Mmm really thats donts matters, because u can do your mains and full lvl first with your dual class for full pve , my cp will do titan evi othel and tank with dual for farm
3 Titans With Archer Subs for pvp , 1 Nuker with Healer Sub , 1 Iss With Tank Sub , One Tank With Iss Sub, 1 More Heal with Nuker Sub u can pve the shyt out of everything, u can add an Evis insteed of one Titan and with 3 archers , 2 healers , a tank and a iss u got a pvp party
Agreed Dark Elves if u can , and make one of those to add heal dual so when u pvp u smash them. I used to play Necros (2) and 1 (STS) best thing ever.
nope. edit: and answer to OP question is iss, 2 healers, tank and 3 dd. doesn't matter class. play w/e you like.
you meant pvps before 85? cuz otherwise i would faster see 4 yulls winning 4 feohs, even with immortal jawels
Best setup I'd say it's 2 DE mages (STS) + 1 DE archer (GS) + iss hierophant + tank eva's templar + 2 DE healers with pow kept changed into either 1 EE + 1 Cardi or both cardis. Then on duals archer should go titan for pve, same as one of the healers can go summoner and mages as well, and you will be able to both pvp/pve on mains and go for bosses w/o much problems on dual
And u will pray for mana elexirs on every train; on subject 2 mages +whatever despite dagger ,probably gladi that sub archer later because it will boost ur early game pvp dmg alot
Full mage parties were used when god was introduced and you ran out of mana exactly in 10minutes when rebirth was ready and that was in harnak without herbs at the time.
Considering current meta and features of GC in my opinion it woud be few possible setup's: PvP PvE 1st: AoE mob's grinder: Yull GS/Trick(Kamael or DE base) Tyrr Titan/Dreadnouth Yull GS/Trick(Kamael or DE base) Tyrr Titan/Dreadnouth Othell GH/WR/ADV(DE or WE base) Tyrr Titan/Dreadnouth Sigel Paladin/Eva's Templar(Human base) Sigel HK/SK ISS HRP with Mystic Immunity(Human base ofc) ISS DC Aeore Cardinal(DE base with PoW kept) Feoh Archmage/Soulhound Aeore Eva's Saint(DE base with PoW kept) Aeore Cardinal 2nd: Raid's Killer's/Versatile: Yull GS/Trick(Kamael or DE base) Tyrr Titan/Dreadnouth Othell GH/WR/ADV(DE or WE base) Eviscerator Sigel Paladin(Human base) Othell GH/WR/ADV Sigel Eva's Templar(Human base) Sigel HK/SK ISS HRP with Mystic Immunity(Human base ofc) ISS HRP/DC Aeore Cardinal(DE base with PoW kept) Feoh Archmage/Soulhound Aeore Eva's Saint(DE base with PoW kept) Aeore Cardinal For example our CP setup to myself fit's perfectly both PvP and PvE: PvP: PvE: Yull Tricster(Kamael base) Yull Tricster Eviscerator Eviscerator Yull GS(Human base((Tyrr Duelist main) Tyrr Duelist(with pole ofc not dual's) Sigel Paladin(Human base) Sigel Paladin Aeore Eva's Saint(WE base) Aeore Eva's Saint Aeore Cardinal(Kamael base) Feoh Soulhound ISS DC with MI(Human base) ISS DC I believe there is many option, depends on CP versatility and what they focus more/less.
maybe, still i find it highly unlikely to keep 4 POW mages up with 1 rebirth atleast with low gear at start
For pve it's easy.. I remember keeping mana of 4 feohs on PoW + ghost pot with only me healing (and I was cardinal at the time)..