slowness is lowering everyone's IQ . You are so terribad that i cannot even imagine .
    As about olympiad why dont you ask your ex-members. Who was leading the olympiad while we were there ? Slaiter was triggering and helping with the feedwaves ,organizing ,counting and stuff . Me aswell and what you did ? Playing with boxes AMAZING PLEASE COME PLAY WITH ME PLEASE! wtf,man keep your shiatz together. You are pathetic simple as that.

    About pve stones Slowlialia ,the one that you are talking about (Goomer ) was when PvE weapon stone was biddable in DKP and they just tried to gather as info who got what to update the list ,that's why is there ,but how could you know.

    P.S Nope you were making me mad ,when we were playing on the same side ,with your slowness and with clueless you are.

    Lirialia during PvP:

    I would let my self quote something little . Fits perfectly!! Thanks for that svoloc.
    Oct 19, 2016
    I think you really have same as Slowlialia reading problems.
    Please put the effort and read ONCE MORE!!.
    I said to FIX CLAN DISTRIBUTION . Not so that we take more items ,but in matter that ITEMS to be distrubuted better (not in our favour for 10x time). When we said we wanted/could to carry?!
    Second of all ,there is no Aleksandrina CP ,never was ,never will . I'm part of SLAITER CP. Under we farmed alot ,doesnt mean we are top stacked ,no ? Spot the difference there ? Yes we are not bragging about or trying to be imba/top party. We do what we can and that's all. What you expect from a 2 Feoh Setup ? To dominate ? And please dont come up with the russian/korean frases theories about feohs OP . PLease.
  5. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    Im not defending anyone, im just purely saying that all that things u described other are also for U. Ask Assazhi for confirmation, since u like him lately. Im 99 % sure he will mark u as a one from biggest RGs trashes of all time.
    So dont get me wrong that i defeat u, elronia or any other RGs :)
  6. iVoid

    iVoid User

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    I dont feel defeated ,honestly. But everyone has his own perspective i guess ,nothing bad in that .
    Up to Assazhi i think the previous from what i said is valid for that aswell,what i give to Assazhi is that he hated me since probably the moment he saw me with RG Tag, he admitted ,we flamed and bla ,but atleast he kept his opinion and like he said "was not 2faced". Do you remember all the bullshiatz u read about yourself from the parties you invited ? Do you remember all the flames,trolls,making fun of you ?
    As up to "things that you described other are also for you" I realy insist of reading the whole communication on this topic.
  7. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    Logy, read me carefully because it's the last time I'm trying to explain it to you even though you will keep making propaganda or just typing around as if you were not reading, here we go.

    1 - As Aleks said, unless we farmed a lot, it doesn't mean that we're top stacked party, since you know more than really well, we're one of the lowest equipped parties in EN if not the lowest. Everyone 1 year ago when the CP was made was running with 10 times worse equipment we have atm, we had people on TW armor, DD's with eternal rings and not even brooches, healers with +4/6 r99 set, and a lot more of things we had to and go farming, did that make us top stacked or being able to face any good equipped TH CP? Not really, but time will come sooner or later, since we keep farming and never stopping to improve.

    2 - The thing that someone said what we wanted to achieve doesn't mean we really wanted to do that, no one ever heard Slaiter for sure saying we want anything of gear or we wanted to get any kind of equipment or get geared up first, there are even recordings as Aleks said, when he got asked what would happen if your CP would be last getting items his answer was: ''nothing, up to you if you decide someone else is more worthy than us, but at least clan will improve faster''

    3 - We were helping ''carrying the clan'' maybe not with gear, but with strategies, ideas, helping as much as we could, etc (some others CP tried to help as much as possible also) you can ask your friend Lirialia why Slaiter was himself triggering the waves and he should tell you because no one else wanted ever to do it so someone had to do it and he offered himself, offering himself also to play and switch with someone who wanted to trigger as he never liked triggering, but job that had to be done for the clan right? You can ask him who was there every weekeng in oly helping both days no matter what, and you can ask him to link you the RG documents to check who was attending oly and who wasn't, and as a surprise you will see who was doing more oly every single weekend between his cp and ours.

    4 - And last in case I don't forget anything else, you can ask him whose CP left twice or even three time from clan qqing about items, you can ask him how some people from his CP was making drama about items when he was in our CP that costed us some discussions with Elronia (even when he said he never wanted to blame any of us for those discussions), you can tell him whose CP was comming some of their member to oly to do the minimum number of matches possible to get the reward and who was trying to make as many matches as possible with even how many toons or even who was crying about soul baium or even normal antharas, or who was kiteing dragons or making CC's whenever CL was not around for personal reasons or having to lead oly or even more things.

    5 - About our CP being pvp or pve mode it's not about number of gears you have, but about the mentality you have, you can ask Kengaa what kind of CP we have and he will probably answer you and I'm even sure if he didn't think we're worth to join they would have even contact us to join them first of all, and also the day they won't need us in case we're not improving or becoming worse we will get well deserved boot in the *** from clan

    I could keep going but I would finish tomorrow, since this is not even thread about our CP but we just wanted to clear things out finally, if anyone else have any question ''Slaiter ingame and for sure he will answer you or even give you proofs of all this we're talking in here
  8. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    As i said, i couldnt care less about your RG life, its just funny how u writing about your ex RG members while in reality u were/are considered same.
    I think i have some personal experiences with your clan and leaders, so rly no clue what are u trying to say here with that romans, but in the end all RGs - PvE players under RG crest. Because its what it mean by being RGs... Its default. Under different leadership u might change, but u are in EN for months and how u changed? U still same tbh. Was active first 2-3 weeks and then u went to your standart like any other en or RG. So afraid to leave town without zerg or good chance to win, tell me now seriously what is different between u in RG and u in EN??
  9. iVoid

    iVoid User

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    Axaxaxax your fairytailes axaxaxaxaxxaaxaxxa i really find them funny. Im amused .axoaxoaxoaxooaxoaxoaxooaxoax
    Thx logy.
  10. R4inm4n

    R4inm4n User

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    I don't know why Hollywood hasn't called Logy, he really write some decent movie scripts. Tarantino and Spielberg, they're coming for you!!! :D
  11. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    It's funny as hell those things ppl say about rg, when it was rg that helped theier clan to beat old BS.
  12. Ravhyon

    Ravhyon User

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    Rg was always a sick clan
  13. DefNotMits

    DefNotMits User

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    I heard hax is back in the anti scammers clan, hehe
  14. {IronV}

    {IronV} User

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    u got ur reverge from takanondan or no yet?
  15. DefNotMits

    DefNotMits User

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    did you recover deathangels clan spirit?
  16. {IronV}

    {IronV} User

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    i never had that goal but its nice that ppl start being active again :)
    Oct 19, 2016
    so did u get reverge from takanondan ?
  17. Takanodan

    Takanodan User

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    got reverge from me? what?
  18. iSTOMPquakez

    iSTOMPquakez User

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    Did i read correctly ? someone was organizing olympiad in redguard? uhauhauhauuhauhuahuhaahuahuahuahu. About the clan itself shiny can be 50 shades of bad but he managed to keep a huge amount of bots together for a long time gaining and giving drops so everyone is happy for much longer than anyone could expect having in mind the "quallity" of the ppl inside.And honestly noone from that clan should tell him what to do, because he was lurking in a ratlike mode taking advantage of "today's winning side" for longer than most of the players play this server so if u want to actually play the game u just had to leave clan. I dont know how much exacly aleksandrina buffering capabilities are but by observing the guy not much better than mine - close to zero
    Anyway my opinion on the subject is that no matter how much he stole/took its deserved
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2016
  19. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    The sick clan helped to turn the table.

    Bah, it's not a surprise. The scamming ppl are just bad when it's against them. The same way they kept bugaimer and hax inside clan bcuz they were helping them. But they knew they are scammers.
    But it's funny as hell that they started to get mad at scarlet, since he scammed them :Roflmao:.
  20. Petya91

    Petya91 User

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