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Making adena, long term planning.

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Eyon00, Oct 17, 2016.

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  1. escalibran

    escalibran User

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    why do you just make things up or believe ingame descriptions that have been notoriously incorrect since the game was first translated to english

  2. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    killing with dd now he's 100 non pa(never had one) and always 4 drops
    was making test how much adena 1 char from 0 to 100/100 can make doing only kartias+adena quests (balok+fortuna+istina for ear+octavis)
    in the end learning almost all recipes in craft for dorf and investing to that char 200kk (for passes at start to save recipes) im now 100 70% and sub 99 50% and saved 40 ewrs +100ear +all recipes learned(almost, missing 3weps r95)+65 elcyums leftovers now, basicly 2recipes+parts usualy grants 25+ for pass rarelly i need to sell some elcyums to buy pass and enchants are totally bonus
  3. comma

    comma User

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    more exactly, i get 3 or 4 pass in aprox. 3 months => ~ 3 or 4 pass from ~ 92 instances
    but what wiki says is not mean if u do 100 Kartia u will get 9 - 11 pass / 70 -78 elcyum (x2 - x5) / 11 - 21 no drop ... to be = 100
    if u ger 11 pass and 78 elcyum this does not mean the next 11 kartia instances u dot get nothing

    and never get more then 2 elcyum

    the formula to calculate drop is not so simple ... is a little bit complicated
    so I saw ppl who get shiny shirt form 0 to +10 (one +8 and one +7) with 100 scrolls and also i saw ppl who dot get one +7 shirt from 250 scrolls ... hoe u calculate this
    so ... speaking as a programmer ... some ware in cod is a randomizer ... and u never can calculate exact rate of drop

    for example in kartia (wiki) EWR and EAR have aprox. same drop percentage (EWR little more) ... but i get more EAR ... so???
  4. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    First of all, drop rates you see in l2wiki are approximate drop rates, it means it's close to that but not that exactly.
    Second and most important, Drops are grouped into different Drop-groups and you cannot get more than 1 item per drop group, in kartia the drop groups are divided into: Elcyums / Recipes / Crafting Materials / SA crystals / Passes / Enchants. It means in example if you get an EAR, you can't get a EWR even if combination of both chances added up togheter are more than 100%
    Yakawa likes this.
  5. UnknownPower

    UnknownPower User

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    What in-game descriptions are you talking about? Do you mean fortune bag patch notes or some imaginary in-game descriptions? There is simply no decent, thorough info about that anyway, since NC West's and Innova's experiments are almost always shallow. Like there is no info about actual fortune bag drop rates or whether fortune bags are influenced by drop runes? Not to mention we are talking about thousands and tens of thousands of mobs, not just hundreds or just one thousand of mobs, and EV not atelia?

    There was a special note written there that fortune bag farm is not so efficient compared to raiding (especially considering that you spend adena on BSSR too) so that farm in EV is quite good when killing mobs pretty fast with aoe and you are going for both XP and drops, not just drops. If you are going for adena and not for XP too, you are better off doing oly (oly allows for some AFK time too so you are not glued to the PC) or 2x box k95 raids anyway.

    Also, should it be mentioned that it is easier to make one char for zakens (freyas/tezzas) than two 99 and 95 chars for k95 or you need pointers too? Or that, even on 103 level, you still get decent adena from EV? Never really elaborated on those adena making methods and really not trying either, you need to find out for yourself what works for you best. Different people, different amounts of free time to spend, different methods.

    Speaking of dorfs, that reminded me that (a couple of years ago) buying crafting packs was a good (not excellent) way to make adena when you knew the prices of mats/gemR/cryR because people were selling underpriced crafting packs. But the profit was very low, like 20-30% per pack and you had know to exact prices of kms/mats/ingredients to make some adena on it. Really low gain compared to other methods, for example one of friends was reselling attri stones/crystals for around 40-50% profit but he had buy/sell private shops up and online 24/7. Not to mention he was making good adena on camping auctions (Aden/Rune/Giran) too. These methods do not seem to be so profitable anymore.

    Yeah that's right, luck =/= chance, it'll vary for every person and party.

    Also noticed never getting more than 2-3 elcyum pieces, not sure why you never dropped more than 2 pieces, got 3 elcyum pieces here quite often, while the wiki says there is a chance for 5 pieces (never remembering more than 3 pieces dropped though), so the wiki count (and chance) may be actually wrong or outdated.

    Yeah, EAR/EWR group, elcyum/pass group, key mat group, recipe group. SA crystals are the 5th drop group AFAIK. (Elcyum/pass chance would still not add up to 100% w/o PA even if they are approximates unless the wiki info is inaccurate.)
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2016
  6. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    what about chapter1 boooks from atelia/gos? what fdaction lvl i need and wich quest gives those? also what is chance? like before 3-4 of 7 party members got books, or higher?
  7. Padj1l

    Padj1l User

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    Someone wrote here it's 15% with 600 mobs quest and 30% with 800 i think.
  8. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    never got a book from intermediate chest(600mob) so i dont even know if its there
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