Reason why Tranks is banned. Anti hide system detection, reported by Anxxi. Instead of flaming him, say him thx.
Reflect was an innocent botter until he purchased items from SexyDream, then people suddenly noticed him :/
I'm not a trash like you making ticket every 20 minute because I'm not able to win anything else than Kartia (Not sure tho that you can win it). Those screenshots have been uploaded by Tranks himself. So keep your lies for your clan mate , it's not working for people with a little bit of brain cells.
Well I'm not the leader of a disbanded clan filled with people that hates each other ( Hello Assazhi and Syra ). And no everyone knows what Logy is trying to do ( cf Florina post) , but you're not even able to understand 2 words in English so I'll let you think what ever you think, RoC:
Basically you call tranks a bot and then you call logy a liar and saying that tranks uploaded it and it was only a joke? Anxi your logic amazes me day by day
You understood nothing. Logy saying I reported Tranks , which is a lie , then I say that I'm not the type of guy that report people , I'll just make fun of my ennemies that are using 3rd soft like Poison, and so on I said that it wasn't me uploading those screens and it was Tranks himself so , if he had any trouble with those screen he wouldn't have posted it. Where I said it was a joke ? Hax please learn to read properly and stop learning from Syra.
this hurts a lot specially from a guy who was hiding for 1y + Feb 8, 2017 u are saying about hate of other ppl like is not happening the same everyone and is normal since we are a big community about growning up when ppl ll stop making fun of ur tears we can discuss again about it xd