sry i was quite i while out of l2, but is this new that you can now see the hp bar and buff bar of enemys? and i think this ****s in pvp you shouldnt know: now i have to run or he is anyway so low i finish him up quickle, same with buffs you know befor you even decide for pvp if you got a chance? greetings and discuss
that's how god made the game. but after you actually do some pvp you will see that's kinda helpful and not imbalanced especially at higher levels, when players got 20k hp and 20-30k cp (which you can't see still).
exactly, especially if you keep on canceling your foe :d you would like to know what buffs he still has., run, cancel, run, cancel = marathon to victory
to be honest. on mass pvp you will not have time to check all buffs eon enemy or hp bar ( only on healers will be important) on "random pvp" 1v1 2v2 that will be a little bad for one of side always. i think its bad to can see bufs. im happy i dont see dmg like in aion :d
if u dont like see hp bar, just turn off and no1 forces u, nc gave both ways i like to see what buffs has other and what debuffs he gets or i need use them again. p.s. hp bar u can turn on/off not in options menu, but in actions in options menu u can turn on/off 2nd blue casting bar.