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Our Own Dimensional Siege? i dont think so

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by -V77-, Feb 10, 2017.

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  1. -V77-

    -V77- User

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    Everyone know that we have our super " Dimensional siege "
    What about options that we cannot use from our own dimensional siege?

    I know its from real dimensional siege. but i think untill we dont have other server to fight with. You Admins should think for to make this optons open for us.

    @Fragola Maybe you will speak with EU admins to try open this for us, to make posibility to get poins or this Coupon?

    I know its just a pve stones but for many ppl that will make game easier (when they will have pve weapons) or just a bigger point to fight for castles. At that moment 8 out of 9 castles are totaly worthless every 2 weeks. If there is sens to get others castles ppl will participate sieges more and enjoy it more.

    From original DS there is posibility to get these rewards also more like pvp seapon/armor stones. Maybe make somethink better?
    I know i complaining but your lazynest went to the biggest point after so many time you should make any sens reward system for us insteed of dimensional siege.
    Please think about that. Thanks!
  2. iVoid

    iVoid User

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    I really like the idea.

    Or simply put 2-3 more castles that would give 5 PvP armor stones if u cannot fix the coupons and stuff.

    Cause every 2 weeks a PvP weapon is produced while 0 sets from sieges and then people wonder why they die so fast.

    You must compensate somehow the incomming damage instead of trying to do more before they kill you.
  3. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    Well , it's not like we tried many times already and nothing happened... I hope for you that you didn't wasted your time for nothing once again
  4. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    aden and rune - pvp weapon stones. but only if you succeed to defend castle 2 times in a row ( 1st siege take castle, 2nd and 3rd siege defend). if you fail to defend - 5-10 stones for armor.
    other castles if you succeed to defend in next siege period you get 5-10 armor stones.
    all clans will be interested in sieges then.
    and with some restrictions to avoid farming everything on one clan like now all key castles is casted on en box clans.
    or send weapon stone to kengaa every 2 weeks like you did last year and change nothing. :)
  5. iRuthless

    iRuthless User

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    Dimensional are a good idea for regions with more than 1 server because you have the top clans of each server fighting for castle, here we have only EN, you know what will happend if you put more pvp stones ? they will take the other castles because there is no competition right now and the difference will be even bigger, I think that with only 1 server you dont have a chance of dimensional and if you join the Russ Dimensional (because is innova too) will be hard even for EN to take a Castle but dont think that will happend.
  6. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    What I personally said multiple times I will post it here one more time. We are missing pvp armor stones in our server, like lots of them, it cannot be that in RU server pvp armor stones price is 300-350kk per piece while on our server it's 1-1.2kkk each, it's not only because of gainak, but also because dimensional siege is introducing lots of them, a feature we're missing here making them so expensive. It's not only that we miss a lot of pvp armor stones but also we are getting pvp weapon stones twice as fast as any other server with normal dimensional sieges would get them, making the need to get pvp armor stones even higher, stones that at the moment we don't have.

    I agreed at the start with the first system same as others I guess, thinking that it would be temporary patch until Innova find the solution, seems a lot of us were wrong thinking a real solution would come without pushing for it, but here we are, after many months still no one even thought about it I guess from Innova side. It's not only that it's terribly designed compared to the original one, but it also makes normal castle useless to take at all, right now if you want to go for pvp weapon stone castle you need to give up on adena castle such as aden or rune on our server just to go take stone from dion or gludio, while on original dimensional sieges you can focus on getting adena castles and then next week (yes sieges every week, more action for everyone) you port to dimensional sieges to fight for pvp weapon stone.

    It's not only that what we're missing, we miss also dimensional raids, making price for pve weapon stone really high price at the moment, giving some ways of adena less to people starting at the moment, and making the price to skyrocket, it's not only that people can't come new into the server to play and have close to 0 chances to farm up and get their pvp armor sets to not die so easy, it's also that they can't have chance to drop pve weapon stone from dimensional raids to gear up a bit faster.

    As I think, the best option would be to make dimensional server only for us (instead of people porting from 2+ servers it would be only people porting from our server, shouldn't be problem) and as in exchange, reduce the amount of possible castles to get, instead of in example 2 castles for pvp weapon stones + 8 castles for pvp armor stones, make them 1 for weapon and 4 for armor, including also that no boxes clans would be allowed to get any castle to avoid clans taking 2 or more castles so new clans fight for their castles and have a part of their fun/income also, same for dimensional raids. In worst case it would be even acceptable to have dimensional siege with russians even tho it would be a bit harder to set up our client to let us go to russian server (lots of works, so first option would be easier), but for sure better than the system we have now
  7. Ravhyon

    Ravhyon User

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    You don't need dimensional server to share items to 9 castles, can happen even now.Dimensional server could be good if there were only 2 castles that have the max item for share but it wont change anything.If people want to participate for the stone they can do it even now but only EN/TH cares the rest are fine with this so why to bring dimensional server here?
  8. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    It's true what you said that you can add the rewards to the current castles, but at the moment the pvp weapon stone is given randomly, which denys clans of taking aden in live server or rune just to make some amount of adena weekly and then port to the dimensional siege to fight for pvp weapon / armor stones. What you said could be done also, but would need to make it so pvp weapon stone is in example always in rune or aden so the clan conquering it can farm adena + stone in example, would be another solution I guess
  9. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    and what about fact that those en/th simply oneshot others with one aoe? all interest and fun is gone when one awesome madproskillednagibatorautist oneshot whole clan? yes, there is peoples who play this game for fun, and not spend hard earned money to pixels, only 9-20€/month for premium account.
  10. Surprised

    Surprised User

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    Yes it cannot be, because pvp stones on ru are 800-1,1b ;) screens from 2 most populated servers, Airin and Esthus
  11. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    Yes,a better solution ia needed.
    Enough easy non competitive farming for top clans.
    Situation on server needs radical changes regarding pvp stone.
    Smaller clans need a source of them as well ,so in time can become more competitive.
  12. Eyon00

    Eyon00 User

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    the system that we have is perfect.
  13. midnightx86

    midnightx86 User

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    Yes, we need a solution for that.
  14. gangbrossCO

    gangbrossCO User

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    game provides a lot of ways to gain adena some ppl donate some ppl farm some ppl trade ,choose your own option rather then just complain about it .the only thing what was to early in our server it's broch skills and lvl 6jewel's ,but it's just mine opinion .
    MrOurk likes this.
  15. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    Wrell idk how it changed so much I guess it happened after server merges, cuz 2 months ago it was the price I described 100% for sure, prolly with the server merges something happened and price increased by a lot

    And as QQbang said (I guess gangbrossCO it's him), there are lot of ways of farming adena to gear up, you just need to check market, but it's true that last l2store updates ****** up server a lot, specially level 6 brooches, let's hope we can get proper working dimensional-like sieges, and then we can ask mby for increased drop rate / adena rate on areas 101+ so people can gear up properly and catch up so more ppl have endgame items -> more competition
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2017
  16. -V77-

    -V77- User

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    Not even giving thoes pvp stones ect. I personaly would be happy if they will do something to get these items:)

  17. Fragola

    Fragola User

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    Let's review the process that RU clan have to go through to get the stones:
    Compensation for successful protection:

    When keeping the castle 2+ times clan leader can get a special item (Dimensional Energy) that can be exchanged for rewards according to its level::

     Aden and RuneOther castles
    1st successful protection[​IMG] Dimensional Energy lvl 1 https://l2wiki.com/Elcyum — x10[​IMG] Faint Dimensional Energy lvl 1 https://l2wiki.com/Elcyum — x5
    2nd successful protection[​IMG] Dimensional Energy lvl 2 https://l2wiki.com/Dark_Eternal_Enhancement_Stone — x10[​IMG] Faint Dimensional Energy lvl 2 https://l2wiki.com/Dark_Eternal_Enhancement_Stone — x5
    3rd successful protection[​IMG] Dimensional Energy lvl 3https://l2wiki.com/Dark_Helios_Enhancement_Stone — x1
    https://l2wiki.com/Dark_Eternal_Enhancement_Stone — x20
    [​IMG] Faint Dimensional Energy lvl 3 https://l2wiki.com/Dark_Eternal_Enhancement_Stone — x10
    4th successful protection[​IMG] Dimensional Energy lvl 4https://l2wiki.com/Dark_Helios_Enhancement_Stone — x2[​IMG] Faint Dimensional Energy lvl 4 https://l2wiki.com/Dark_Eternal_Enhancement_Stone — x20
    5th successful protection[​IMG] Dimensional Energy lvl 5https://l2wiki.com/Dark_Helios_Enhancement_Stone — x3
    So, for example in order to get 1 PvP weapon stone the clan has to keep the castle for 6 weeks, while at Core 1 stone is given every 2 weeks.
    At the moment there are 9 PvP armor stones and 2 PvP weapon stones at the auction. As overall amount of stones and PvP-sets corresponds to the number of people playing at Core, I would disagree with "we're missing PvP armor stones here".

    Now, I've read attentively your suggestions on keeping stones in Aden and Rune and discussed with the team why it was decided to move it around every siege. In our opinion, if we keep the stones in these 2 castles, this would only benefit 2 top-sides that would have no reason to fight for the other castles at all. At RU DS the conflict is constantly supported by different clans from different servers and more population in general, while at Core we don't have a constant influx of new clans that would challenge those 2.

    We treat every clan as a real one and we're not sorting "box/alt" clans. Also, I've checked PvE armor stones too - there are 82 of them a the auction, so there's no shortage of them here either. As you can see from the table, there's very little influx of armor stones from the sieges - because not only you have to defend the castle for several weeks in a row to be eligible for it, this number of received stones is also divided among 5 Russian servers.

    As for PvE stones from Dimensional raids, every 2 weeks only 1 person of all 5 servers farming these raids gets 1 random stone - weapon or armor.

    Unlike DS, Gainak can be farmed constantly which can produce a lot more stones that DS.

    It's not possible due to licensing.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
  18. Ravhyon

    Ravhyon User

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    Yes make a DS with the russians, join siege, get hited by guys with Dragon weapons stage 3 that will hit you 1b dmg and cry again.Problem solved!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2017
  19. NiNeTT

    NiNeTT User

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    Why you will put more rewards in a server that only 2 clans are trying to fight
  20. -V77-

    -V77- User

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    Insteed of that They just useing box clans to get castles for themselvs still.

    From the lastest clan who took PvP Stone
    1 - oTRiFansClub.
    2 - TreeHouseBandits - EvilNation Box Clan
    3 - Blahfirmed
    4 - EvilNation
    5 - TreeHouseBandits - EvilNation Box Clan
    6 - BlackSwans - EvilNation Box Clan
    7 - EvilNation
    8 - BlackSwans - EvilNation Box Clan
    9 - BlackSwans - EvilNation Box Clan
    10 - EvilNation
    11 - BlackSwans - EvilNation Box Clan
    12 - BlackSwans - EvilNation Box Clan
    13 - EvilNation
    14 - BlackSwans - EvilNation Box Clan
    15 - EvilNation
    16 - TreeHouseBandits - EvilNation Box Clan
    17 - EvilNation

    From Last 17 sieges at least 14 PvP Weapons stones went to EvilNation ppl. Im not saying its bad becouse they have power to take castles or keep them. But you just do what you wrote. You dont want to give system that benefits 2 top clans, you give system that benefit one clan :)

    And yes Gainak provides good amount of PvP Armosr stones. But they have gainak AND DS. From table that you gave us for holding Castle just one period you have 10 stones for Aden/Rune and 5 for others = 10*2 = 20 + 7*5 = 35 20+35=55. Go and try farm 55 Stones in 2 weeks at gainak. Good luck for you.
    And even if this benefits are splited for diffrent servers we can use that half.
    Insteed of 10 for Main castles we will get 5. Insteed of 5 stones in others castles we will get 2 or 3. It is always something better than this what we have. We are lacking of pvp rezist dmg. We have ppl that they dont even play pvp (clans with 1 box clan war) and ppl there are with pvp. Like they really do PvP.
    MrOurk likes this.
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