im here playing for 1 day, got 87 tyrr + wynn 85 (wynn macro adena farm) got pa on tyrr and i wonder what is fastest way to get 95? btw tarrots is best to sell for adena or other store item? i think i can buy pole ++ to farm pavel ruins adena, and do daily instances. fairy is not good for me cuz now i have no pole ;/ basicly im zero gear, i just made 150kk in 1 day but not possible to get any more just farm pavel ruins all day which is like 30~ kk for me. with macros.
its pay to win/pay to play man. no ways to get adena,only donate. or till aceptabble gear for get any party to somewhere,takes more then year to get it. other way its be like that ''pls link weapon,armor/sorry mate ,then dimiss, so you cannot get any raid's or small group instances party.GL!!!
Solution to that is gettin a decent pve clan ,or supportive cp. There is always a way,but lazy/noncreative pple goin to complain even ,if given everything on a plate.
go read this thread yes. Nobody takes you to raids or small group instance if you don't have equipment to beat other parties in raid damage or complete the instance without help. People don't like wasting their time for nothing. Although i don't usually say "sorry" if you try to join my party for these things with shadow slasher +4 and 150 attribute check that Best way to exp is to ignore everything and do kartia/baylor/kamaloka so you save your vit, doing them with the smallest possible group. Like kartia with 1 DD + iss box, iss returning before boss dies. In those instas always use Maphr scrolls for more exp, always have clanbuff on, eventbuff on. Ask for Exalted buff in Aden. Get XP runes from Store if you want further boost. Probably tarots or you can try the jewel boxes.