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Our Own Dimensional Siege? i dont think so

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by -V77-, Feb 10, 2017.

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  1. Hax

    Hax User

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    The whole point is that our Dimensional Sieges are on our live server. The more rewards you give to castles, the more castles will be taken/attacked by EN / TH / HB.
    We need to find a solution which works with both. On normal Dimensional Sieges lowbie clans can keep their castles on live server, the sieges there are purely about getting the reward and there wont be a large number of box clans trying to crest.
    It is much more balanced as even top clans can only crest 1, maybe 2 castles properly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2017
  2. Fiorina

    Fiorina User

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    Fixed castle for reward would be better to be honest like (permanent Aden), at least the lower level clans would not lose their castles cause of this system.
  3. iVoid

    iVoid User

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    Germaniardo. It's obvious that besides scamming you are good at nothing else rofl pathetic.

    If you take gludio (in our current " live " server). What u gonna take light castle and do what?!? Answer me please.

    If u keep a castle without pvp stone lets say dion for example. If you put it dark u risk being attacked by anyone( which i dont mind,but 90% of the server does) and u will take not more then 150-200kk/ 2 weeks. So what ?!

    How many castles will HB/TH/EN take 5-6 max, more doubt can be defended. Still there will be free clans ,which will give something besides light cloack for PvE clans..
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2017
  4. Hax

    Hax User

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    Lower clans have different goals from yours, but you seem to not be able to emphasize with their Point of View which is sad.
    For them 150-200m every 2 weeks is Adena they would like. For them 10% PVP Damage is something they'd want to have when fighting other low clans. For them +2 stats is smth nice too from cloak.
    The symbolic achievement of a castle is also something that lower clans might value.
    Not everyone plays the game like we do, where we will not bother for 200m adena / 2 weeks but others simply like and want.

    Problem? Server isn't only populated by EN and TH, but besides insulting others you just don't seem to understand.
  5. iVoid

    iVoid User

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    let's do basic maths.

    lets calculate in best case. 200kk/2 weeks= 400kk/month,lets make it easier to count 500kk/month.

    Avarage/mid clan keeps the clan for 6 months. 6x 500kk = 3B. Tell me what you gonna buy with 3B (a 6 month farm). Max you can get is lets say 2-3 hunter talismans for a clan for 50ppl lets say.
    You want to tell me hunter talisman every 2 months is something!!?.

    Tell me except TH/EN/HB how many clans have war at all ? Exceptions like ecarlate, BlackAngles(which 75% of the time has no wars) and NakedForce/SkyHunters.

    So lets count 7 clans with how many castles are there 8 (correct me if im wrong ,too lazy to count and dont have the number on top of my head). Lets say TH/EN/HB take 2 each,since it's simply physically impossible to take more. 2 are free for 4 clans. This will force alliances + good fights for those castles. This will improve the amount of PvP on the server. 2 Clans/allys will take some extra rewards which worth fighting for.

    With the time some of those clans will improve or merge into one with their ally. Will get some rewards/drops will evolve into stronger one.

    The only one that doesn't understand is you. You are too narrow minded you see above your nose. You see no perspective (which is normal knowing which clan you are ). Have you ever though of this scenario!?- no,because you need active people to enter some instances. You need people to " protect their farm in GoS for example" so they can protect your anakim/lilith/aq/baium farm.

    Just admit it and end your stupid propaganda and open your eyes. People simply no longer trust you or the leadership of your clan and it's normal.

    We are used to you, thinking of your own profit and we are aware of it, but making it official is a bit too much.
  6. Hax

    Hax User

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    ok so we go take all castles on server so lower clans have to fight for the last castle left! lets see if other clan leaders agree this to be the best solution :D
  7. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    To take more than one castle , you need to have one, do you follow me ?
    R4inm4n likes this.
  8. __JTB

    __JTB User

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    Lower clans will never catch up. Simply because new items are introduced faster than they can farm. Most don't even have any PvP item, nor lvl 5 brooch jewelry.

    No matter what extra reward you add, it will only make the strongest clans stronger.
    Hater and Naito like this.
  9. CancerB0y1

    CancerB0y1 User

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    All the server economy is on 1 clan. Thats why new people must bring their big wallet to get items someday. Even if Core Team gives more oportunities to the rest of the castles, EN will grab everything again. Whats the point? I personally dont believe on that server anymore, i just play because i dont want to go back on privates.
    Too much drama, too much propaganda, too much money makers, PLEASE NO.
  10. Hater

    Hater User

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    +1 to what jtb says, i wanted to write a long post on this subject, but it's really a waste of time

    bottom line for me - mid tier clans will stop at one point and die eventually cause there aren't enough ways to progress, it's not possible to even get close to en and th; the entire system is broken and it looks more and more like innova is just using this server for l2store purposes; system needs to be rethought and you need to find a way to market the game properly and get new players on the server)

    MrOurk likes this.
  11. CancerB0y1

    CancerB0y1 User

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    Imo, you mean... #innovastaffcaresaboutitsplayers #not
    MrOurk likes this.
  12. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    I guess on NCWest they starting to see the problem the same way we do, and when asked if they can add brooches to mammon like we have here answer was:

    They won't be added to Mammon in our version. The underlying issue is that we can't just copy paste in that system the EU service is using as that was created and balanced around a different business model.
    But that doesn't mean jewels and other items can't be made to be obtainable through normal gameplay by incorporating it into other systems.

    I hope same can be done here with all other stuff, it's time to stop milking everyone to try to sell them everything from l2store, it's time to give possible alternatives in game, after all, the amount of l2 store events this server had since eggs for 0.30 euros dropping blessed items, drove too many ppl away from server (russian went from 10+ servers into 5)
  13. iKoobu

    iKoobu User

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    Do not buy l2store or pa for some months and then they will hear us.
  14. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    and how u suggest doing that when forum reads maybe 50ppl :) and there are like 500ppl who buys l2store everyday
  15. MrScubba

    MrScubba User

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    You are wrong.
    Medium clans have more and better pvp.
    VaeVictis has 4-5 wars up all the time. Same as LaOnda, Maddogs, Lilith, Team etc.
    We compete for castles. Finally good alliances were formed and despite the wars with the leaders we try to maintain power balance.
    The key is to have fun, not to have one more castle / 2m longer e-penis.

    You can take Ecarlate, NF, or BA as example - I bet they have less wars and playing enemies. This way their members get bored, log only for sieges, maaaybe to do oly. Or they port to parna and with pvp weaps they try to oneshot flagged lowbies. Is that fun?
    You can t stand vs the top clans but none of the lower ones will accept war. You stay there idle. Waste your time. You do not grow, do not progress.

    Look at LaOnda. What were they 4 months ago? 2 AoE material on a siege.
    Now they are probably the strongest mid clan and may be stronger than NF/BA and they have the enthusiasm you lost ages ago.

    But to speak about castles. There are 8+1 castles and around 12 major clans fighting for them.
    Putting bigger reward to all castles is ** add word which I would have to moderate **.
    The current system has its flaws (as supporting the strongest clan) but there is no better way.
    I agree with Hax. The cloaks, the prestige, the PvP damage and the political involvement and at least 30 mins of fight is great for us.
    Adding smaller rewards, such as PvE armor stones, attribute stuff, soul crystals could be a way. A top party will not bother for those, and for smaller clans even ~half billion is a support every 2 weeks.
    On the other hand tax from dark castle is not an option.
    Hax, mucea, iLiftTrucks and 1 other person like this.
  16. Hax

    Hax User

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    Exactly this. But I am too narrow minded :D
    I agree that maybe PVE armor stones or so might be a way to compensate lower castles because yes top clans wont bother lowering their defenses to protect such a castle.

    One other option I could (and would) prefer is to activate the dimensional siege anyways and have only 1 server participate. I mean sure, same clans and same fights, but at least live server castles will be unaffected and rewards will be given out the way they are meant to be.
  17. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    I said it I think in 1st page and gonna say it again, make proper dimensional sieges + raids on dimensional server, yeah it can be open since it wouldn't require too many NPC's to load in example, and not so long ago there were server merges on RU server, so there should be slots in the virtual machines runnin servers to add another dimensional server just for us, you can cut in half amount of castles (like instead of 2 giving weapon stones and 8 giving armor, make it 1 and 4) and voila, problem solved
  18. Henerik

    Henerik User

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    I know that Laonda clan is now an interesting clan, i'm glad for them ans the server activity, they have now many members but saying it's probably the strongest mid clan ... no, really, no. You guys ( Maddogs, Death, VV, Laonda etc ), you have your own wars, when you siege, you fight vs your own wars.

    You don't fight against SkyHunters, Ecarlate, BlackAngels or NakedForce. These 4 clans are constantly busy on 1 or 2 castles, they don't interfere in your PvP / Sieges. It's the same logic about TH or EN, they don't interfere in the wars / sieges of SH, BA, NF or Ecarlate.
  19. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    Yeah it's obvious that clans from same tiers pvp togheter, problem is that there is no clan from lower tier that at some point tries to challenge superior tier, like in your example Laonda clan I doubt they try to pvp Ecarlate / SH in sieges to show that they can do it.

    Still waiting for a proper answer from Innova team on this topic
  20. CancerB0y1

    CancerB0y1 User

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    Thats about the communication of all clan leaders in the council.
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