Hello, Which tank class is best for solo pve, aoe/party support/pvp/oly ? Every tank can use lion right ? So why panther is + ? Thank you for your opinions !
Best tank for solo pve is HK(solo pve with tanks is VERY slow), for aoe party is the same, you will do mass agro and let the DDs kill, for pvp if you are in CP Evas is the best (aura with more pvp def) or you can go Paladin (aura with more health received) in 101+, before 101 ST for the mass paralyze, for oly the best(personal opinion) is a human HK with Reflect Damage and use chaos to change to ST because of paralyze, this is what most of the ppl do (only for oly) The panther is better because it has more stats simple as that xD, and yea all the tanks have a lion (useless on pvp and most of pve)
It's hard to choose becouse I saw every tank gets Challenge/Recovery/Spirit/Rage/Resistance Aura, thins PK aura is really much better than basics ?
The problem with the tanks is what are useless for all the instances, and no one want to pick he for pve
Paladin's Aura : P./M. Def. +25%, received Heal Amount +25%; P. Critical Damage Received -25%; Party members' P./M. Def. +20%, received Heal Amount +20%; P. Critical Damage Received -20%. Only one Knight's Aura can be active at any time. Avenger's Aura : P. Atk./Atk. Spd + 25%, P. Critical Rate + 80, P. Critical Damage + 25% and Speed + 20. For nearby enemies, P./M. Atk. - 30%, Atk. Spd./Casting Spd. - 30%, Speed - 20 and received Critical Damage + 15%. Only one Knight's Aura can be active at any time. This aura is only for the Hell Knight ! Sentinel's Aura : P./M. Def. + 25%, 6 Attribute Def. + 50, Debuff Resistance + 25%. Party members’ P./M. Def. + 20%, 6 Attribute Def. + 40, Debuff Resistance + 20%. Only one Knight's Aura can be active at any time. Templar's Aura : Increases P. Atk. by 15%, Atk. Spd. by 15%, and Speed by 10. Increases party members' P. Atk. by 10%, Atk. Spd. by 10%, M. Atk. by 10%, Casting Spd. by 10% and Speed by 10. Only one Knight's Aura can be active at any time.
I would make a HK keeping Reflect Damage and after 85 change it to Evas with Chaos Essence, you can change it to Paladin if you like it more
So i guest most wanted for party is PK ? Mar 18, 2017 Can i make paladin and awaken as HK ? Mar 18, 2017 Tank run mosty in pt on this chronicle ? In that case PK should be good for pve
There is not a such thing as a most wanted tank, the best for pvp in party is Evas, and no, you cant make paladin and awake him as HK ...
I think PK is a good choice. You can watch these skills here with more precision : https://l2wiki.com/Sigel_Phoenix_Knight
Cant agree about ET, his awesome but its depends of ur party setup,playstyle and class balance so in one case et>pk and in other case pk>et so there are a lot of reasons to choose sk hk if ur party much stronger than other pts or pk et if u need more ressists
You cannot increase the heal power of this sacrifice skill except by enchanting it. It's a worthless skill in PVP.