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Making Adena

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by BeFair, Oct 28, 2016.

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  1. -V77-

    -V77- User

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    oh, thats pretty nice info. thanks :)
  2. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    Yes, pretty much like that.
  3. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    With bad luck ure spending there (cc) even 2h,is it rly worth?
    In worst scenario u get like 130kk ? In 2h minus price of drop rune.
    Imo no,ty.
  4. reivax

    reivax User

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    How to get easy 8b per month .
    Create 4 accounts on this account create 7 chars on 1 lvl .Lvl up them in bags to 40 lvl .All when drgaon buff on log all and whit full vit when all is log off use all buff exp rune etc and simply put 3kk adena on single one next lvl-up that long how you lose VIT , dragaon buff and rune from lvl up rewards .(after vit and drgaon buff finish wait stop ) when dragon buff on log in 4 account take all hars drgaon buff and log off .Next lvl up single one .All chars add to Main account on mentor .When you have PA you cna easy exp them on dual-box .Chars on Pa account need only rod baits and 24 h to lvl up to 78 .First 5 chars should be wyn becosue letter on 85 lvl you will be exp in fairy another 4 accounts .Better do him on main account where you have PA .Next when you lvl up all chars in 85 ( need be erytheia chars only on main on sublass chose 80% wyns to exp another boxes whitout penalty and dlvl problems 5% iss and 5% heal to have res 100% next in exp you don't need pay moeny for bres gf more like 300kk save in month and your time ).After do this 4 account you should have 224 000 menti coins /3000 ( 1 codex) 74 codex x 6kk=448kk in only menti coins ( you have first 500kk ) next doing noobles .After this 10 fights and 1 win give you 800-1200 coins ( 800 in last days 1200 in first week fights i checked all time chars will be have more like 30 points in oly ) no need eq you easy win whit wepon what you get from reward from lvl up aeven whit s80 becosue ppl play whit box afk in oly . in that you get 28 rdy chars who give 1200 coin easy 33600 coins .Change for olympic tokens 1:50 give you 1 680 000 tokens / 4000( price for codex) is 420 codex per month x6kk( price ah )=2 520 000 000 adena gf put this on event whit 448 000 adena who give you 3b and you get time ( we speak about good item .After 8 month only doing that way you should have 50 to 70b adena or more .I have total now 120b items after 11 month play .GF simply calculations .I don;t waist time on tauti , epics 4 weeks only exp box after time i have box on drop event expamle : carrots event or draco event ( wyn 97 dlvl to 93 whit wepon 300 r grade and 8 tw la set plsu my main jewel all is from box ) if you liek in afk and have laptop you cna exp all box in fish ( in main account when you main go to trianing ground on night that way in main account letter shousl have like me only from fish 1 main 103 and 6 chars 95 lvl to do GAp quest 7 x gap plus main daily and gf lot off money more ( i don't do this im lazy but i can ) In main 10 x Rift up to 99 lvl give lvl 1 codex 11-20 skills 160 kk 5 min for me in rift in train solo more money easy moeny .I dont count big r99 bless armor etc when only for log in you cna get per 40 days next 4b adena .No need kill AQ dragons NO NEED CP NO NEED NOTHING ONLY FARM FARM FRAM next go on PVP next TRADE AND GF .After you do box only oly 2 times per week in friday in saturday in 6 h and you exp whatever you wont becosue your box waiting for next moeny take .EASY LIKE THAT . One TIP in sale put all in one one donor coem buy all and you get your moeny don't put moeny in somthing what give 20% profit only for this what cna give you GOLD SHOT or who give you more liek 100% tru profit don't buy wpeons to resell if this is not your main wepon and you don't have there only for you if you fail .(i see lot off pro traders who buy wepon 10 for 25 b now try sell for 20b and they can't next lesson )

    PS : i dont' count 200 GE , 1500 EAR ,100 EWR , 5 Bless R99 ,20 Bless r95 ,100 Bless R , 1 Longing (from chest i get one :D from clan exp box 4 lvl ) ,20 PVE stones from agation in Premium Account etc etc i don't count special drop on event Anakim ,Abu lvl 1 ,300 dyes 5 lvl or more , kelbim dager , tauti ring , 4 time AQ soul ( 3 times bootle ) . frintenza soul , 2 x Trasken (baits event ) , 20 x baium ring( normal ) ,20 or more ( dont remeber i stop count them after 15 x AQ ring ( normal ) (baits event ) .Actual event give me clena profit 25 b on top what i put in that mena 6b ( i put in ) i get 31 b - 6b(invet) =25b.

    But if is to low you cna go do freya ,zaken , all your box ( for me is bad drop but if you have time and no life go try )
    Longwei and SexOnTheSand like this.
  5. SexOnTheSand

    SexOnTheSand User

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    It's also a good way to earn but trust me you need a lot of time during weekends. While I can earn 3b per week w/o doing NOTHING and 10b per week if I waste 2h of my life in game but I m slacking all day . Anyway even if you sell spirit ores you can earn adena .
  6. Padj1l

    Padj1l User

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    Teach me master !
  7. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    buy sell.. 1 char for sell another for buy
    doing nothing gaining adena
  8. SexOnTheSand

    SexOnTheSand User

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    As cmec1 said 1 char WTB 1 char WTS . Marketing with weapon and armor is good and profitable
  9. DelfinuVesel

    DelfinuVesel User

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    I'm glad to see so many helpfull people. This is the reason why companies are being made,booking houses,firms,antrepreneurs,so people get advices ( Half measures,all the time )from experienced people and paying real money. Why would you explain someone how to trade/what options they have to get adena,instead of keeping it for urself ? Every game need's a balance,you just broke some % of it. I am probably gonna get some haters,but you need to understand a simple fact: Stop sharing usefull information,what-s the point ? This is a pay2win game,if you wanna do something good and to feel good about it,donate some money,help a homeless guy with a meal w/e. Some of us earned a lot from other-s mistakes,stop teaching them how to avoid mistakes( And yea,they can do mistakes,like selling L2Store for an under-priced sum,lol.) ( Except Reivax,nice thing to do,giving sincere/honest tips )No one is considering the fact that " Some should lose/some should win "?
  10. reivax

    reivax User

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    Market is about price i better to have more market players becosue you can get more profit .In large ppl money on market define stock and protect from large price speculation now you can get 20 000% profit sometimes whit large players economy system protect this .Is better in economy way to have lot off ppl who try play that is high possible to get large profit .Giving way to get adena trade sell even l2 store can be grow up situation .Some ppl can get easy money include Innova in this economic (example 20% tax for all stock change in euro ) reduce money from server reduce drop rate from mobs and epic boss put more events and that way increase profit of innova and next have balance game whit possibility take profits .For me selling adena ws Euro (player -innvoa - player) whill be good deal for innova .And special team can only deal whit transaction what give 500% more money profit from server .And all will be happy .No need ban no need nothing only calculate money from profit .
    Game is hard but basically is easy to get profit in 1 day or more .I like this server for what think gm take care about stock and don't give to much event what can broke server .Good idea is give full change in euro to example change sublcass whit main , and they should have only ban team to chase cheats fraud and instant take respond .That way they can increase income more and more .Person cna have work another can buy innova take 20% or 50% taxation on this in euro ofc .Good idea will be chase bot pvp users and etc
  11. UnknownPower

    UnknownPower User

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    Well, most methods have already been mentioned, to sum it up into a quick list:
    - party k95 instances done solo (DD + iss), takes around 20 minutes each, gives about 5-30 million each, plus soul crystals drop and attri crystals from quest/NPC chests
    - CC raids with boxes
    - dimensional warp farm for dimensional enhancement stones and divine books
    - rewards from PA dragon agathions
    - PA baits, PA fishing
    - dwarf craft shop and crafting (dorf's LUC and critical is only effective for your own crafting, AFAIK), if you know the price of every single recipe and mat, trade too
    - oly farm (tokens), codices
    - oly and coc farm (fame), Reputation Manager in Rune or Aden: 7,000 fame + 0.5 mil adena = 1 EAR worth 3.5+ mil
    - fortune bags, adena and drop rune: AoE farm with feohs, INT/WIT + LUC dyes

    It is not about donations really, but you really need a stacked high damage DD character/class (tanks and healers and some of the tyrrs may not cut it) and tons of free time to catch up with donors. (Even PA account can be substituted with two PCs.)
  12. MirOo

    MirOo User

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    is this solo possible?
  13. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    Well, if you are uber pve monster yes.
  14. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    fortune bags has nothing to do with luc your char has.. its been prooven by test in experimentarium with 200 luc(3x u can achieve in game) u have increase on 0.1% of fortune bags (counting its 2.7% at 60 luc and 2.6 at 35luc and 2.8 at 200luc and this 0.2% difference can be dropped to bucket cause its korean random) so luc dyes are worthless, only for healers maybe to pop that lady luck and not die or spoilers which can spoil double (when there is nothing profitable to spoil at all) and ofcourse dorfs for enchant and craft
    u can craft double or bless even when u craft on some other dorf, but those chances are like 2-3% for double and 5% for bless
  15. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    Luc dyes are good for daggers too.
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