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Amount ppl for instances.

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Rnika, Feb 27, 2017.


Do amount of ppl for enter instances should be lowered?

  1. Yes

    34 vote(s)
  2. No

    9 vote(s)
  3. I dont care, im lazy cucamber and i dont do instances.

    6 vote(s)
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  1. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    Well you were never known for being smart, that's a fact, can't expect you to understand how supply/demand help or not economy but one post above yours it has been explained properly, but what's for sure is that this would be a huge step to help newcomers and poor people to get into a decent level investing a really low amount of resources from developers into achieving it
  2. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    Mrouk talking about being smart. Ive seen all now.
    Peace and stay mad.
    Feb 28, 2017
  3. Rnika

    Rnika User

    Likes Received:
    Im a new person for example:
    Current situaton:
    OO what is this nice game called l2? i will try play this
    instaling game, buy PA making 85 lvl for my main and my box
    Getting my first r85 set and 30 days TW set ^.^
    After 30 days of useing TSset i have to back on immortal.
    after another 60 days im still in immortal and with 500kk adena becouse i did kartia duo with my iss, and well that all.
    I did 97 lvl. Ok i bought my own TW set. I would like to g o for R99 set so when i reach 99 lvl i will equip it pretty fast.
    What? boots/gloves bothc 180kk, armor 450kk, gaiters 400kk, helmet 350kk?
    Damn pointless to play now because i will never reach money like this, drop is splited by 7 ppl so its 12% chance i will get anything. so Pff bb Core

    If instance 2 ppl allowed
    OO what is this nice game called l2? i will try play this
    instaling game, buy PA making 85 lvl for my main and my box
    Getting my first r85 set and 30 days TW set ^.^
    after another 60 days im still in immortal and with 500kk adena becouse i did kartia duo with my iss, and well that all.
    I did 97 lvl. Ok i bought my own TW set. I would like to g o for R99 set so when i reach 99 lvl i will equip it pretty fast.
    So ok i take my box and do CC do Baylor (its hard but noone told will bea eazy so for good adena or items i need t work a bit but i know all drop is for me and i worked for it)
    30 days later i bought/crafted R99 from craft pack and bear/bewr/Runestones i dropped,
    Instances are a bit easier but now i collect for weaopn.... i got weapon
    now i can go to some clan and try pvp, and in time will collect adena for upgrade my EQ.

    You see diffrence ? stop be closeminded and think a bit of server you play.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2017
  4. Padj1l

    Padj1l User

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    I'm in favor of a lower amount of people in instance but your example is wrong i don't think a new player with tw set and ****ty weapon is gonna solo baylor or cc, even less the rest, to make money. However yeah, droping price by increasing the amount of items would be nice.
  5. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    New players might not going to be able at the start of making 2 people baylor / CCx3, but maybe if they have proper class and decentish gear (like TW 3x120 in example, specially if they are support) they could join some pt's to make those instances no in 2 people but maybe in 4-5 people, still they would get some change to get a little bit more xp / drop share so they can improve faster
  6. comma

    comma User

    Likes Received:
    - instances with 2 ppl / pt (main + box) = more instances = more regular/good drop (mats, EWR/EAR, BEWR/BEAR, elcium, recipe, rune stone)
    - epic instances with 7 ppl / pt = little more instances = little more drop (epic drop ... any way the epic drop from instances is lower now beside l2store event drop)
    ... i said little more instances because now tauti/octavis etc epic with box = 1 pt with main (heal/tank/iss/dd's) + 1 pt boxes (99% ISS) ... so not double the number of pt's for instances if will be possible in 1 full pt
    - more regular drop means lower price
    - little more epic drop means little more lower price
    for example if in AH u find 100 EWR at 3.5kk ... u can sell ur EWR with 3.5kk/each, if u find 10 EWR ... u can sell at 5kk ... but if u find 500 EWR u will sell with 2.2kk/each ... or u can keep it ... the market rules

    after that, what is the point to make cc for balok if is eassy to make it in 7 ppl ... why is necessarily to make 5 ppl pt +2 ppl pt to enter ... same fot tauti/octavis/istina normal

    when i start to play here (less than one year) all ppl lf k95 duo ... but i find easy ppl to make k95 in full pt when i was 95 lvl ... and easy to make k95 trio at 97/98 lvl ... and now i make kartia duo with my box
    conclusion ... low geared ppl will make full pt for baylor and high gear ppl make it with box (duo)

    i understand u ppl who buy L2store want to become rich queeck ... and for that if in aden are ppl who buy (shop) for example Bless Enchant stone Giant with 150kk , u make shop to sell with 300 and if some1 come and make buy shop and put 200kk price , u will refresh ur shop and sell with 400kk ...and then QQ why ppl dont buy and spam chat like
    i buy 3 of that with ~200kk/each and fail ... after that in a few days i saw the price is ~double ... so -> no buy more -> u can keep it and try to be rich

    and on topic
    what is the difference between :
    - if u r a very geared ppl and have 1 tauti to sell and is only 1 tauti from AH and u sell with 9 b ... and w8 3 months to sell (tauti obtain from 7 random + 7 box in 1 month +++ more luck on random including spoil)
    - if u farm tauti with 20 chars and obtain 3 tauti / 1 month and try to sell with 3 b/ each because in AH are 30 tauti rings

    u have ~ the same amount of adena and more competitive ppl on pvp

    or u want to be the only 1 geared ppl on server and have 50 epic item for sell and no1 can buy because u sell with 20 b each ... and u r surrounded by ppl who dont have gear and u can kill them easy -> fresh meet
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2017
  7. Fragola

    Fragola User

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    We're aware of the possibility to farm instances with fewer people than required, but at the moment devs do not plan to lower the required number.
    St0ne likes this.
  8. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    making lower ppl to enter instances (not those epic ones with 14 to 7) would bring alot of waiting for ppl to enter instance.. like on double event kartia in prime time was in-acsessible (with 30+min of clicking on some cases)
    those which need 14 to enter to make them 7ppl would be good, but everything else would bring alot of negative effects

    if there would be tauti 2ppl, baylor 2ppl and etc u guys rly think that ppl wouldnt go for 1h farm to make it solo?
    im iss and i would go 100% daily to farm it solo baylor 2x (and probably i would kill alone 2 baylors for 50min) , tauti 2ppl isnt hard (to make destro 100 its like 1week without pa and box iss 97 is 2days(or even 1) so 2-3 weeks and 7entrances rdy.. 1 gear for all)
    ofc lower prices would be good, but considering that there would be excessive amount of items from those instances would result in top epics costing 10x the price now, and every 2nd noob would have tauti ring, and that would be bad..
    if u are a "top notch" dd in a cp and you need lvl badly u can ask your cp to log you box for baylor/cc to take more xp (or buy boxes) to xp faster, but that makes your healer/tank/iss progress slower (where they should be priority to exp so lvl difference makes lower dmg from opponent and debuf landing chances lower)
  9. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    even 5 instead of 7 for baylor would be better.. or again i'm wrong?
    and for full instance in kartia.. say thx for those who save vitality..
    as for epics like tauti... 99% of those who go duo will die in 1st room where you need to kill kundas..
  10. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    5 pple sounds way better than duo.
    Full instances were long before trend for sv k95 came here.
    Rich pple can duo tauti ,or any epic boss with some(small help) of healer.
    Happy to see that there some reasonable pple on server.
  11. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    if hands not from the *** iss+destro duo(solo+box) can kill it easy with 0 problems and for that is enough some pole, tauti wep and set 3x120..
    5ppl and 7 ppl difference in xp is like 5% (7ppl = *2/7, 5ppl = *1.6/5 so if rb base is 20b u get extra 0.7b*boosts so big difference that it matters)
  12. comma

    comma User

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    no 1 said tauti 2 ppl ... is about tauti/ekimus/octavis in 1 full pt (7 ppl) ... => w/o cc 5+2 or cc 7 +7 boxes

    and about baylor/cc 2 ppl ... i dont saw 2 (new) ppl 95 lvl with +3 gear not full element (imortal event ... or if have few adena, in TW/apo+3) to try to make k95 duo (even in 1h). they always go in 4 ppl at least

    i dont think some1 try to go duo at baylor with +3 R95 gear at lvl 97 ... only if u are iss 97 and find a good dd 100+ ... or if u are 97 dd with +10 armor and +10 weap (the new 1 who have this +10 R95 items on 97 or have a 100+ char 1-2 years old or have a donator friend who give up and donate gear or have visa card)
    with +3 r95 gear u have big chance to die on baylor even if u are in full pt

    for example R99 +6 gear, +7 bles weap, tauti ring, QA teza soul, shiny +10, +3 STR bracelet/hair an 4 slot brooches stage 2 most of them can not go kama duo ... so i dont try to enter kama duo til i'll have better gear (til i'll have +8 bles set +12 weap, at least or beter pve ... but for that i must go to the bank :Cry::Cry::Cry: and the bank in closed for me)

    Rich ppl make tauti normal 2-3 ppl with 5-4 box ... be sure of that

    and about ur 30 min clicking w8 to enter kartia. maybe u make baylor 1st, and after baylor ur time is important an want to go very very fast on kartia ... but must to w8 5 min to baylor instance disrepair and u saw that 5 min like 30 min.
    for that i go to smoke a cigarette after baylor and then try to enter kartia ... and i need only 1 click enter on this way :D:D:D:D:p:p:p
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2017
  13. reivax

    reivax User

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    Ye and baylor 2 ppl atelia 2 ppl etc etc
    Mar 3, 2017
    I will be rly rich when i drop rec on value 2kk or bsoe or BEWR RLy i will be rich like hell

    PS stoping ppl to entry whit 2 ppl or even one is fake beocsue if they woan they log in box and they enter you have EQ you have DPS you win .
  14. Akayds

    Akayds User

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    2 things here,

    less ppl for instance = rich can farm and get richer but more items in server = prices will lower

    ^ considering this fact, rich ppl will have more but the fact that prices will lower on market will actually help poor players more than the rich players because a poor player that buys an item gets a much more major boost than a rich player paying billions for a very small upgrade in stats.

    on the other hand, new players will not be able to solo any instance with box with no gear.

    current problem, 7 ppl instance is almost like playing lottery, u probably wont get anything most of the time and it adds up in the long run how much time u are wasting trying to get instance drops.

    Solution: keep amount of ppl for instance to what it is (maybe some modifications to certain), but just like zaken give special drop to every single player, make instances give something valuable at high chance to every player in the party. I am not talking about billions here i am just talking about something that will make their time worth it and help them out in server. I can even be straight up adena to all players so maybe each boss in fortuna for example can give good amount of adena per kill so everyone can get maybe 10kk for complete fortuna (just an example). Still noone is getting OP and everyone has a chance to play the game with main char and progress. The prices of items might chance slightly but in the long run it will benefit the majority to have decent adena drops in instances because right now new players have no chance whatsoever and making zaken chars is stupid and long and boring and noone likes it. Give enough adena in instance so that zaken chars become not worth it and now we got a nice server where everyone has a chance to have decent gear without finding stupid tricks.
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