so im oldschool player played everything since c0 to goddes of destruction, but then i stopped, didnt liked it, not sure if i will like it this time, but some friends asked me to try since its new server. so my question is what classes are best in those new chronicles? looks like now its infinity odysey and soon there will be new update grand crusade, wondering who should i roll to have decent char? note that i love both solo, and party, random parties, clan activity, what class can do it all? i remember tyrants, destroyers and gladiators were always good in pve and pvp since c0 till h5, but what now? during launch of goddess remember that summoners were op in instances and solo and pvp, what about archers? if any players play in global for long, i would love some short guide on all classes cause i feel like i dont know **** about this game anymore, and cant find any databases on those new chronicles, can anyone give link?
im not newbie, i can understand that, my question is mostly about early game where ppl have same armors, there will be grind untill 85 lvl like old times, so i wonder what is most complete and fun to play char, i remember mages had vr working when i stopped playing, does archers can use vampyric buffs too? any word on warriors?
eviscerator or mb rogues are op early dunno about warriors they are more for pve but i think they can work in early.
Something you gotta know is if you plan on playing the game and get items in-game to build ur char any char u take is gonna be undergeared for a long time. I suggest make iss or healer first since they dont require gear and are essential for parties u wont have trouble finding. This way u can farm higher level stuff earlier and switch on main when u have items and leveling will be even easier since ull probably be able to box kartia or etc depending on gear/class Also forget about 84- this don't exist anymore since GoD search what you wnt to do after 85
Even 85 is not grind - you go kartia, most ppl will save VP. A bit of grinding with fairies, but again, only if you choose to use your VPs. Honestly, I think grind starts at 99 (on core where a lot of cheap items are available at AH. might be different with fresh new server)
1->85 is a few hour grind after that things changes for both party and solo pve destro is best (always wanted in any pve party), but destro(or any other awakened tyrr (glad/ws/tyrant/wl)) is 0 in pvp for pvp archers>all the rest
wow it is sad that low lvl game is dead.... for me always most fun was 1-70lvl stuff, i didnt liked 70-85 stuff in most chronicles :| more i read more i dont like it where is the fun of crafting low lvl stuff? spoiling and gathering mats rcp parts? all i see is quests and instances ;\ btw cmec1 said archers in pvp are great, so they **** in pve? cause i really want to try overall complete char, like in c0-h5 tyrants and destroyers were gods in pve and in pvp also great, especially in oly, or summoners, same in pvp and pve
there is no such thing as overall complete char.. once are good for pvp, others for pve.. lets take dagger for example, decent pvp, good oly, needed 1 for debuff in instances.. open farm hmmm.. who gona take 1 target char while they can take aoe capable.. so no dagers in aoe farm pt lets take archer.. good pvp, decent oly(until end game, after that good oly), pve farm hmm idk i would take mage/destro instaed of archer knowing for decent aoe he needs flat ground, in instances hmm idk.. destro - good pve (all round pve, with pole aoe, with 2h wep solo targets(instances/rbs), bad pvp cause of no dmg (maybe on new server for few weeks gona be worth smth but not further) mage - good pve in aoe partys, not welcome for instances (weak dmg in solo targets), gona get boost for pvp's in grand crusade so oly/open pvps gona be better than now sumoner - no dmg anywhere (some ppl still believe that sumoners make dmg and want them in instances but i guess they didnt play sumoner and other char with equal gear) ^^.. maybe if have good hands and good gear worth smth at oly, elsewhere tyr over dps it by alot.. about low lvl game.. 1-85 is 3-4h game.. 85-99 depends on commitment gear and some other things (can be 1-2 day, can be 3months), game starts now from 101lv mostly, even higher lvl for end gamers (since they all are 104-105 and lvl penality in pvp means alot) there is no such thing as before grinding toi/it, spoiling mats for baisc gear.. 1-85 u get everything u need, after 85 newbies got nothing.. and dont even have idea where to get gear.. all drops are nerfed, there is nothing to spoil that is worth of smth, there is no full drops from mobs outside (maybe some locations still have full drop but chances are like 0.000000001%) raidboses drops only crafting packs, which means u still need some luck to get that item crafted
@Wrath make a class that will focus on pvp and a dual class that will focus on pve i think tahts what most ppl do, and check if gear is somewhat compatible. U could do something like archer/tyrr for example which is what i will do
yes and u believe randoms gona farm it easy? and its not 1party instance.. there are already some videos floating youtube how they farm it.. 1 instance with 3party of ppl 104lv's with shiny shiny weps/rubys/saphires takes 2h to clean and drops 2 sets(lets say 1 set worth 1.2b thats 2.4b/21ppl) other instance 3 partys of 103/105 destros (also with shiny stuff) clearing 45mins for 1 set (again 1.2b/21 = nothing) when we gona get it lets see how many partys gona finish it from 1st try on core (not even talking about new server where there not gona be +12 pve weps.. rubys 5-6 and etc etc) Mar 16, 2017 its actualy <1h game in core.. when ppl have alt toons with sets/weps and can afford 20kk for expertise rune, just go slay some rbs and u have your 85
someone should make a megathread with poll to pressure innova to find a fix for open world drops (and maybe instance) for 85-99 because they wont care untill most people voice their opinions Mar 16, 2017 It's 3-4 h with some rbs < than 1h with all u said but on fresh server there will be no rbs except for those lucky ones (or 200 ppl gna camp rbs and everyone ge tno xp) and zones will be crowded. Overall will take probably full day or reach it the next day, also lack of mentors
u know that u need only 1 quest in crowded area to reach 85 right? (thats for a grade set, even so its not so mandatory since u can take it piece by peace from daily missions) like 95% of ppl will be trying to grind it with quests, and 5% will go elsewhere where are no ppls and xp is way better
maybe i don't know much about 1-85 tricks last time i was leveling chars there was no grinding options, mobs would give stuff like .1% at low level with vp so idk, i see only killing RBs as a big boost and the main quest. I don't know about any other option but if there is feel free to share
you are who exactly to share info how to exp fast?.. do it like randoms do with quests.. and cry about no mobs in locations Mar 16, 2017 7man instance drops like every other drops only rcp+enchant those 3party instances are hard and im sure alot of random partys gona fail it hard.. clan partys maybe cause they usually have ts or smth similar to talk