Hey, i just wanted to know what kind of Items u need now a days to do good pve/pvp damage , how much they cost and whats the gain? For example , if a player lvl 101 hits a full stacked player lvl 101 he will do like 1k dmg , but he will get 200k dmg, how is that possible the 200x dmg? Even with all the crit multipler most yewels "only" give 15%, so even with 5 x 15% crit yewels it will be only 75% more dmg, but we talk about 20000% of dmg, where they come from? ... Thanks
Offensive side : SAs augment good accessories skills augment and APs What can help you tanking : enchanted set and Pvp option , some accessories , SA and APs. It's a fast answer , Maybe some things are missing.
thanks for the first Answer, are the dmg augments/epics etc doubling each other or how is such a big boost possible?
ruby, longing, abudance lv1 or higher, tauti ring, weapon OE (each enchant 0.7% shots dmg). 101 skills.. 2sa 2x 5% pvp dmg. those can boost your dmg..
that i know, but still we talk about atleast lets not say to much, 20x the dmg then without those items
Well it's l2, it's hard to do the math to explain how it works but at some point when item difference is too big you have such situation. There are many items that can boost damage/resistance, also buffs/debuffs and triggers that can make a big difference, etc.
also don't forget defensive thingies like diamond, obsidian, +8++ set with pvp parts, hunter talisman etc.. those can reduce dmg..
Theory time: when you hit a certain gap between dmg and defense with an oponent, the numbers are increased greatly also known as break points. What i mean is, it's possible that when you have something like 40% diference in numbers, it's actualy WAY higher than 40%, so when you add something that should add 15% dmg, it adds more than this if the diference is very big. Just a theory tho.
if u dont have nothing that 200x is kinda not too big.. for example archer without nothing hit u 1k.. then start adding tauti ring 5% skill power, skill enchants to +20 thats extra 20-30%, ruby 20%, 2 sa 10% (3 sa 15%), augment 15%, crit from skill (2x), talisman lv4 thats 20% patk 20% skill power, rapso double patk, str dyes thats some extra too, all talismans with more str, AP for dmg, opal, weapon atri, 101 skill which increases dmg by alot , and list goes on and on.. and for defence maybe u hit 10k,.. but his pvp set -20%, obsidian -15% more, set +8 higher pdef and etc, diamond/pearl, talisman anakim/lilith/7s, defencive atribute greatly owerpowers your attack atri and list can be as huge as dmg increasing one, also dont need to forget debufs u get and etc.. so that 200x is kinda not so big.. stacked archers with everything on in some cases can hit milions to ppl who cant be considered totally gearless also level diference has a big role too