Hi, I cannot find GC patch notes anywhere, found some in russian, unfortunately I dont know this language, I can't download pdf file from this topic (http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=292116) either. 1. I wanna try a mage in upcoming server. Which will be the best? I'm wondering between SPH (great amount of M. atk, versatility and cool look), Archmage (additional AoE spell), SH (I was told it's good in PvP). 2. I will also want to make healer as dualclass. Is it possible on Kamael based char (SH) to make healer on sub?
google.com -> google translate -> set up russian to english -> put this link https://ru.4game.com/lineage2/play/grandcrusade/ -> click translate, this patch notes are muchoo better than ncsoft ones. For lazy ppl: https://translate.google.pl/transla...me.com/lineage2/play/grandcrusade/&edit-text=
Well, you could always make sph or archmage for pve stuff and after use chaos essence from l2 store to switch for the one you see best for pvp..
go race dark elf and then change with chaos from l2store to keep the int from dark elf becouse is huge boost for mage's about class now pve king is archmage and pvp i think gonan be necro becouse new pet is to tanky.
dont listen newbs about de you should make kamael with https://l2wiki.com/Expert_Casting_-_Soul_Breaker
well, next update arcane barrier + wiz spirit become toggle.. so dunno if it's worth to lose a lot of m.atk for some reuse on the new double cast..
If u want to do the best mage on gc, it will be the stormscreamer, but in forcebringer what it will be the next patch, the best mage will be the archmage. The sph have the best passive at 102, the only one what give 10% p crit skill, and the archmage in forcebringer will have empowering echo + 20% m attack for his fire stance. Best in gc sph with dark stance Forcebringer Archmage fire stance
Yep, but grand crusade have anothers mini patch on it, grand crusade 1 2 and forcebringer, on grand crusade 1 fsph is the best, stage 2 archmage. The soulhound have a less dmg but for example they have a chance to reset his blink, and the paralysis skill Anyway the mage will be really op on the last patch, when the sws will learn at 102 wizard harmony lvl 2
Because the archmage is the only one with fire stance, fire stance 20%m attack + empowering +25% and this ARCHMAGE: - passive Superior Wizardry changed, example on lv. 102 it gives: Matk +30%, PDF +796, McritDmg +10%, Cooldown -5% (old effect on lvl 102: 15% Matk, 10% Debuff resistance) STORM SCREAMER: - passive Superior Wizardry changed, example on lv. 102 it gives: Matk +30%, Skill Power +5%, McritDmg +10% (old effect on lvl 102: Matk +26%) - can choose Dark (+5% Skill Power) / Wind (+10% McritDmg) - Destruction still AOE, -20% Mdef on targets and something I cannot translate - Buster: Dark = additional dmg against single target, Wind = AOE Stun + cancel target SOUL TAKER: - passive Superior Wizardry changed, example on lv. 102 it gives: Matk +30%, PDF +796, Skill Power +5% (old effect on lvl 102: 15% Matk) - can choose Earth (+796 Pdef) / Dark (+5% Skill Power) - Curse Gloom deleted but effect integrated in Elemental Crash (so u save the extra cast) - Destruction still single, reduces all elemental resists of target by 25 - Buster: Dark = additional dmg against single target, Earth = AOE Knockdown - New Summon on lv.99 with AOE Attack/Debuff (doesn’t require a target) - Does not get the Arcane Barrier Toggle but keeps Transfer Pain MYSTIC MUSE: - passive Superior Wizardry changed, example on lv. 102 it gives: Matk +30%, 5% Damage reduced (I think), Cooldown -10% (old effect on lvl 102: 15% Matk, Cooldown -10%) - can choose Water (-5% Cooldown) / Holy (-5% Damage) - Destruction still single, -20% Mdef, reduces Speed/Attackspeed by 40% - Buster: Water = AOE Freeze, Holy = AOE Stun