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Our Own Dimensional Siege? i dont think so

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by -V77-, Feb 10, 2017.

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  1. Hax

    Hax User

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    yes, top clans will get the reward no matter what, so think about improving sieges for lower clans at least.

    and yes qq I'll choose more tracks which have more friendly lyrics (if i find :D) for next ones, thx tho!
  2. Fragola

    Fragola User

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    Btw, we've got an info about 5.0 (not 4.0 that is about to be received for Core, but the next update) and our testers say that 1-85 will be a matter of 20 minutes, not several hours like it's now. Also, they reworked the way you get skills, almost getting rid of old skills which confused people because after awakening you're equipped with a completely new skillset, but there's some problem with skills of old chars so they keep working on it.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
    Hax and MrOurk like this.
  3. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    the randomizer should be performed after siege not before, so all castles owners would have same 1/9 chance in getting stone, that would not be so manopolizing as even en i doubt they can hold all 9 castles that would bring some balance in this server
    Feb 10, 2017
    we know that already, there are no problems on old skills, they work as worked but new ppl who make 1-85 in 20min cant keep 3rd profession skills, also there is a choise to make 1-85 old way..
    p.s. BEST post in this year to distract PPL from curent topic.. you should penalize yourself for "offtopic"
    andrius3022 and gangbrossCO like this.
  4. Fragola

    Fragola User

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  5. DefNotMits

    DefNotMits User

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    Put PvP Weapon stone in aden, there's no other solution, or change the system and switch the way pvp stones are given from sieges to some PvP Event on the free Sunday of the month.
    Rest people who want pvp stone given to a random castle AFTER siege, you guys should swap to my little pony online, l2 is not for you.
    Hax and MrOurk like this.
  6. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    Yeah it's one of the good points to help new people to catch up, the other problem is to catch up in gear / adena wise since a lot of l2store updates and the current drop from current areas is almost nothing, not even making dragons feels rewarding at all since you can get them via l2store (with tarots), some new ways of making adenas should be made alongside new armor/weapon grade finally (mby revamping HB chimeras/towers / LoA / ToI could help into this), there's even a big hole in korean server at the moment, since last raids added are 108-109 but there are not new skills beyond 105 level :D
    Another thing that should be reworked is dimensional sieges like almost everyone here is agreeing
  7. Takanodan

    Takanodan User

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    Yea, but if we get 4-7, it'd pbb be even worse for lower clans than the current situation..

    Idk, I feel some of our problems is due to lack of other servers. On NCWest, KR, RU, etc. there are multiple servers, so normally top clans farming/fighting on each of their servers. If they want action, they can transfer to other server. If they need stacked ppl, they can try to recruit from other server. Since doesn't matter how weak you are, you can still pbb farm dragons/gainak/lilith/anakim/baium/etc. with like 50-70 ppl in clan. But here, only way for a party to get top gear is either donating a lot or joining top clan (ofc you can farm raids or do 5 warp runs per day, but lets be honest, it's quite limited the number of ppl that can do it).
  8. Adr3na

    Adr3na User

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    I agree that randomizer should be after the siege too.
  9. Eyon00

    Eyon00 User

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    Randomizer after siege is the most anti competitive and ridiculous idea i have ever heard. Why should any random low clan get a pvp stone at random because they dont have what it takes to compete? Almost everyone is crying because they want more , stop being such greedy kids and get stronger/better and try to earn a stone if you want it so much.
    SnoWyz and DefNotMits like this.
  10. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    Problem is that the reward is only 1. Make pvp/e armor stones around other castles and pve armor stone to some other. It will lower the price in market and more ppl will be able to have them.
  11. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    why not? look at situation right now, 17 sieges in a row en took stone, that means they are even further from low clans, and if randomizer would be after siege, that would mean random clan gets 50b which could be distributed inside clan (ofc if a leader isnt selfish) and lets say 50ppl geting 1b each (or lets say 2cp's 25b that would bring some pvp survivability) to improve himself is much more balanced than 1 clan monopoly where there is no competition left in this server
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
  12. Naito

    Naito User

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    For me the problem with castle siege is very simple to fix. Before cs do not say which one castle will get stone. Do random lottery after siege. Also if you do not have a permission to change game mechanic and even this pvp weapon stone as reward is your own bonus, do some rules for that. Clan which dont have minimum 70 people lvl 102 can't participate in the lottery. So clans like EvilNation can't control every castle to get stone for sure.

    BTW Fragola there is no more 2 sides server. For EvilNation, TheHorde is now like any other random clan, easy to ****. I said many times, if you can see on hero monument 90% hero from 1 clan it means server is done, going to die. I played many years on many private servers and all the time was the same story. This game let 1 clan take a control on everything which gives good profit. After year of even less same people are stronger and stronger and stronger, so other players do not have a chance to catch them even if they spend a lot of euro for l2store. It is just impossible. So if people do not have a chance to fight with top clan, do not see reason for play game like this.

    This problem is also easy to fix. Epic Boss should be in the same time. Not possible for 1 clan kill them all. It gives profit for few clan and bring to the game more fun.

    Hero also easy to fix, Hero skills are very very powerfull in mass pvp. 1 hero from clan is using skill, next should get block for this skill.

    At this moment i see another problem. You put to the game level 6 brooch which are also very powerfull, expensive and make a huge unbalance in pvp. This brooch should work like Power of Abundance skill. When equipp abundance skill is on reuse. No more trade it to get active skill.
  13. DefNotMits

    DefNotMits User

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    @Naito players like you should stick to private servers.

    @CM Fragola seeing the ideas and expectations of people in this server please add in l2store server transfer ticket to RU servers.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
    Hax likes this.
  14. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    totaly agree.. would waste all my adenski to buy that ticket and would be enjoying game to its full not like here half of features we dont have:63:
  15. midnightx86

    midnightx86 User

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    Is not a bad idea transfer to ru server ..
  16. gangbrossCO

    gangbrossCO User

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    vote for ticket :)
  17. iKoobu

    iKoobu User

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    Then you just proved my point, dosen't matter wich side u are or wich gear u have, if an stacked archer hit you, you are dead.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
  18. ShiroiTenshi

    ShiroiTenshi User

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    This server is pure hardcore and doesn't have dimensional siege, if you have money or a good clan you can get all your equipment easily, if not you will never have nothing. If there is a chance to transfers my account someday to the russian server i am in.
  19. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    Thing is that almost there is to be able to use in any endgame pvp or olympiad it's mostly l2store related, ye you can say go farm adena and buy l2store instead, but the items are not even dropped from ingame mobs ,and the amount of adena you can farm it's simply 0 in high level areas. Before GoD you could go farm xp or adena, you could go farm AA, Vesper noble stones, Spoil, Craft, take recipes from HB to sell them, farming Knoriks in LoA, elemental stones/crystals, etc, nowadays you cannot farm anything

    -Giant life stone, item needed if you wanna do something in oly, pure l2store related, there's no way to farm them ingame if it's not from events or l2store (the ingame way to get it is close to 20kkk when ingame item is atm 4kkk)
    -Superion giant codex mastery chapter 1: either l2store or some farming events every a lot of time
    -Abundances talismans: Only obtainable from l2store caskets
    -Shirts: only l2store related (don't come to me telling me you can go and buy power shirt since rate for those is 1/3 than the normal shirts)
    -Brooch rhapsody or brooches lvl 6: Only l2store related (amount of EoD/GE you can farm per day is really limited)
    -Some of the next l2store items that might appear in store soon are exclusively l2store related
    -3rd SA crystals/fragments cannot be even farmed doing dragons in example, as the droplist of those are pure joke atm

    And like this many more items, but what happens if you wanna farm adena or materials or even bosses? yeah you need l2store drop runes / maprh, why? because drop was nerfed to the ground in order to combat "bots", no one from the allmighty koreans ever thought that increasing the amount of adena needed would only bring even more bots, as no one would bot for adena if there was enough means ingame to get all l2store related items or to gear up.

    And yeah now you will say go farm adena, question is how to stay competitive relatively to heavy top spenders in l2store when ingame the amount of adena you can get per hour is really low, so low that by the moment you're more or less close to l2store farmers, another event comes and gap increases, this is what no one from any server seems to notice and it drives away A LOT OF PLAYERS, players that could be moderately spending money into your l2store in example

    As about sieges or clan domination, it was always like that, most dedicated / best strategies clans were winning the game, problem is back then you could farm up and put some opposition, which at the moment is impossible because it's purely everything farmed following l2store only. Fixing sieges could be the first step to make it a little bit better, but should be done 100% sure and shouldn't be the only thing to do
  20. Kengaa

    Kengaa User

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    I gave an detailed suggestion to GM's, for mid - lower clans to get rewards from dimensional siege. So people can catch up to higher tier clans get involved in main politics on the server.

    "GMDoctor: I have spoke to Logy not so long ago, and he was okay with losing for over a year of dimensional siege."

    I rest my case here.
    Naito and MrOurk like this.
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