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Making adena, long term planning.

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Eyon00, Oct 17, 2016.

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  1. Eyon00

    Eyon00 User

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    There are two things you need to give in order to make adena in this server; time or money. Giving your money is easy, all you have to do is buy l2store sell it and badabum you have adena. In order to not use money to generate adena you will have to give time and effort instead. So in this thread i will tell you a good long term plan which will make you adena if that is something that you want.

    Everyone has a main character when they start on the server. Using that main as a starting tool is good to generate some adena through basic instances like istina/kartia/octavis/fortuna/spezion and so on.
    However what is better to do is to start a second account which will be filled with boxes which can be used to farm instances.
    First you create 7 level 1 sayha seers.You level them up one by one until they are 85 and awakened.
    Then what you need to do is make a free dualclass and choose titan or wynn and do kartia 85/90/95 etc. The awakened level 85 sayhas can be used to farm several instances like zaken,freya but that is not the only use.
    After the dualclass quest is done and your wynn or titan is created you can do the noblesse quest and participate in olympiad with your sayha boxes. All you need is 10 matches with at least 1 win(which will not be a problem at all because there are other box farmers and many afkers) and you will be eligible for the reward which depending on your points could be 800-1200 marks of battle(usually 1000 if you do the matches at the first week of olympiad because you get 10 points each week after).
    So your each sayha seer 85 will be able to farm 3 zakens each week, 2 freyas and 1 montly olympiad reward with marks of battle.(600 marks of battle + 10kk = 1 gcm which can be sold around 40-60kk making you 30-50kk profit for each 600 marks. If for example you had 2 accounts with 7 level 85 seers you could make around 12-14k marks each month meaning close 1b every month playing 10 matches with each char).

    That is not all, as you level your sayhas you can do only kartias daily with each dualclass of sayhas(which are automaticaly 85) with the goal of reaching 97 with each one of them. This could take a long time but the rewards are worth the effort. As you do all that and doing also instances with your main character you will be gathering adena which you could use to buy a good apocalypse slasher full element 2 sa maybe even slightly overenchanted. Also a set +6 fully elemented and aq/baium rings for the 30% critical damage making you able to go in "low people" parties. That means you will be able to do 3-4 man kartias without a problem. The benefit of that is not only to get more xp which is great but also to have fewer people in the sharing pool of item drops which will make you even more adena long term statisticaly.
    Your endgame goal is to have 1 or 2 full acounts with sayhas 85 which you will use to farm zakens and olympiad and dualclasses 97+ which will be able to duo kartias( or solo if you have iss and pa to double client) as long as you invest your adena gained to do so and not only that, you will be able to farm 2 times per week balok with each titan/wynn(whatever dps char is the best from those, in my opinion its titan).
    Zaken/oly + balok/kartias with multiple boxes.
    IT will take you a lot of time and effort but it will make you adena and you dont have to rely on anyone else for it but yourself. Also any suggestions to be added for improving this farming method are welcome, thanks everyone for reading and go make yourselves billionaires.

    *one tip that i remember to add after i finished writing this is to have the sayha seers created at lvl 1 so that you can log and give each one of them dragon buff if it appears so that you can maximize your xp gain efficiently.
    2016 GB likes this.
  2. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    It will take you a decent amount of time to make 2 accs filled up by 7 chars level 85 each of them, but the best as you said it's probanbly ertheias, personally I think mages level up faster than the warriors.

    Whenever the dd's (be it eviscerators or titans duals) hit 99, you can make kartia 95 in around 20 minutes if you have decent gear, which means from 20 to 25kk adena average per kartia, in all of them you will invest around 2h 30 minutes to make all of those 7 kartias, which multiplied by 25kk each, leaves around 175kk per day (5,250kkk per month, which is not bad amount of adena).

    Also per zaken / freya run you would be able to make a decent amount of adena, I would say with all that amount of chars you can make around 1kkk per month plus couple of bresses that you can either stock up until you make pvp or sell them in around 1-1.5kk each one. You can go full hardcore and make 7 accs of chars 85 just to be able to farm zaken / freya alone and if you know someone that would like to do the same, you can do even frintezza duo, from doing all of this with 7 chars yourself would be a profit of 10kkk per month

    and from oly it's not only that you make 1k marks per month, but also if you win few matches and you lose others, most likely you will end up with 1.2k marks, which means 2 gcm per month per char so around 28 masty book per month (40kk profit each = 1,120kkk per month from that), add to that the price of GE's currently (5.5kk each) as you can farm 10 matches for the daily quest in matter of 1 hour, so around 4 GE's per hour * 3 hours daily of oly = 24 ge's per weekend * 4 weeks / month = 96 ge's / month * 5.5kk each = 528kk per month from ge's

    From all of this, you're farming around 7-8kkk adena per month, and you don't need that much of investment (to be able to make kartia duo with your boxes in proper time would be the hardest thing imo).

    For more hardcore farmers, you can make CC x3 alone (dunno if minimum amount of chars required to enter in this server is 2 like NCWest or 5) you just go inside with drop rune, go to the boss, if it's not wealthy just pr and re-enter until you get it, in the end from x3 wealthy raids it's something like 200-250kk daily for around 2h job (sometimes 1h sometimes 3h, depending on luck).
  3. Eyon00

    Eyon00 User

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    Thanks for the response. Your numbers are a great addition to this post. About the ccx3 its minimum 5 characters so to farm it solo would require quite a big investment(not only monetary but also seperating characters in multiple accounts and having gear good enough to solo kill it), i havent tried but in my head it looks like an inefficient way to farm.
  4. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    Look at it the following way, let's say you buy x4 PA accounts for a month, on the price of 400kk adena each, it would be 1.6kkk, plus 400kk for 30d drop rune it's 2kkk adena spent per month. From making wealthy CC x3 it would be at least 200-300kk daily, let's say 200kk daily, for a full month you have 6kkk - 2kkk spent = 4kkk adena per month.

    Now, average it takes 2h daily to get those x3 wealthy and kill them, for a full month that means 60 hours of job for 4kkk clean adena, so 4kkk adena / 60 hours = 66.6kk adena / hour,better in example that farming freyas and maybe also better than farming zakens

    Imo not that big waste, counting that worst part would be leveling chars to 97 that you can use also for kartia / baylor / balok / fortuna or w/e you can think of farming
  5. reivax

    reivax User

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    How to get easy 8b per month .
    Create 4 accounts on this account create 7 chars on 1 lvl .Lvl up them in bags to 40 lvl .All when drgaon buff on log all and whit full vit when all is log off use all buff exp rune etc and simply put 3kk adena on single one next lvl-up that long how you lose VIT , dragaon buff and rune from lvl up rewards .(after vit and drgaon buff finish wait stop ) when dragon buff on log in 4 account take all hars drgaon buff and log off .Next lvl up single one .All chars add to Main account on mentor .When you have PA you cna easy exp them on dual-box .Chars on Pa account need only rod baits and 24 h to lvl up to 78 .First 5 chars should be wyn becosue letter on 85 lvl you will be exp in fairy another 4 accounts .Better do him on main account where you have PA .Next when you lvl up all chars in 85 ( need be erytheia chars only on main on sublass chose 80% wyns to exp another boxes whitout penalty and dlvl problems 5% iss and 5% heal to have res 100% next in exp you don't need pay moeny for bres gf more like 300kk save in month and your time ).After do this 4 account you should have 224 000 menti coins /3000 ( 1 codex) 74 codex x 6kk=448kk in only menti coins ( you have first 500kk ) next doing noobles .After this 10 fights and 1 win give you 800-1200 coins ( 800 in last days 1200 in first week fights i checked all time chars will be have more like 30 points in oly ) no need eq you easy win whit wepon what you get from reward from lvl up aeven whit s80 becosue ppl play whit box afk in oly . in that you get 28 rdy chars who give 1200 coin easy 33600 coins .Change for olympic tokens 1:50 give you 1 680 000 tokens / 4000( price for codex) is 420 codex per month x6kk( price ah )=2 520 000 000 adena gf put this on event whit 448 000 adena who give you 3b and you get time ( we speak about good item .After 8 month only doing that way you should have 50 to 70b adena or more .I have total now 120b items after 11 month play .GF simply calculations .I don;t waist time on tauti , epics 4 weeks only exp box after time i have box on drop event expamle : carrots event or draco event ( wyn 97 dlvl to 93 whit wepon 300 r grade and 8 tw la set plsu my main jewel all is from box ) if you liek in afk and have laptop you cna exp all box in fish ( in main account when you main go to trianing ground on night that way in main account letter shousl have like me only from fish 1 main 103 and 6 chars 95 lvl to do GAp quest 7 x gap plus main daily and gf lot off money more ( i don't do this im lazy but i can ) In main 10 x Rift up to 99 lvl give lvl 1 codex 11-20 skills 160 kk 5 min for me in rift in train solo more money easy moeny .I dont count big r99 bless armor etc when only for log in you cna get per 40 days next 4b adena .No need kill AQ dragons NO NEED CP NO NEED NOTHING ONLY FARM FARM FRAM next go on PVP next TRADE AND GF .After you do box only oly 2 times per week in friday in saturday in 6 h and you exp whatever you wont becosue your box waiting for next moeny take .EASY LIKE THAT . One TIP in sale put all in one one donor coem buy all and you get your moeny don't put moeny in somthing what give 20% profit only for this what cna give you GOLD SHOT or who give you more liek 100% tru profit don't buy wpeons to resell if this is not your main wepon and you don't have there only for you if you fail .(i see lot off pro traders who buy wepon 10 for 25 b now try sell for 20b and they can't next lesson )

    PS : i dont' count 200 GE , 1500 EAR ,100 EWR , 5 Bless R99 ,20 Bless r95 ,100 Bless R , 1 Longing (from chest i get one :D from clan exp box 4 lvl ) ,20 PVE stones from agation in Premium Account etc etc i don't count special drop on event Anakim ,Abu lvl 1 ,300 dyes 5 lvl or more , kelbim dager , tauti ring , 4 time AQ soul ( 3 times bootle ) . frintenza soul , 2 x Trasken (baits event ) , 20 x baium ring( normal ) ,20 or more ( dont remeber i stop count them after 15 x AQ ring ( normal ) (baits event ) .Actual event give me clena profit 25 b on top what i put in that mena 6b ( i put in ) i get 31 b - 6b(invet) =25b.

    But if is to low you cna go do freya ,zaken , all your box ( for me is bad drop but if you have time and no life go try )
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
  6. Padj1l

    Padj1l User

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    Lineage II, such a fun game xD
  7. Seivlas

    Seivlas User

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    Reivax is writing a lot of useful information, but god dammit this whole of text is higher than minas tirith's ones...
    TA4M2 and MrOurk like this.
  8. Eyon00

    Eyon00 User

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    I will try to make a synopsis of reivax's info combined with my overall plan + Mrourk's numbers later to make things a bit clearer.
  9. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    gl finding pa for 400k each with l2store "legally" selling at 1:70+++
  10. Vonak

    Vonak User

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    LOL, sure
  11. escalibran

    escalibran User

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    how do you trade PA?
  12. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    sell adena illegally? :)
  13. 1Damage

    1Damage User

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    Total waste of time with exping alts and doing olympiad and bla bla. The only thing worth doing here is the events (EUREKA!)
    For daily adena farm the best is to create a warlord 93, delevel it to 91, then get him to Pavel Ruins pits, have pa, use drop rune and voila 100kk/hour (Yeah i know everyone is making a warlord now, wohooo).
    By far the best way to make large amount of adena is trading , for a month you can easily double your money if you are annoying "give me discount of the discount" kind of a creeper.

    And just as comparison, not that i'm well geared but i`ve got gear worth of 150b, beeing on this server again for 5 months.

    Alternatively, you see how much you can make per hour, then you calculate the adena ratio to euro, and if it's lower than 5 euro per hour, you better get a second job to ebay thru l2store (Innova : Thanks 1Damage) or sell your bike and get on steroids like this guy
    [​IMG]gif hosting
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
    TA4M2 likes this.
  14. VivaLa

    VivaLa User

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    Drop runes dosent work for event items. BTW nice PM :D
  15. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    He didnt mean event drps,but regular itemz/adena .
    Pavel ruin farm is just ok only ,if can affort those drp runes,otherwise its ~45kk/h
  16. 1Damage

    1Damage User

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    If you can't afford 30m drop rune for 3 hours.. i dunno what to say.
    And it's not ok farm , it's by far THE BEST farm spot for solo, you can't make anywhere else(to the best of my knowledge) 100m or more per hour STEADY income.
  17. VivaLa

    VivaLa User

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    Nice. Its like old spot on dragon valley on leeches :D
  18. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    Find me pls those 3h runes now.
    For sure its not best farm. Its ok spot,steady as u like,but not best.
    And its hardly 100kk/h its more like 90kk.
    Ive been and farmed with nice geared wld+pom.
  19. mucea

    mucea User

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    So from someone crying about carbonfiber you became carbonfiber. Nice transition. Also only 150b :( damn you need to scam more ppl with lowball prices and resell high to make shouts wtb anything cheap 1-100b.
  20. 1Damage

    1Damage User

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    I didn't know when u try to destroy someone's hegemony is called crying.
    And please define for me what scam means TO YOU. Cuz for sure i'm not marckela and i'm not creditcard scamming like some ppl in specific "TOP NOCH" clan.
    How in earth, negotiating a lower price is in any way a scam? You are destroying the all-time basic economics theories with your nonsense.
    There is no way or any strong argument to come back from what i've just said, so it would be better if you dissapear quietly out of here.
    Oct 24, 2016
    To answer your questions...
    [​IMG]image hosting over 5mb

    And to explain you something... grown people do not say it is not or it is, without a valid argument, so when you say it is not best spot, please provide which is better.
    That's fine that you been farming and you got 90kk, i mean not everybody could be as skilled to get 100kk or more per hour.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
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