Like it's not know what it's going to happen, it's gonna be more or less like this: Hey guys it's February, time for red libra maybe? And 1-2 weeks later when everyone is happy about it: Look, seems like we got new OP l2store event
Poor carbon still begging for libra,so he can sell stuff and unfroze adena to sell it later on black market? Such a poor scammer he is . Can we have this "topic" close and forgot that even existed pls? Peace. Edit: carbon uses every possible oporunity to open new topics about ( despite a fact he got answered like 5 times alrdy) ,so he thinks he can "force" staff to do that event. So poor guy eager to sell adena over black market.
Watch out man, you don't want to see this serbian hungry scammer mad. He will write a ticket about you and your fake info, while he's talking over skype with his customers - x0ax0axa0x0axa.
He is a scammer and I can easly provide witnesses for that. And himself knows that perfectly,so he wll keep his mouth closed.
People are screaming in my pms he offers them 50% of the real value of the item. But they don't know what he's doing with the adena, seems like. Innova should check this infidel right away.
Sold all my Gems R in december, sold pve duals +12 2 weeks ago, i got nothing that i could sell with libra, im just curious to switch classes to feoh xD But keep up love in the air, its crusial for this kind of games ! Love u all, happy new year! :* <3 Jan 10, 2017 Anyway Fragola thanks very kindly for your answer, server is getting a bit more live with u Keep up the good work Hope we will have some cool events soon, doesnt need to be Libra U can close topic now, just wanted to answer to friends from clan will there be Libra , because of that Cat on twiter Love u all, CarbonFiber :* <3